Finally build a gaming PC

>finally build a gaming PC

>literally every single game is glitchy as hell and requires endless troubleshooting and configuration before you can play it at a competent level

why do PC gamers put up with this shit?

I'm constantly having to google what the fuck is wrong with my game and scour the internet for solutions or patches

What game are you having trouble with user?

At least on PC it's possible to do all that and get the game running at a competent level. Good luck getting decent framerates on consoles.

Personally, I find that to be part of the fun. I like having a problem to fix; a puzzle to solve. Once I finally get the game working, I close it and go back to Sup Forums, because actually playing video games if for plebs.

I only have that problem with older and Bethesda games.

And it's better than console games with unplayable amounts of glitches, since they're unfixable until the devs feel like putting out a patch.

They put up with it because 90% of the board is either poor or cheap as fuck so they pirate pretty much everything and bitch when something isn't free.

>why do PC gamers put up with this shit?

I don't put up with it because it doesn't fucking happen to me.

yeah you've never had to troubleshoot a game or deal with a buggy port


do you only play 2D pixelshit?

Why are you lying user?

Have you tried not being a fucktard?

name THREE games where this happens
if you can not do this then you can kill yourself

dark souls
nier automata
deadly premonition
devil may cry 3
beyond good & evil
dead space
saints row 2

When I just built my pc I played witcher 3 for 14 hours straight. 1080p 60 fps all settings maxed except for AO with no hairworks. And I was accidentally recording it. No problems at all. Only stopped cause the fan went into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVEU and it scared the shit out of me.

>endless troubleshooting for every game

No. I've literally never had an issue that wasn't fixed by me remembering to update my drivers.

Honestly this looks like someone's idea of what having a gaming PC is like if all you knew about it was shitposts that you read on here

>No. I've literally never had an issue
play more games

You are so full of shit. Why lie? What do you gain?

This stuff shouldn't happen unless there's something very wrong with your build or you're trying to play some games that are notoriously incompatible with modern operating systems. One might stumble upon a problematic game rately, but in general PC gaming has never been as easy as it is now - everything even remotely modern autoupdates and should run without any tinkering.

So either stop lying or fix your shit.

Vampires blood masq, vanilla f3 even NV and oblivion, the Batman game that literally didn't fucking work and everyone got a refund, the Marvel ultimate Alliance 1+2 PC ports. Shut the fuck up faggot

>GTA 4
>Saint's Row 2
I haven't played the rest, but these work out of the box with no adjustments. Are you using Win10 like a retard?

Stop shitposting. What the fuck issues could you even be having?

This is how you can tell someone doesn't actually own a PC. You act like technical problems are some weird supernatural mystery that can just strike out of nowhere. It just isn't like that.

I've had my PC for 3 months now. I've had a few older AAA games do some weird stuff like fail to start cutscenes, no audio, and a couple of crashes but they really haven't been a big deal. So far everything has been easy to fix with a single google search. Newer games also seem to work flawlessly for me, strangely enough

vtm:b runs fine without any fixes as long as it's patched up (steam and gog versions include all these official patches automatically), it's just a much better game if you install the unofficial patches.

Updating your driver's tends to cause half the problems in the first place.

>try to play VTMB
>doesn't launch

>try to play fallout 3
>doesn't launch

>try to play GTA IV
>doesn't launch

>try to play bioshock
>insane screen tearing
>turning on vsync crashes the game
>forcing vsync through graphics card causes input lag

>try to play dark souls
>full second of audio lag even with dsfix
>google it
>no fix

>try to play san andreas
>can't control the camera
>google it
>no fix

Op is obvious fakeflagging faggot.

PC always has problems, even modern games on modern technology, you're even saying fix your shit to justify that you don't have to fix shit, delusional as fuck

i have played maybe 50 or couple more games on my pc (i know that's too few for you)
And only had problems with older games but they were mostly the drivers being too new (i guess)

there is something very wrong with your pc; this doesn't happen for most people.

god have forsaken you
better buy a console instead

The point is that one must have fucked something up if "literally every single game" requires a shitton of tweaking to get running, it's not something that happens if you do stuff normally.

my pc is fine

it plays well-made well-optimized games without issue

it seems to only struggle with pieces of shit

Literally only ds1 is the one Im having problem with on that list, and i only waste like 3min to get to steam forum to get a fix

>My computer

ITT Sonytard acting as if he built a PC and falseflagging again.
Don't you have games to play, retard?

