
So, I guess no one really cares about the real Dark Souls 3 anymore, huh?

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Perfect example of how to shoot yourself in the foot. They botched the release with no pvp and now its too late.

Terrible game. You have to be extremely contrarian to praise this over even the worst Dark Souls.

Is that you, Oroboro?

The demo was shit. Which was a real shame. To be honest, I didn't even know it released.

I was playing yesterday when I heard my mother scream because she learned that my aunt killed herself.

But I was loving the game before that.

What a fun thread we're having here.

Finished the game last week, it was fun, but there is no way im gonna farm amrita up to level 750

Sorry, talking about it takes a little of the weight away.

I put 140 hours into it, I cleared every mission on both difficulties. Loved the hell out the game, but there wasn't a whole lot to do beyond that.


sorry about your loss, user

Thanks a lot.

Why is the main character a paddy when his real life counterpart is based off an Englishman? Literally cultural appropriation.

It's fine, definitely nothing more than a 7/10 though. It's not souls game, it's just fucking Ninja Gaiden + you need to pick up your exp where you die.

That's implying the english have a culture. All you do is take exciting shit from elsewhere, make it boring, and say you invented it.

>it's not a Souls game
>it's more like Ninja Gaiden
I really just can't tell if you guys are shitting or not. I really can't.

>No culture
>Didnt invent anything
>What is Industrial Revolution
>What is Scientific Method

More culture than micks. They were only used as our cannon fodder and grunts for acquiring our Empire. Nothing more was offered to us or the world by those illiterate potato munchers.

I don't know what that means, you must be the triggered contrarian.

We already agreed on it being shit, now stop bringing it on

Idiot its a Ninja Gaiden prequel. It even plays like the 3D Ninja Gaiden.

>Makes souls threads all day about how dark souls 3 is bad
>Gets no replies
>Makes same thread, but with nioh picture
Why are you so desperate for (you)s OP

Yeah, man. Just like Ninjamusha. So much more like them than the Souls games.

Hmm along with the Scots they invented television. An English guy also invented the internet. They invented modern democracy. The English language your using right now. Fucking Shakespeare. The computer. They are America's parent nation and most importantly they gave us Doctor fucking Who.


>Protagonist is boring as fuck
>Story is confusing and makes no sence
>Main villian belongs in a Saturday morning cartoon.

I don't know, user. I just crave them. If I go a day without my sick (You)s I get this fucking itch that just won't go away and I have to beat my dogs.

I have to. I must beat my dogs.

>So, I guess no one really cares about the real Resident Evil 3 anymore, huh?:

This is how retarded you sound

He's from the west country you fucking plebeian.

>>Main villian belongs in a Saturday morning cartoon.
>Implying that's a bad thing.
He had me laughing everytime he was on screen. His voice actor was hamming it up the whole time. Demons during the warring states period is silly so having an evil wizard being sick only adds to it.

>The game's main protagonist is William (Ben Peel[6]), a blonde-haired Irishman who arrives in Japan in pursuit of an enemy.

Sick desu.

Well, that's not necessarily wrong. Comparatively, SH1 is better than RE3 in every way.

He clearly has a west country accent. Your wiki citation isn't helping you much either.

I don't really like this game that much, the story elements are uninteresting and I feel like the limited number of enemies really holds the game back.

I do. Loved the game to bits and I just can't get enough of the combat, but the game is seriously starved for content. Especially in enemy types, which is a shame because otherwise it would have been perfect

There's just nothing more to discuss at this point, game's dead (I died a little when the general at /vg/ finally died).
I would like to say that the DLC will breathe new life into it, and I can't wait to play around with the odachis, but if we're being honest the game is just doomed to die off

>in vidya
>ever being accurate


And yet we somehow have not ended up with a genre called "clocktower-likes" or "ResidentDinoHill" and we can have a thread about Resident Evil, Dino Crisis or Silent Hill simply on their own merit without bringing up the others as default. Imagine the plebian discussion as you just want to talk about Silent Hill 3 say:
>i like that Heather gets the katana earlier on, its good for saving ammo
>the guns in SH3 in particular are shit though, Resident Evil 2 did firing hand guns a lot better

And then this line of argument goes on and on and on wether or not SH3, RE2 or Dino Crisis had the best hand guns and then some pleb throws "actually RE1 had the best hand guns" and they start all over again. mfw.

I like the part where Americans think games set in mediveal fantasy ought to have modern american accents, even if the game was made by Japan or someplace else.

Had alot of fun. Spent about 50 hours or so with it in the first couple weeks. I'm not interested in the loot grind, but I will go back and get 100% mission completion and the platinum eventually.

Fair point, I getcha.

>DLC coming out May 2

Go-=we[pvwkaogvwe OHV)(IOVGeriobehbo cc


The most sensible thing I've seen on Sup Forums in yonks

No character creation, no deal though.

Why? Do you self insert?

Knowing that's literally the point of video games, sure.

How bad must your life be to actually think that's how video games are for everyone?

If you want to believe that, sure.

Not everyone is so horribly depressed they have to project themselves into video games to be a big cool tough guy, user.

Your Aunt was a selfish, evil cunt and that's why she'll be screaming 1000 times louder than your mother did as she is tortured and raped by demons in Hell for the rest of time.

I honestly never cared for character creation in these games
Do you want it so you can play as a grill?

This, I truly don't care about playing as a pre-made character in a single player game. I don't need to be a female robot to enjoy Nier, I don't need to be a fucking mass shooter to enjoy GTA, I don't need to be a bald assassin to enjoy Hitman.

Eh, didn't even think bout it that way.
Sounds like you know more about that than me.


Sometimes, I just don't like generic rugged man.

