Is this the best video game mountain?
Is this the best video game mountain?
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>cant even climb it
whats that hood
Hylian Hood, sold in Kakariko and Hateno. No set bonuses, but upgrades fast since the items are Bokoblin parts and Amber.
>posting meme games
Not being ironic, I think Throat of the World is the best.
was thinking about that, then I realized its just a walking sim in a walking sim with about 5 enemies. Considering its lore tho its probably the best.
I can't see it
Unless i missed it, that one isn't from kakariko. The one from there is black while OP's cape is white.
you can dye clothes m8
That looks very cool, however the game itself looks hideous. I have no doubt if I looked at one of these screenshots for 5 minutes I'd get a headache. What on earth is wrong with this lighting?
Nigga please, that discount Xenoblade mountain doesn't even rank.
Death Mountain, on the other hand, is pretty sweet.
>see that mountain
>you can climb it
can you really climb that mountain?
...did you even play the game
Zelda is a meme series
Your favorite series is a meme series
The trailers made dueling peaks look way bigger than they actually are
They are still fucking enormous, just not as enormous as this footage made it look
Yes you can
oh yeah? well your life is a meme
>Implying Zelda can compete
>overlooking the best character in the game
That's not a mountain, if you want to shill XCX then post the Sylvalum one at least.
what is physics
Any random rock from Hebra territories is probably bigger than the twin stones meme.
nice gimick that can keep people occupied for 2 hours before the novelty wears off and they all get back to usual way of doing things since it's more convenient / faster
Lmao get better at climbing. There're shrines at each peak famalamo
The mountain is cool but the ravine is what makes it neat because you can turn the camera and see the massive cliffs surrounding you as you walk through it.
does BoTW have invisible walls?
Can you at least to have pretended to have played the game?
magic magnetational powers
Something along the lines of "you can't go in that direction anymore".
Bet your ass it does
The giant bottomless ravine surrounding the upper half, also getting too close to the edge of the world summons strong wind that acts as a solid impassable wall by blowing you away (also present at the boundaries of the ocean)
Desert just straight up blocks you with a legit invisible wall. Also one peak in Hebra on the border of the desert can't be climbed despite it being a clearly playable area
That's the decent kind of fog, though.
How isn't it a mountain?
What is it then? What do we call it?
Is a retard, I suppose.
Its world obviously ends somewhere and the game tells you there is the end of the world, however, there are no invisible walls within the world unlike Fallout (especially New Vegas) and even Witcher 3.
There's not a name for that shit because it doesn't exist in real life. Sure as fuck it's not a mountain.
>Look at that mountain, you can climb it
>Other studios takes on Open World games after Skyrim
>Nintendo lets you actually climb mountains
There also dosen't exist grass like in Xenoblade in the real world, we still call it grass or plants.
Actually there is one I can think of that meets that criteria
Gerudo tower requires you cross a mud bog to get to it, but strong impassable winds will magically appear in front of you to blow you away and prevent you from gliding to it if you try to approach it from any other direction than the 'correct' one.
The name the game uses, "Talon Rock", is pretty generic and doesn't tell you much about what it's really supposed to be.
It's a massive rock formation that extends from the planet's crust. It's a mountain. It doesn't matter if it has a weird shape, it's still a mountain. Nothing like Death Mountain could exist in real life either but that's still a mountain too.
I don't really know much about geology but to me a mountain is a rock formation with a conical shape taller than 1000 meters. Also isn't Death Mountain just literally a mere volcano?
That massive flower in the lake sure looks interesting, I wonder if there's any good loot in the center?
>Nothing like Death Mountain could exist in real life either
You do know that volcanoes are a thing that exist on Earth right?
That's not an invisible wall though. You can see the gusts of wind and it's very clearly a puzzle you're supposed to solve.
There are invisible walls, you fucking liar.
If anyone doubts this, just Google it. There are autists on this board who lie about video games.
>I can't make any valid criticism so I'll call it a meme
Every other tower lets you solve the puzzle anyway you want to, including literally skipping the entire thing
Except this tower. It's literally impossible to get to unless you do it the way the designer wants you to do it. The gusts railroad you to the 'correct' path instead of letting you reach the tower however you wanted like every other tower lets you.
user asked if there are invisible walls like in New Vegas. There aren't. In New vegas, you can't climb up and over certain mountains. You get blocked by invisible walls in places OTHER THAN the map edges. Of course there are invisible walls at the edges of the map. What do think you can keep walking forever all over the planet?
You're still free to stack the boxes whichever way you want and from whatever angle, you just can't glide. I don't see the problem. It's a puzzle.
...but you have to if you want to finish the shrines...
You can climb anything. You can sure as hell climb both those mountains. There's paired shrines at the top of each peak.
Despite Skyrim kinda being kind of a shitty game, climbing to the top of that around midnight and talking with Paarthurnax all through the night, and concluding as the sun rises... that was pretty fucking special. Great voice work by Charles Martinet. Guy's got some pretty fantastic range.
You can literally use Cryonis to cross the bog within seconds.
You're free to use any method you like EXCEPT the glider. Same thing happens with Death Mountain.