DS1 needs a patch because of cursor speed.
The others work fine. Don't be a faggot.

That's why I get tons of results for "gta iv won't launch" or "bioshock screen tearing" "bioshock texture flicker" right? Because nobody has these issues?

works on my machine ;^)

I tried playing it after the patches, can't say it runs fine, the game needs to be rewritten it's a mess, audio problems, glitches, random crashes after patches. It's a good game, without a doubt but it's just proving the point that PC Games are horribly optimized because in today's age ppl expect immediate patches from the community.

>Literally every game
Literally wrong.

>Playing DMC3 on PC

Oh my god I am so sorry.

you are lying. you're literally lying. fucking google it. any of those games. they're all buggy and unoptimized and need community patches.

if you think unpatched DMC3 on steam is fine, you haven't fucking played it. why are you lying about something you haven't played?

>scour the internet for patches
Smells like shit posting
All modern games have auto updating and only a retard wouldn't update their drivers
And assuming that you build the pc yourself you should have the knowledge to do so

your anecdotal evidence means nothing. I can probably get results for "I stuck X game up my ass, what do I do?"

It's fucking google for crying out loud.

Never had that problem, most of my games ran smoothly, if there ever was a problem it's mainly because of a shitty port. Give me your specs.

if it's shit then it shouldn't be for sale. they shouldn't be selling it if it's not in an acceptable state to play. you can't excuse it by saying "well everyone knows THAT port is bad!" that doesn't fucking make it okay it only strengthens my point.

>you are lying. you're literally lying
holy shit that sound retarded

I'm talking about community patches for broken games you mong

this board seriously has its head up its ass. you'll do anything to defend PC gaming, even blatantly lie about things that can be easily looked up.

Works on my Machine: The Thread
You kids are so fucking pathetic.

He's right though, last console from Sony that I owned was a PS2, I wish pc gaming got the love that the PS2 had

>that sound retarded

Nah, this guy is a fucking liar. there's no way that all games ran badly in a PC unless your specs meet less of the minimum requirements of a game or its a shitty port. He's just here to shitpost.

First thing to do whenever you install your OS:
-Update DirectX
-Update your GPU Driver
-Update the Audio's Driver
-Update/Install your Ethernet/LAN Driver
-Install .NET Framework 3.5 & 4.0
-Install the C++ Libraries 2005, 2008, 2010 & 2012
-Configure as you see fit the options of your GPU's Control Panel

Unless you're playing some really old and awfully made PC Port or a recently released port/game that has problems in everyone's PCs, you should be able to play everything just fine.

Judging by how you completely ignored though, I'd say you're shitposting for the sake of your pointless PC VS Console war.


Can we report this fucker?

You'd be surprised just how many games don't actually work on PC

Why look up something that you can try yourself?
Only programs i've had problems with on pc are:
pirated solidworks
Day z mod
Using a wheel in some games
og thief
pirated AC revelations
and setting up multiplayer in older games

Name three.

>pirated solidworks

you absolute monster.

I don't think that anyone sensible denies that there are problem games that tend to be a bit buggy (Bioshock etc.), bad ports (Dark Souls 1 etc.) and rare, downright broken ones that are almost impossible to get running (Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of Earth), it's just that OP worded his point so retardedly that it attracts equally stupid opposite reactions.

I mean, just look at that opening post:
>literally every single game is glitchy as hell and requires endless troubleshooting
Anyone with any experience with PC gaming knows that that's pure bullshit, so it's either blatant shitposting or OP fucking something up so hard that it shouldn't be possible.


Ugh, tell me about it
>Finally build a gaming PC
>No longer able to enjoy video games. I can't escape into them the way I could as a child and I just feel sick, like I'm wasting valuable time that I should be using to better myself and the world around me.
>The reality of adult life is that after spending the day working to pay bills and financially treading water, those aspirations will go unfulfilled because I lack the drive and ambition to spend my remaining energy on anything constructive and I just want to be able to run away into a virtual world
>But I can't anymore

Called to a shop and they tried to sell it to me for 500e so i said i'd call back

damn, I KNOW that feel bro.

Yeah, because their specs meet less of the required minimum or the game is a shitty port.
An example of this is AC Unity, that shit was abysmal on PC release, but when they patched it numerous times the game ran fine without sacrificing the Graphics. There are tons of games that runs well ona PC so long you meet the minimum required spec.

Now if you are the OP I would like to see your specs through Piriform speccy or something like that, not gonna accept a post.

Just answer to this What games do you have problems with?

