A prehistoric iceman from 2006 is revived to life through advances in cryogenics. He wants to play videogames now

A prehistoric iceman from 2006 is revived to life through advances in cryogenics. He wants to play videogames now.
The last games he played were F.E.A.R., Dark Messiah of Might and Magic and God Hand. He wants to see how the industry has leaped forward.

What games would you tell him to play?

D44M, Dishonored 2 and, I dunno, DMC4: SE?

Does D44M do this?

Do what? Look bad and make you move slowly? No. But it's still pretty good.

Show him towards Sup Forums so he spends his whole day shitposting instead of playing vidya

You mean, does D44M have a dedicated ''instantly switch to very easy mode at any time'' button?

>Looking bad

Gee Sup Forums I didn't realize you were so casual.

are you trolling?

I played it on release and it was already looking bad back then. I like Monolith, but they're far from being the best and making games with GOOD GRAFIX.

Bulletime stopped being considered an impressive gimmick 10 years ago

Show him the game that came out just a year later.

Show him Dark Souls.

>he thinks d44m doesn't have an easy mode button.

Game is easy as fuck when you can use a chainsaw and get full health and ammo

We didn't go forward from these, I'm sorry prehistoric user.

Poor guy overshot the Dragon Age Inquisition release day by a lot.

Max Payne 3
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
Devil May Cry 4: SE
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
Shadow Warrior 2
Orcs Must Die! 2
Dude Sex: HR/MD

they used to call things jokes before trolling was invented

I vote GTA IV if only for technology

I would tell you to kill yourself for being such a nostalgia blinded faggot.

unga bunga rockstop

Mass Effect Andromeda. A savage like him could use some quality writing/story


He would probably get a brain aneurysm from all the genders and pronouns he now has to learn

>chainsaw giving health

So i guess you didn't play doom

>fear fags still pretending fear was good

It was a shit horror game and an obscenely easy shooter fuck off

T. born in 00s

Fear was mediocre in 06 and its fucking shit now
