Why isn't Nintendo more popular in Latin America?
They even abandoned Brazil
Why isn't Nintendo more popular in Latin America?
They even abandoned Brazil
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The only thing latin america is good for is drugs and we're slowly localizing those aswell
They're too poor, they can only play f2p shit and shitpost on Sup Forums.
No sales at all or -30% at max
They currently have a thigh-high over their heads in terms of government and are considered lost cases by our's, we don't even hear about it in the news that's how shitty they are at the moment. Nintendo finally moving away from Latin America is a correct business decision, something that Microsoft and Sony did way before.
Nintendo doesn't want to be involved in those cans of beans.
They can't even shitpost on Sup Forums. Internet's too shit for even that.
No support, Microsoft and Sony have products in other fields consolidated in South America's market, paving way for video games to be advertised as well.
Nintendo is just video games in a market that is fucked with taxes.
>No money
They never cared to localize their games, instead they hired a company to dress up the covers with a cardboard glove and call it a day.
>They're too poor
Can confirm, they can buy 300$ worth of ingame items but cant afford to spend 60$ on a game
You know how NoA barely gives a fuck to you guys?
Same thing here, but worse.
>Sony and Microsoft moving away from Latam
Except they didnt?
the cancer ratio in those countries is like 0.00000000001%
without cancer, nintendo cant reproduce
>something that Microsoft and Sony did way before.
Eh, what? Microsoft and Sony are still in South America soil, stronger than ever due now pushing latin american localizations too, 10 years ago little Francisco in Brazil had better know english if he wanted to play video games or else he wouldn't understand shit.
Nintendo left the market due claiming unfair competition, taxes out of the ass that aren't worth fighting against while Sony and Microsoft have consolidated empires due having other products to offer, thus being able to bleed some money in losses.
You're so clever.
That explains the reason you where born
A Nintendo Switch costs the same, and in some places more, as a PS4 Pro in Brazil.
They rarely buy legit, full price games, and It's harder to pirate their current gen games if you don't sell them the hardware in the first place. Nintendo doesn't make money on black market tax free game sales.
Couldn't they just use the portuguese translation for Brazil? Pretty sure we had this in Europe since at least 2000.
buying a standar ps4, xbox one or switch is 800 dollars here right now because technology is competing with the local yoyo and poker cards industry
South American fag here.
Even when Nintendo DOESN'T exist here. We have the biggest Nintenbros around on every single gaming site.
They already bought a Switch for 600 USD with only 3 months of warranty because the only way to get Nintendo games are by export.
We can't even access to the Eshop and nintenfaggots in south america defends them much worse than /V.
>being able to legally import
Nintendo should throw us a bone and at least put an eshop in our region. We have one for the 3ds for fuck's sake.
Much more convenient than buying cards or makjng fake accounts.
>Nintendo started to support online functionality
>drops South America
>We can't even access to the Eshop
We can, what we dont have is a regional eshop. We have to use the murrican one and have to choose from a list of states that get taxed up the ass.
Nintendo sells mainly on nostalgia. That is why it's mainly selling in USA and Japan. People that don't have that nostalgia for 8 bit and 16 bit Nintendos don't buy their new machines for themselves or their children.
Santa gives coal to the poor kids on the street to help heat themselves
SEGA raped Nintend so bad in Brazil.
even I want to abandon brazil, can't blame them
>the irony
But south america also has nostalgia for the 8 and 16 bit consoles. Europe too. Why do you make claims about stuff you know nothing about?
Brazil counts as the same region as the US in BD and DVD codification, that's why companies didn't bother with just grabing the EU version with Portugal's portuguese.
I think that Nintendo only cares for Mexico
We got Mexican dub for Zelda. We got E-shop and those Nintendo prepaid cards and we have our own Nintendo magazine, Mexico might be the most Nintenbro country in Latin America.
Yeah it sucks but i can use the E-shop without any problems on my 3DS so i don't see the problem. As long as i can buy and play the console all is good
>Importer adds a 30% tax on every console
>Switch is $10,000 MXN ($500 USD) in average when it should be $6000 MXN ($300 USD)
>Same story with 3DS when it came out
>PS4 is $5800($275) MXN and with a game
You tell me why.
Just go to USA and buy one or import it from Amazon
Also Switch isn't 10k anymore. It's $8500-9000
That is pretty much how everyone here with one got it.
MY 3ds can't be hacked anymore since it has the latest firmware, plus Nintendo is still banning people because of Pokemon SM. Don't want to risk it
But 8 and 16 bit consoles were fucking popular in the 90's. Here in Chile everyone had either a NES, a NES clone or a SNES, though I know in other places like Brazil and Argentina the Genesis was far more popular.
When the 32 bit generation started, everyone jumped to the PS1 because it was cheaper and easily piratable, though even today there's a big dedicated group that likes nintendo.
>video games in the 2000s
>BD and DVD
Its $9400 in the cheapest place.
$9100 if imported trough safe ways.
Still $9000~ for a console? Nobody is that crazy better build a PC with that money.
Out of 49,10 million SNES, 8,58 were sold outside Japan and the Americas.
Out of 62 million NES, 8,56 were sold outside Japan and the Americas.
No, the vast majority of Nintendo nostalgia comes from the regions were their consoles were somewhat popular.
The zone is not cucked enough yet to be Nintendo fans.
Most Mexicans spend 20 mil varos on iPhones and stuff (even Apple is opening several stores in Mexico), they will buy it.