>Anyone with any experience with PC gaming knows that that's pure bullshit
But it's true.

Well, that sucks bro, Luckily I have a lot of free time on my hands so building a PC is fun for me.

>or the game is a shitty port
Okay. Why is this not a valid reason to complain?

You're acting like that's just the way it is and everyone should deal with it. OP asked why PC gamers put up with it.

There's enough shit in the thread, you can blatantly ignore the numerous amount of shit ports and early access trash or contribute to the very problem of PC gaming which is pretending this isn't a thing.

exact same shit here

>this bait thread

I know OP is baiting us, but check out

Not that user, but shitty ports eventually gets patched and ends up running better than their console equivalents, that's why some people put up with it. You're absolutely not wrong though, poorly made PC Ports shouldn't happen.

>I don't like what's being said so it's bait

I guess it is bait, it sure baited in all these shitposters to reply to it.

>why do PC gamers put up with this shit?
because its the ultimate casual filter
if you can drive a pc, you're usually a person with much more patience, independence and critical thinking skills.
Basically things that make you a mature adult and not a console baby.

It's not and you're retarded if you believe it. Like I said, there are games that work worse than they should, but in the grand scheme of things they are just a single drop in the ocean, not the majority.

was decent bait. i still smelled it immediately tho.

Look dude. You fucked up your falseflag thread by saying "literally every single game" which isn't at all believeable to anyone who actually owns a gaming PC.

Next time try toning it down a bit and making it slightly more subtle and it would work better

>but shitty ports eventually gets patched and ends up running better than their console equivalents
Still waiting on Dishonored 2. Still waiting on Arkham Knight.

This is really disgusting I wish people would agree their platform is being mistreated instead of saying it's okay to release broken games on launch

Why are you blaming your shitty pc's problems on us when you clearly fucked up the build.

I've been playing on PC for over 20 years and I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, OP

>try to play fallout 2
>Screen turns into a fucking rainbow
>Have to rewrite something into a file
>It fixies it but I ca't click anything
>Look up another video where I have to undo what I previously did
>Finally get to play Fallout 2 after a week of fucking around
>Get bored with it after 2 minutes

>spend 5 minutes researching a purchase
>end up not buying shitty ass fag garbage
>holy shit I'm a genius

It is a valid reason to complain, that's why developers release a patch to it, I still dont know why till this day why some publishers think its okay to release a shitty port.

I never said its not. What kind of reading comprehension level do you have?

I am SAYING games that dont run well on a PC is mainly due to not meeting the minimum requirements, OR the port is SHITTY, I never said them to DEAL WITH IT.

You try to sway this conversation somewhere?

Last time I've Googled, BAK was playable though. Did you tried it recently or just once near its release?

Stick to fallout 4 on your ps4.

I have a 2GB video Ram and Arkham knight runs at a stable 60fps on medium settings, there still some areas that dips the frame rate to 30 but other than that its finefor me.

The only game I couldn't get to work is kane and lynch 1, it had like 0.5fps.

This. Couldn't play Nier: Automata until I downgraded my drivers to several versions back, and only then the fucking game stopped crashing every 5 minutes. From now on I'm gonna update my drivers only if some game specifically requires it, otherwise fuck that shit.

Give me your specs using piriform speccy( or something similar) or you's a liar.

arkham knight is totally playable no, you'll need a higher end cpu and gpu to get 60 fps at 1080p, but there isn't anything wrong with it

t. someone that owns and plays it

Not op and two of those posts are mine, I know it's not every game I'm just agreeing that a lot of it is shit. Which it is. I'm aware there are good developers

>console babbies can't into pc

A noob shiposter DESU

Lol, if it's a game you looked forward to its a shitty feeling.

But does it get 60fps when you run it on medium?

This guy is a troll dude, sadly they fell for it.

Protip: For older games like Fallout 1 and/or 2 ALWAYS use the GOG Version. DOSBox isn't fun to deal with.

With that being said though, it technically isn't the PC Platform's fault that you didn't liked it.

>Still waiting on Dishonored 2

Well ironically the PC version is actually the least fucked. Which suggests you are a consolewarrior who saw some PC users complaining about it dropping from 60 and added that to your falseflagging folder

So the fact that I might need to spend an hour digging through config files or reinstalling different drivers just to play a fucking game makes me a superior person to console gamers, where games just work without any additional effort? Maybe instead of just using a spoon to eat you go get a piece of metal, make a spoon yourself and then feel very proud of yourself?