Tencent will create competitor for steam
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Based Tencent. Honestly the best gaming company around at the moment
can you even spectate lol?
Pretty sure that's already a thing, it's called QQ.
>using Chinese services
Steam is bad enough, why the fuck would I want a Chinese version of it?
They are rebranding QQ and taking it worldwide as WeGame. Already has support from Activision (Which Tencent owns a good chunk of), Ubisoft and EA. China rumors have Microsoft possibly on board as well.
Best chance of actual competition and Valve to actually start giving a shit again now that Windows Store is blunder of the century. Tencent comes in with exclusive games and support for publishers not on Steam and Valve has to start making/funding games to make their service attractive again. Valve's already got protection in China since Perfect World are backing them but a competing service with way more money and industry clout is really going to make them work again.
Especially if you imagine they launch in the west with Destiny 2 exclusive to their platform for a month before Steam gets it. That would be a massive blow for Valve.
>best anything
>not buying chink stuff
oh, son... i pray one day you will see the light
They make the best phones, they probably make all the phones.
literally no one in the west will use it just because of the retarded name that sounds like a knockoff product
sounds as retarded as wii u
what if they create the Steam of porn games and Animu MMO?
>the only company that could potentially go toe to toe in steam is only china
It's pretty much expected that even blizzard and capcom has to bend over for them just to release knock offs of their own games inside china
I'm honestly surprised that there isn't a fair bit of discussion about Tencent in general, given their investments into various vidya companies
Chinks doesn't care about the name as long you utter to them that it comes from china they'll buy it
>picking chink malware over le based gaben summer sale social network
Not a chance dude
Do they own any competent studios yet? That's probably why.
Don't they have a pretty good hand in ActiBlizz, Epic Games, and Riot?
No idea how the fuck they got the Monster Hunter IP either and yet their game somehow has shittier sound design and arguably worse animation
in blizz not that much, riot yes.
But Sup Forums loves discord
Does this mean that they will be selling porn games?
Not for me it wont, Chinakikes are worse than normal kikes.
>not wanting free but monetized copies of western games
rebranding an already existing service/software =/= making a competitor
most of the chinkies already use qq
Ew... hearing that makes me feel dirty
If you are at all hyped for this you are a moron. Tencent is the absolute scum of the vidya industry. Good luck trying to get any kind of refund for any reason or any kind of customer service. I really hope they don't absorb battle.net, that would be the final nail in the coffin for Blizzard.
>Don't they have a pretty good hand in ActiBlizz, Epic Games, and Riot?
That's a no then.
No one is really excited about this right? RIGHT?
>Especially if you imagine they launch in the west with Destiny 2 exclusive to their platform for a month before Steam gets it. That would be a massive blow for Valve.
Why would a sequel for a trash ass game releasing a month sooner be a blow for valve
>can't buy the games out-right
>have to get them through a gatcha system.
no thanks
>if we keep copy pasting it'll work someday
never change chinks
I had never heard of tencent before I opened this thread. I doubt this will gain any traction outside of the china market so I have absolutely no need to think of tencent ever again.
porn is literally illegal in chinkland, one of their smartest moves tbfh
>all these Valvefags thinking competition would make Valve work harder
They will just panic while not doing anything and go quietly into the night. They are literally incapable of providing good service anymore.
>chinese steam
nah, i'd rather not
you're thinking of korea
feels good to live in a free world where i can choose between a fat kike and a chink company
does that mean we might get monster hunter online?
yeah, because that's literally what happened with origin
just sell a cracked dota 2 and some mobile games and boom, instant hit
i know that japan is jokingly called china but in this case it's literally china
And they did nothing to deal with the threat of Origin, just introduced more money fleecing options. They just got lucky Origin failed. They might not get lucky forever.
the difference is that americans know a deal is a deal
while the chinese know that the quality of the deal depends on how much money they're getting out of it
sounds even more generic and like a chinese knock off than tencent
what makes them think anyone outside of japan will use this?
>im retarded
>hurr durr
user please
Just like every other chinkshit, nobody outside of chinkland will give a fuck and continue to use steam.
Although it will still be successful just off the back of their domestic market alone.
No it wont
You didn't have to quote how Gaben runs Steam nowadays, but thank you anyways.
>They might not get lucky forever.
Its certainly not going to be some shitty Chinese company that does it though
No, China also banned porn but is somewhat more lenient about it.
Somewhat because they will still put in jail people once in a while to serve as an example.
Also being a fujoshi is a big no in China.