>literally a white washing sjw game for Japanese

Was playing eu4 when my wife thought she was having a miscarriage in the bathroom. Got home from the E.R. 11 hours later and saw the game was right where I left off at. Baby was fine but made me just think how things can seem so small and pointless when the real world rears its ugly head.

I just got it and I fucking love this game. But not as souls game but as the Onimusha sequel I never got. ;_;

Explain further. Also explain the popularity of games like Tetris.

Catchy music, and damn simple yet a great time waster.

>doctor who

I agree. But you did just say the point of video games is "literally" self insertion. Why do you think this?

That reply made no sense? Are you triggered because the BBC wont make the Doctor a Black woman or a woman full stop?

Sorry but women just don't sell TV shows as well as men.

Big straight peice is literally my dick.

You're playing a character in a video games. Isn't that a self insertion?

>only four squares large
Poor little white boy.

I already forgot about this game. It was fun for a little while but so fucking boring. After some hours I tunred into a killing machine. The few different enemies didn't help at all. I stopped playing after the giant skeleton boss because it was so boring. I'm at BB again. What a great game.

It's how you use it, bro!

Not that user, but that's more like playing a role. Self-insertion is making literally yourself in a game's character creator, or getting as close as you can get with it.

>Self-insertion is a literary device in which a fictional character who is the real author of a work of fiction appears as an idealized character within that fiction, either overtly or in disguise.

The player has to make a choice to fantasize that they are in the shoes of their character and self-inserting. I (and I venture most people think the same) play games from more of an audience perspective and appreciate the character as just that: a character. Even games like The Sims can be played this way, despite it lending itself towards self insertion.

I waiting for the DLC, then I have to change my fucking build because apparently the Warrior of the East Set B Body Scaling is trash

Don't know how well that applies to video games, but sure.

No, I am saying that doctor who is a braindead, derivative shit without a budget that should have stayed dead.

And I will never forgive how badly they botched the Capaldi tenure - who is the best actual actor they've managed to get on the show along with maybe Ecclestone

I love Ninja Gaiden Black and 2. I like Nioh, and it doesn't play anything like those 2 games at all.

Idk the demo was shit and I didn't actually enjoy the game but Sup Forums liked it and my wife's son wants it so

One day, my mother and I went to Liverpool and I somehow convinced her to buy me Megaman X. When I got home that night I played that game for a while but was bummed out that next day was monday and I needed to stop playing soon because it was bed time. When I was about to go to bed, my mother recieved a phone call from her aunt. Her grandmother just passed away. Next day, I didn't went to school, I accompany her to our old hometown and took my Megaman X game with me so I could keep playing at my cousins house.

Strangely, this type of situations happen sometimes.

Daily reminder that if this wasn't a souls game and came out with this amount of content it would get absolutely shit on by contrarianland-Sup Forums

ありがとう シッルマン

I haven't even played it yet because I don't buy games at launch or full price but I was really looking forward to it

>most importantly they gave us Doctor fucking Who
post made irrelevant

muh ego status: stroked. Thnx boys

>No character creation, no deal though.
biggest flaw

I remember all those retards from the Nioh general who told me I was wrong when I told them the general would not last long because the build variety was low. ''No you shitposting dark souls baby! this game has Diablo loot! it will last longer than Dark Souls and Shitborne generals!''

Dumb fucks. All builds played exactly the fucking same. Diablo shit is cancer and I hope they remove it from the sequel.

>And then this line of argument goes on and on and on wether or not SH3, RE2 or Dino Crisis had the best hand guns and then some pleb throws "actually RE1 had the best hand guns" and they start all over again. mfw.
And the same points are discussed over and over for thousands of threads.

Why are soulfags so cancerous?

Its funny because not even Diablo has a general. That loot system is ass.

Because this is the infamous DARK SOULS KILLER of course. They feel threatened. You should expect this in every Nioh thread though.

Seriously, I wanna play as my own cooler foreign samurai.

It's a good game, the combat is great. Actually what kills the game is it being a souls clone, it doesn't need stats or magic or any of that shit all it needed was the combat and good challenges. This should have been just an action game, but the modern gaming community is just too fucking casual and pussy to play anything like that. This is why dark souls has garnered such a reputation for being super difficult when it's only moderately difficult and it is barely difficult if you have done 1 playthrough of any game in the series.

Honestly with Nioh I'm just glad they got a lot of good reviews and sales so they can make a good sequel.

So, you just want a new Onimusha or Ninja Gaiden?

No you niglet I want Nioh without the rpg, just the action. The combat is nothing like Onimusha or NG.

Sounds to me like you want a new Onimusha or Ninja Gaiden.

simply epic

I'm not done with it yet nor have I touched the DLC but I've been enjoying Nioh very much. But I'm also a big Japanese history buff and actually enjoyed Dark Souls II so I'm probably an anomaly on Sup Forums.

My only really complaint is that the enemy variety is pretty lacking, Everything else is gold though and I think the game would probably be doing better if everyone didn't treat it like a souls clone. It checks more Onimusha marks in my opinion.

Or maybe you want a new Shinobi?

While Nioh definitely has Ninja Gaiden vibes the games do not play the same.

Please understand.


i hope this brightens you day:

Diabloshit is great, but they ruined it by having those bloodstains/phantoms of other players. You get powerful stuff so much easier by killing them, and everyone tends to wear the same stuff because they all get it from each other, then die and other people get it from them.

Even not having ps+ doesn't help, since that function doesn't require ps+.

>they ruined it by having those bloodstains/phantoms of other players
While its no a mechainci that I want done away with it certainly has the effect of ruining some game balance. I eventually just started playing the game offline because player equipment was trivializing a bit of my enemy encounters.

pvp and the dlc coming out next month might revitalize the game. pvp will be a free update btw