In Defense of Dark Souls 2
Why do you keep shilling his video?
>in defense of the best game in the DaS trilogy
Also >Defending DaS2
There's nothing to defend unless you're a blind fanboy.
You honestly need a youtuber to tell you what to like or to tell off of an irrelevant group of autists?
Kill yourself OP. No one cares.
>e celeb shit
Not on my watch fucko.
Check this 2
>100k subscribers
>"hurrdurr i can't handle political arguments made in other, irrelevant videos"
really makes you think
who has 100k subscribers?
note i wrote "wannabe" retard
oooh so close. off by just 5
>hour long vid talking about a video game
cringe, get a life faggot i aint watching even 5 minutes of that shit
fuck off with your e-celeb shit.
>There's nothing to defend unless you're a blind fanboy.
That´s why they need an e-celeb to defend their game.
7 or 8th run, just playing with a friend because he didn´t played before and it´s shit, always was and it will always be. That´s why he didn´t even finished with me.
>inb4 git gud, we died like 5 times since we get to the castle.
I don't care what he has to say.
DaS2 feels like shit to play, looks like shit and even sounds like shit.
If 5, e-celeb threads are actually better than your shitty vidya threads just to make you niggers shut the absolute fuck up.
This is what you get for being such stingy fucks.
No way I'm watching all this but
I didn't think like he did about the story. I liked it before but now I understand it
>difficult gameplay is what you paid to do
>while defending blatantly annoying encounter design
Yeah no, guys a retard
>being left wing on Sup Forums
>posting left wingers on Sup Forums
that's a no no
>over an hour long
Who watches shit like this? Or even better: Who makes shit like this? What moron needs to stretch out an argument for this fucking long to have a point? And what makes him think he's worthy of that much of my time?
>Implying political stance has anything to do with making annoying fucktards that won't shut up about muh e-celeb boogeymen be quiet
because the Autist OP thinks Sup Forums cares enough about dark souls 2 to get mad at some fags opinions on the internet
back to tumblr
Remember comrades, if you see a liberal talking about videogames, playing videogames, or making videogames... REPORT IT to your nearest GG station.
These people do NOT belong in OUR hobby so report all liberal behavior on sight.
Stay strong, we are with you.
Just read the titles of the other videos this guy made.
He's the unholy unity of video games, politics and YouTube autism.
This is terrible. Just stop.
He never said DSII was shit, he said that he didn't like it as much as DS1 and he feels like they made a lot of amateur mistakes with the formula. He still considers it one of the best games of the year it came out and would gladly replay it compared to 99 percent of games.
Am I just too old to hate ironic shitposting? Have I been here too long? Does anybody seriously find sad frog or the angry feels face guy funny anymore?
DS2 is still bad.
It tried things and most of them didn't work.
Sup Forums will always prefer shallow flashy gameplay over anything that requires some thought or hard decision making. hence they prefer baby casual R1 to win games like bloodborne and dark souls 3 because "it feels right" but since dark souls 2 is light and floaty it's now "feels terrible therefore it is terrible"
>implying you aren't the one from tumblr trying to make your opposition look worse and connecting it with other views you oppose along with something everyone opposes, the support of e-ecelebs, in order to make other posters believe that if you support right wing ideology or are against tumblr SJWs you're also someone who supports e-celebs
Nice try but not nice enough.
>DaS2 apologists are No Man's Sky playing feminists
And here we have the the #1 most cancerous fucking thing on the site.
You're the fucking reason we have so many phoneposters
>implying socialist videogame cooperatives wouldn't be astronomically better for the quality of videogames
Sup Forums can only comprehend absolutes. Any reasonable middleground or nuance is ignored because that doesn't fuel the shitposting. That's why anyone saying anything mildly liberal is a SJW feminazi cuck or whatever.
I haven't even watched the video yet and I already completely disagree with Matthewmatosis and his WAHHH BLOODY OVERLAY whining, that said he's still a cool guy and Dark Souls is still the second best Dark Souls game (after the first one).
How could starved corpses make video games?
delusional legbeard
nice try though but keep your left wing garbage off my website
ironic considering that's what's been happening in the west for the last 5 or so years
or maybe you were making this comment in a very sardonic manner
Fuck off with your pre Harmbe meme movement.
Your dumb and people that get offended by stuff like Cammy's ass are also dumb.
The lot of you can fuck off and die in a magnetic goat fire. You are all a waste of sperm.
please stop shilling your shitty video
What passes as mildly liberal today is pretty fucking radical and detached from logic, which is why liberals themselves feel more alienated with each passing day.
DaS2 will be shit and worst souls game forever
fuck off they are liberals trying to make money off of idiots.
prove me fucking wrong right now. Protip: you can't.
when the guy goes to claim that the grass eating in demon souls is too slow then he cna fuck right off, Demon souls blazing is one of the fastest heals in all souls games. I Like dark souls 2 and I dislike the flak it gets but this guy has no idea what he's talking about
prove you right protip: you cant
sjws don't read, how can they be commies if those ideas are gated by books?
anita sarkeesian has a patreon where she makes thousands for low effort bait videos
>What passes as mildly liberal today is pretty fucking radical and detached from logic
>"gay people have the right to exist"
nah, you're dumb son
Sup Forums was midly liberal before Sup Forums and tumblr happened
Sup Hbomberguy, still shilling your videos? The thread (that he made) in question:
He is really not, this is the most edgy contarian none review ice ever seen, to sum it up "I find all these flaws in the game fun so I prefer this objectively worse game"
this thread has nothing to do with that guy
you're the first one who brought him up here, in fact, so you're shilling his shit
joseph anderson covered everything much better
So we finally have video evidence that BB is similar to DaS2, the worst souls game.
kek, sony just lost one of its few games.
the picture he screencapped is a picture of a retard.
