Nier Automata is getting a Kaine costume

>Nier Automata is getting a Kaine costume

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice try faggot, but it's read kainé, not Kayne. Fuck off with your unoriginal, unfunny meme.



>this kind of posting style is completely acceptable on Sup Forums
I can't name a place more degenerate than Sup Forums, I just can't.

His name is spelled Caim.



Someone called?

would you say you can't even?

>2b ass no always visible
>hurr lets put some unrelated custome in there that shows off her ass 24/7 and give it a retarded name

fucking hate unoriginal devs like that, that dress looks like trash

this costume looks problematic I'm afraid

fuckin when?

What happens if she self-destructs?

Just when I get all endings and have nothing left to do in the game! Nice timing Taro, you fucking retard.

easy, delete your save like you were supposed to and after six months replay the game but with this costume instead

>unrelated custome
Easy on the bait there, kiddo.

You obtain a polearm

I've already beaten the game multiple times, completely burnt out on it.
This game is shit tier in terms of replayability.

Is there a front view?

Bulge confirmed?


Maybe you should go back to your favorite sub then

>no skimpy outfit for 9S

They're not even trying to be subtle anymore with the sexiness. Bare ass cheeks in your face.

This is an outfit from the previous game you nu-aged fuck.
Dont you dare try to pretend you knew that


>I can't be more desperate

The thread

When were they trying to be subtle

Please tell me this new costume has a bulge.

No you fucking faggot.

Kaine's original costume didn't have the bulge though


You mean her dick.

Wow. Fucking retards just lost a sale.


Go be a faggot elsewhere.

Who is Kaine?

gratuitous nudity isn't something healthy people complain about

That's a good thing in every possible way

Back to plebbit you go.

my duck needs to be a HD webm of this pls

>giving a source
Look at this fucking faggot. Fuck off to reddit

I'm hoping we get a zero outfit as well.

>he says in a thread for a game set in a world were demon futas masturbate in front of nuns

>not helping your fellow Sup Forumsirgin
Hi neo/v/

>he says avatarfagging
whew you sure told him

>no dick

not even worth my time




>muh avatarfagging
go cry to a mod, faggot

>helping nu/v/eddit
end yourself fag

>still no crack

My original plan was to wait exactly one month and if no crack I would buy, which would be today. But then 2dark got cracked. So I decided I'd wait till the end of may. But oh my fucking god the wait is literally killing me to the point where I can't even play my backlog because I just want nier ;_;


>CEO's of Squenix and Platinum are enemies in the DLC

Fuck lmao

Just buy it?

>paying for something you could possibly get for free
c u c k

You do realize how lucky we are to even get a Nier sequel and it was almost a garbage phone game.

Buy this and support a sequel if you love Nier so much.

Honestly really tempted. Think I'll hang on till the end of april. Can't deal with waiting any longer.

I like free stuff user. I don't really support any games. Feel free to call me cancer.

That's not what cuckolding is you retard.

Fuck off avatarfagging troglodyte.



Shit character
Shit outfit
Shit voice acting

Really hoped I'd never see that slut and her disgusting outfit again.

Worthless futa abomination.

Fuck off, normie.

Holy shit, this is already getting complaint in Neogaf

Check this

Just come out of the closet already you raging faggot.

You would know. Cuck.

Put on a dress and bend over, I'll make you a faggot too.





>no dad Nier


I'm not a faggot so no thank you.

The protagonists in Automata are 2 girls and a little boy, who would even fit papa Nier's outfit?

Then why are you on Sup Forums, faggot?

Not big enough. Her dick is supposed to be pretty large.

Everyone. I just want them to get their titties out.

Because I like video game and mistakenly thought this would be a thread about Nier.


Just buy it, idiot

>Because I like video game

Then why are you on Sup Forums?

>no cute outfit for 9S
im keeping my money desu

But does the DLC let 2B wear A2's wig?

Because it's still the designated Video Games board on Sup Forums. If I make a video game thread on Sup Forums, /ck/ or /lit/ it's going to be deleted or moved here.

>Implying young Niers outfit isn't lewd as fuck

Buy it on antidenuvo for 2 bucks?

>No shota Emil outfit for 9S
What outfit is he even wearing?

>paying to pirate

nah, you're alright

Young bro Nier

How are they pirates? They just lend their legally owned game to you.

>A2 gets some actual clothes
This is weird.

Ah, at last. I must say I'm disappointed in Squeenix's progress. I imagined they'd reference me sooner.

You can already see A2's tits, that black material is her actual body. Her clothing only covers her midriff basically, she's pretty much naked.

I would have paid money if I could get DadNiers stupid leatherman outfit on 9S

2B and 9S need to get their artificial nipples out then.