>they make the best phones
No troll. Are you retarded? Do you know anything about Tencent at all?
Couldn't Tencent just buy out steam?
Oh you're right, this shit will 99% join the ranks of the other useless services, unless Tencent is willing to spend a shitload of money to catch up.
>Backed by various garbage AAA publishers
Yeah, I'll pass.
Valve's privately owned.
No, because Valve is a private company.
Valve is not a public company and cannot be bought out. Could be offered a ridiculous amount of money but it'd still be a bad deal since they have a license to print money having a monopoly on digital distribution of PC games.
>They are literally incapable of providing good service anymore.
What are your complain about them? Because most (if not all) of the complain made about steam can also be found in the console market. The only valid complain was "you only buy a license" and this is not unique to steam anymore since digital distribution is getting bigger on console.
No I meant China.
Another smart thing they did is stop the feminist shit laws of divorce, basically any woman who decides to go all 'muh independence' gets nothing after a divorce. That law makes me want to move there, but the country is fucked up in other ways, so I'm not sure yet.
t. guy who got burned by western divorce law
The chair you're sitting on was made in China
So was your desk
Most of your computer probably was too
Honestly show me something in your cave that isn't made in China fuckboy
Hahahahaha. No. We can argue about Steam telemetry, but chinese shit, ESPECIALLY Tencent is on another level. You will get your whole shit sniffed, stolen, sold, transferred, shared, stocked.
video games
>t. guy who got burned by western divorce law
no i wasn't
no i meant me, probably meant to not put t., it's just muscle memory at this point.
>Most of your computer probably was too
Taiwan/Hong Kong for those actually.
>needing luck when the jewery is far worse I'm the steam clones than in steam
Tencent owns Riot. This will be the new Leauge Launcher and nothing more. Which will make like the 6th launcher for LoL in China.
>s-spoonfeed me !
Discord for a start.
My Dragon Dildos were made in America.
Is it so hard to follow a conversation these days. Whatever you claim to know about Tencent is irrelevant to my interests and irrelevant to my reply.
>The chair you're sitting on was made in China
It wasn't.
>So was your desk
>Most of your computer probably was too
Oh, finally China
Is not a competitor because this is for chinks.
Taiwan is China too
The only Chinese thing in my room is the condenser mic I sepcifically ordered from Ali.
You just live in a third world country/ poverty state, fagface.
We all told you that 3D is PD
But did you listen? Noooooooooo
Chink women are the exact same
I don't see how it could compete with steam simply on a userbase level unless it was required to run certain games such as League of Legends
I would finally have a strong reason to quit League if that happened at least, fuck having to deal with some communist spying tool.
>I don't see how it could compete with steam simply on a userbase level
there over a billion people over there alone. how can it NOT compete?
only if you mean republic of China
>Chink women are the exact same
You can marry any cunt, as long as your shit is protected by law, and it is China, and it isn't in the West, meaning you could move to China with whatever cunt is willing to marry you and she can't do shit.
I forgot China existed for a moment sorry
welllll as far as a non-chinese userbase goes then.
I actually just read that whole thing, holy fuck.
Fuck the chinese
My TV and Monitor, my chair because I literally made it myself, my two figures, my desk, my two nightstands, most of the parts in my pc, my bed, sheets, pillows and blanket, none of the games I own.
What is WeChat?
You were correct.
You are a newfag.
steamfags on suicide watch
yes, it'll be big in China. no one here cares about China
>200m Chinese users
Effectively zero due to seperate servers.
Additionally, it's probably the only "blessed" service of its kind in China.
They're going to get rid of all the skeletons in games.
>population of 1.4 billion people
>200m is a lot
>buy a game
>tries installing
>mandatory BADU toolbar installation
>computer runs 300% slower
>play game at 19fps
>s-steam b-btfo i guess.
china lol
Just because they have 200m chinks doesn't mean they'll find appeal in burgerstan.
They don't have enough ActiBlizz shares to put any meaningful western games on there, probably not enough for anything by Epic.
LoL is the only thing they can put on there to get an install base, and it's only one game, so they aren't really using the service.
more than the population in your country cuckboy
I'll use it
In fucking hell, since that's probably the method they'll use to torture me.
less than the amount of people who have fucked your mom
So Chinese medicine is like American. Oh you're dying? Ok we can help gonna need that insurance card tho.. better hurry you could die soon.. Oh no insurance? Well.. have some aspirin. Good luck. By the way you owe us just for us looking at you.
Still part of china :^)