The only invisible walls are the far north, far south, far east and far west. The actual world borders you can see on the map screen. There are no invisible walls within the world itself.
Botw graphics aren't that good to be hon.est
I swear Nintenbros are worse than muslims when it comes to denial.
That's the world border.
What would you have preferred, a fucking sheer drop?
A super boss, never killed it, no idea what it drops.
Isn't it literally a walking simulator and loved by NeoGAF?
That's the end of the world. What do you expect to happen? Is this mental illness?
They are, though. At least on TV and Cemu.
Only the map edges, which the other anons have described
Guess I fail to see the difference.
I thought it was cool, and I liked the gimmick its shrines had.
Shit why dont they procedurely generate the whole planet (like star citizen claims they have done) obviously outside of game area could be plain desert/landscape, ocean or some jungle with nothing in it. Players could just days/weeks/ months traveling around the globe if they wished.
So you refuse to play any open world game unless its world is infinitely large? Do you know what video games are and how they're made?
mad men is not a good show
>tfw spent like 30 minutes climbing the southern dam wall into zora's domain while it was raining nonstop because I didn't know you could just walk in from the west
No I'm just asking what's the difference between having a mountain you can't climb and just impassable air.
It's unreasonable to expect anything but a border at the edge of a map.
Link's diverse moveset also makes it difficult to define a natural world border in the game's geography without seeming just as contrived.
Can you climb it?
The difference is one of verisimilitude, or immersion. The former obeys the logic of the game, and the latter is an exception to that logic. As it happens, Breath of the Wild has both.
How is it obeying to the logic of the game when you're able to climb any other mountain just fine?
my life is a meme and my reddit game mean
>Is this the best video game mountain?
>Blatantly ripping off Monterrey's signature hill
Maybe it's a plateau since it's flat on top?
There are games that have no invisible walls. Zelda is not one of them. It doesn't matter if they're at the edge of the map or not. Zelda could have used other methods to keep players within the map, such as strong winds at sea or always slippery cliffs, and it would feel much less restrictive than just "You can't go any further". Would have been fun if they let you attempt to climb the huge cliff on the north side of the map too, maybe even make it possible to reach the top but have some kind of deterrent on the hills on top to prevent players from going too far, like low oxygen causing constant health loss or something.
Personally, I'd have preferred an invisible wall to what we got. The giant, featureless cliff is ugly as Hell and it vastly diminishes the sense of scale delivered by the rest of the map. A bottomless ravine doesn't mesh well with an open world, least of all one which features traversable ravines with secrets hidden at the bottom. The border between the death pit and the ocean is probably the most hideous part of the world map.
Lore time. What the fuck even exists outside of Hyrule? The place has undergone multiple apocalypses and seen at least two highly-advanced civilizations rise and fall over the course of tens of millennia. Has the rest of the world gone uninhabited for all that time?
2012 was before memes, you underaged cock sucker.
I think it's literally called a Plateau in the game, not sure
Nope, it's "first, second and third Talon Rock terrane".
> a rock formation with a conical shape
Turns out that's only a subset of mountains, called peaks. Mountains include things not made of rock and having all kinds of shapes.
Wait, if you're talking about OP's mountain, you can climb that. I think you're confused.
The only invisible walls are the four walls of the actual world map. There's nothing beyond it, although there's obviously 3D models to show there IS obviously land outside of the world map, but not in the way it makes you think there's anything interesting.
Not that it matters, you're clearly baiting or just out to shit on the game so whatever.
It's pretty obvious that you haven't played the game you're trying to talk about, user. You can't climb the cliff because you can't reach it. You can't reach it by foot because there's a death pit between the game world and the boundary cliff. You can't para-glide to it because of a strong headwind. That is the game informing the player that an area is impassible using the rules of the game, rather than explicitly stating so. Wind currents and death pits are established elements of the game's rules; they exist elsewhere in the overworld and even in shrines (but in those areas they are used to set up puzzles rather than outright deny access). As I already mentioned, the game still has one invisible boundary wall, at the westernmost edge of the desert area.
It's a new form of anti-faggot lighting. Makes them puke up semen and out themselves as having no understanding of subjectivity
I like to think that there's still a landmass for Northern Hyrule, even if it hasn't really existes in the series outside of Zelda 2.
Journey sucks.
Denali from Steep
Man, BOTW is a pretty sexy game.
You can literally see in my pic the game won't let me climb the wall/mountain whatever with a tooltip on top of that.
yeah it was pretty good hearing it the first ten times or so
not sure about the other two hundreds though
>non puoi procedere oltre
Mount Olympus
I'm not sure what's worse, Xenoblade overusing shitty tracks or Zelda underusing literally every track/not having a track at all.
Did you reply to the wrong post here? You asked me to explain the difference between an impassible ravine which obeys the game's logic, and an invisible wall which does not. I did so, and I also mentioned that Breath of the Wild has examples of both. I haven't explored every inch of the map's boundary, so I don't know precisely where each example appears. What point are you trying to make?
I don't even know anymore.
At the map borders but that's about it.
There are invisible walls. Try climbing Mount Agaat.
In the immediate vicinity of Divine Beasts after you've purified them too.
Fuck yourself