Banjo Kazooie vs Tooie threads everywhere before Yooka Laylee was announced

>Banjo Kazooie vs Tooie threads everywhere before Yooka Laylee was announced
>No clear winner

>Yooka laylee releases
>Banjo Tooie is unanimously considered shit

what the hell happened?

Other urls found in this thread:

Personally I went back and played Tooie before YL released and realized it was garbage.

Contrarians who weren't alive when it came out started playing it because they saw meme threads on Sup Forums and don't understand how 3D platformers work.

Dunkey said so and he honestly never has a bad or wrong opinion.

Rare devs sucks dick and they are being more open about ho gay they are. How come SJWs always make the worst fucking games in existence?

Really lose the rose tinted glasses. I bought tooie when it was first out and thought it was too big then. I replayed it lasts month and still thought it was too big

What happened is you have a shitty memory, since the consensus for years has been that Kazooie is better.

It's LITERALLY this. Sup Forums's opinion fluctuates so easily based on ecelebs it's pathetic. Search the archives, see for yourself. The moment dunkey's retarded video hits, an influx of 16 year olds who probably never played the originals suddenly show up and start spouting his opinion.

Better or not nobody considered it shit until your favorite eceleb said so.

>No clear winner
Except it was clear that Kazooie was the better game despite being smaller in scale. Tooie wastes too much on all those minigames and having one/two-use moves as keys to progression, problems that Kazooie never has.

I always did like Kazooie better, but Tooie is still pretty great.
Gonna agree with Dunkey and say it's less focused and has too much waiting in some parts, but it was still really fun and charming just like the first game. It's something Yooka Laylee lacked most of the time.

Dunkey said it was shit in his Yooka Laylee review, that's literally it

The simple fact of the matter is backtracking isn't fun. Tooie is like 90% backtracking. Even the first world you can't get a bunch of jiggies until you learn moves from later levels. It's not cool to toss somebody into a game and on the first level have content locked stuff, like how are you supposed to know if it's a move or item later in the game or you just aren't doing a puzzle the right way

samefag shills. go back to sucking Rare's SJW dick.

Tooie is objectively better. It feels more like an adventure. Even DK64 is better than Kazooie


>Find Pigs in 4th world (a lagoon) who's pool is dirty and cold so can't swim.
>Go through pipe from 4th level to a sealed area in 6th level (a factory) to turn off machine pumping sludge out pipe.
>Find switch in 7th level (a volcano) that opens door and empties pool of boiling water into 4th level pool.
>Water now to hot, so go to 8th level (a floating mountain in the sky) and push giant living ice cube off edge that falls into the pool cooling it down enough to swim in.
>Get Jiggy

I think Yooka-Laylee is good, but nothing will top the amazing Jiggy solutions and cross level interactions that Tooie has.

>Even DK64 is better than Kazooie
Over the fucking line

Umm shut the fuck up cuck. Didn't you hear? Dunkey said tooie is shit.

>DK64 is better than Kazooie
Too fucking far

The title is unnecessary as fuck.

For years I've thought that Tooie is Banjos sister and she replaces Kazooie or something. Or that tooie is a new character which replaces Kazooie or some shit.

When in fact it simply means Banjo 2.

Fuck you rare.

two people saying the same opinion is not what samefagging is retard

also what the fuck does Rare and SJW have to do with anything

>DK64 is better than Kazooie

I think it's pretty funny. Also his sister is Tooty right?

The title is literally from a joke sequel name in the end cutscene of the first game. This was before Tooie was planned.

I don't remember Tooie's levels and their size being a problem; I liked Tooie more.

Banjos sisters name is Tootie though not Tooie. Granted they should've spelt it Twotie or Twotee but whatever

Jontron happened

OP is right for once, IDK what happened lol.
but here's this:

don't try to play ignorant.



It is funny.

Tooty just disappears as well with zero mention of her character in Tooie except for a "Missing" picture on the side of a giant milk carton.

This is one of the developers favourite jokes.

>le glasses meme
The big worlds worked because Rare actually put in a lot of effort into making each world a varied experience with something to check out in each corner.

I'll give you backtracking to older levels later on in the game but otherwise the game did a great job with its scale, shame DK64 turned it into a bit of a chore.

Kazooie IS the best. I remember I loved DK64 when It came out when I was 9. I replayed it this year and that game is fucking rat piss

Pure autism


>first game revolves entirely around his sister
>second game she's gone and they give no fucks
Absolute madmen

The SJW shit was with Playtonic and Yooka and I don't agree with it either, it has nothing to do with Rare as they existed back then you dipshit.

These DESU

Banjo Kazooie is fun, but I can beat the first half of the worlds in 15-30 minutes per world, you couldn't sell a video game with that small of level design for money in 2017.

You could if it was priced at like $20-$30

>Tooie wastes too much on all those minigames and having one/two-use moves as keys to progression

Despite these flaws, Tooie is far more thematically entertaining in terms of Jiggy placement and writing.

I will admit that certain upgrades (claw climber boots mostly) are literally just progression barriers. But Tooie does such a far better job at creative environment, level design and the way they link together.

What other 3D platformers allows you to jump from all levels except one without going into the over world?

What other 3D platformer has a level that you literally have to open a train station from the outside area to take a train from a different level to get to the inside area.

This shit blew my mind as a kid.

You really couldn't. It's not up to the standards of today.

Itd be like releasing an FPS with no mouse support or using fake 3d, there's just no use for them anymore.


Yeah but how can you excuse the wait times, there was so much waiting in cutscenes it completely ruined the game. Do you like movie games?

Excellent argument faggot

Dude le cucks amirite reddits the donald dude lmao

Woah there, no need to get mad. What's wrong, did you forget to prep the bull today?

Tooie is shit and you're in denial if you don't think so.

Epic simply epic

Make sure to screencap this for the Sup Forums subreddit my man


There's only 3 major cutscenes in the whole game and that's including the start and finish.

Plus the writing is great so what's the issue?

>He doesn't like the intro to Tooie
Somebody is shit at poker and lost their birdseed money

Make sure to screencap Tyrone plowing your wife for your tumblr blog.


What "SJW" shit you fucking retards?

You mean, dissociating their brand new company from something that will make them look really bad right out of the gate?

stop posting anytime you fucking Sup Forums retard memester faggot

For the record you want to reply to the person I was replying too, they were the one that randomly started bringing up "SJW" out of nowhere when we were arguing about whether Banjo Tooie was good or not.