Sup Forums is basically a zoo
>Listening to the guy that defended No Man's Sky pre patches
>thread has nothing to do with him
>OP video is from him
Might wanna reconsider buddy
Nice strawman. You became the biblethumpers you used to mock, but worse.
>Dark Souls 2 is the best Souls game
>Gingers have no souls
>Therefore gingers without souls like Mathewmatosis hate Dark Souls 2
As opposed to post patches? It's still crap. Nevermind the lies, the game is shit at its concept.
>this thread has nothing to do with that guy
These game analysis reviews seem pretty fun to do, I'm not gonna treat my opinion as greater than anyone else but there must be an audience for it because nobody wants to read huge walls of texts these days.
>Sup Forums was midly liberal before Sup Forums and tumblr happened
>this objectively worse game
This is the problem right here.
It absolutely is not objectively worse by any means. You need to learn what the word objectively means. Ds1 and 2 both have their flaws and how those flaws are weighted depends on the opinion of the individual. Some people prefer a sotn style interconnected world, some people prefer a super castlevania style set of stages with wild variety between them. Some people prefer one on one duels, some people prefer one vs the world crowd fighting.
I do. Mostly because these Youtube people are terrible speakers.
>DeS grass is slow! Lifegems are good!
>Poorly executed fights against armored knights are good!
>Mobs are good!
The fact that he started the video in iron keep should've made me stop watching.
It was at the very beginning of /n/
>>"gay people have the right to exist"
Sorry, they don't
>youtube faglord is supposed to convince me that a game I thought was far too flawed isn't as bad as I think it is 3 years after I stopped caring about the game
>DaS2 creepazoids will keep pushing this 1 hour video because they're too stupid to formulate their own arguments on why they think the game isn't the worst Souls
I dunno I'm trying to watch this and he's going on a big as fuck tangent about health in DaS and how it's challenges makes the game more fun.
I'm not really getting where he's getting with this, but I already feel like he's missing the point of what makes DS challenging, and WHY the challenge is fun. Which isn't surprising, seeing as Ds2 is the game that really missed the point of why the games should be difficult in the first place. Matthew fucking explained that in the first few seconds of his movie. Why isn't this guy getting to the point?
>It's a Sup Forums gets triggered by opinion episode
Stop giving the cuck views
I'm with this guy
Fuck Mathew
FUCK Trump
>let me spend 1 hour explaining why you're wrong for not liking a certain game
>let me spend 1 hour explaining why you're wrong for liking a certain game
Why do these "analysis" even fucking exist? Do they expect me to change my opinion on the thing I enjoyed or didn't enjoy? It's the same shit with stupid Sup Forums greentext bullshit
>I liked game X
>Uhh no actually you didn't and here's one million reasons why durrhurr
I don't fucking get it. I guess I'm just autistic or something.
You mean it was critical of republicans when a republican was in office.
>Dual Dragonriders is a good fight!
Wew lad.
Watching a video on how to do the boss fight, means its good.
>opinión about a game 2-3 years old AND not having balls to compare with ds3 that use More things from ds1 than 2
>Say "get gud" to a guy that Made a video one month later realesed the game
>"No sense map are better cause feels like Dreaming"(?
> "Walking 4 minutes when I Die is boring, i dont like to be penalized for being shit"
Ds 2 Is is not shit, but feels more "wow" like. The esthetic AND details are not at ds1 level.
>it's a "z-list eceleb shills his videos for epic youtube upboats" episode
>"gay people have the right to exist"
it honestly doesn't. This is a dark souls 2 appreciation thread.
Harry pls
Is this video a parody? I refuse to believe anyone is this dumb:
>"Demon's Souls healing is infinite and slow - this is bad"
>"Dark Souls healing is limited - this is bad"
>"Dark Souls 2 healing is infinite and slow - this is good"
>"this other e-celeb is a casual, so don't listen to his opinion"
>just complained the healing system of DS1 makes the game too hard
>countless footage of him playing bad and chugging estus
>actually fucking summons for bosses
>that pretentious rant trying to defend Dark Souls 2's shit story
>defending the nonsensical level design as "it's a feature!"
I'm getting some Movieblob vibes from this guy.
Wow, so did Matt. Sounds like this video is fucking pointless then huh. Wonder why people are giving him shit
This thread made me realize im too old for Sup Forums.
Or at least Sup Forums. I hope you guys make the same realization i just did one day.
>"Dark Souls 2 healing is infinite and slow - this is good"
It's not even slow either. Gems pop pretty quick and can be easily abused by stacking.
Sup Forums - Twitter Screencaps & e-Celebrities
Please make it stop.
So he likes gems for even more of the same reason he hates grass?
I watched it without knowing anything about the guy. The things he said seemed off, he took Mathew out of kontext and made very little sense in his general argument.
I wasn't exactly suprised when I saw his other videos being a Hillary supporter.
>tfw when no dubs anymore
Fucking kys me lads
>well ""matthewmatosis"", (if that is your real name)
What did he mean by this?
Seems like it. I'm not giving this clown any hits, but being contradictory always comes with defending 2.
SJWs think internet aliases are weird because they started using the web a couple years ago
finally woke up and realised communism was the future, huh?
>harris bomberguy if that is your real name
Name ONE thing that is wrong about Dark Souls 2 or being a literal cuck. I dare you, Sup Forums.
Well, what is it? Nothing? Heh, thought so, kid. Maybe one day you will be woke as me if you're lucky.
What he meant is:
>Something Awful goon """"""""humor""""""""
What the actual fuck is this OP image attempt at a meme supposed to be. You're the fucking trash of Sup Forums. Literally why is this shit allowed?