Some but not everyone.
Nobody would even get in debt with coppel for one and that is much saying.
And coppel is a joke when it comes to owing them money.
Got a similar treatment in the rest of south america.
I'm from Argentina and Nintendo had a big presence here during the 16-bit era and the late NES era.
Also huge presence during the N64 era and early Gamecube, then in 2001 Argentina's economy went to venezuela-tier in just a couple hours.
Nintendo shit is expensive even in America, can't even imagine how bad the prices are in huehueland.
Low profits for all the headache
>Buying from coppel
Meh, i dont care. As an Argie who have his 3ds set in Canada, i can buy digital copies using less money, "destroying the income of the resellers" in the process.
>Argentina's economy went to venezuela-tier
Come on. It can't be that bad.
I was surprised to see yesterday that the Switch is cheaper than the PS4 in Peru tho
Nobody plays kiddie shit but it's also nintendo's fault for not giving a fuck about the market.
>b-b-but muh taxes
Stop lying to yourselves nintenfags 15 years ago Nintendo wasn't popular either, only the NES and SNES were popular, as soon as playstation 1 came out everyone forgot about nintendo and let's not talk about ps2. You can get people into a nostalgia trip with the SNES but nobody will care about the Gamecube, DS, Wii or Wii U. Nintendo doesn't even have FIFA.
The other time around I talked about the switch with a couple friends and they asked me if Nintendo still existed.
>We got Mexican dub for Zelda
There's no point of making a spanish dub for every latin american country, so just one "neutral" is enough, like with pretty much every movie, series, etc.
In any case, I think Mexico has the advantage of being close to the USA, so it's kind of obvious they'll get a better treatment that the rest.
Most poor people get stuff through credit with them, and most never pay it too.
i never understood this shape of emoticons
did they tweak them so fatmen who have a constant triple-chin can relate to them or something?
$60 is a lot in south america, thats why you see reduced prices in the br steam store same as with russia
I should also add that Nintendo never translates their games.
Things like Zelda are unknown by a lot of people here because if you don't know english as a kid how the fuck are you supposed to play it? some people did and others just pressed buttons until it worked but that's it.
Switch goes for the equivalent of $600 in hueland.
That's only if you buy digital, and it goes up to 80 easily. If you want physical games it goes up to 110-30
Zelda is perfectly playable and enjoyable without knowing the language.
Before the 360 Mexicans only knew 3 types of games, Nintendo games, Arcade games and FIFA
Because brazil banned everything which could prevent you from playing football and running around shooting people in head point blank
+100 dollar games
+100 dollar gamepads
+paid online
I live in Brazil
still I have a ps4 and can buy games on release day because I've studied and got a great job. I've even got my brother a ps4 so he can play with me.
got a platinum in HZD, 80 hours in Nioh and just reached the pyramid palace in Persona 5 btw, great games
BR here, they abandoned Brazil because of our ridiculous taxes of around 100% on imports pretty much forcing people to either not buy games or pirate. A N3DS is worth over one minimum wage in Brazil because of that.
Add to it the economic crisis Dilma Rousseff left the country in and you have a complete disaster. Samsung abandoned us too.
>because if you don't know english as a kid how the fuck are you supposed to play it?
That's true for pretty much every game released before the 7th generation. Only a few games were brought in spanish, and most if not all of them used the european spanish rather than a proper latin american localization like nowadays. Hell, some people even played games in full japanese and never cared about the language barrier.
Brazil was sega land, then sony land, then Microsoft land and only recently been drifting back to sony
Nintendo was never a thing here like in Mexico for example and pc is king
Should I buy the Switch and BotW?
Switch is 50000 din. I want a purple-green one.
BotW is over 9000 din.
Spain's spanish is the same thing you people need to stop with your memes about it being different or whatever.
>Why isn't Nintendo more popular in Latin America?
But they are
Aside PES and FIFA, Nintendo sells considerately better than any Sony or MS IP
Dilma wasn't the one selling rotten meat.
Yeah is the same thing but people dislike it so a publisher doing it shows they dont care much about the LATAM market (and why should they, Mexico is the only one with a decent market).
For example pretty sure Bethesda for a long time used the Spaniards dub in latin america and of course people complained, so for Fallout 4 they just translated the game but let the american dub in.
My wife is from South America, every year during winter we take a vacation down there. I brought my old 360 console with all my games to give to her nephew and he thinks I am God.
Shame though because we are about to start having kids and that means less trips down.
In about another 10 years I should be able to retire down there since cost of living is so cheap.
>Aside PES and FIFA
So the games everyone plays.
>Nintendo sells considerately better than any Sony or MS IP
No it doesn't, maybe in tacoland
Yeah, just selling away the only fucking export in Brazil that really matters, our fucking oil.
>Samsung abandoned us too
Huh? New TVs, Cellphones, Sound Systems and everything else is still being officialy produced and distributed.
ey that's not video games
Lula will win next year, can't wait for your tears.
BRs don't really care that much about Nintendo, I think the majority of people here that actively play vidya see the WiiU/Switch as kid's console and besides, normalfags only care about FIFA or PES so a PS4 or a Xbone is a better choice for them.
I didn't say they were different, though there's a lot of words no one really uses here, but it is true that a lot of people in latin america hate how it sounds and would rather have something more "familiar".
Even then, after a certain point everyone who never wanted to deal with english played european version of games on either pirated consoles or emulators.
He might, but I wouldn't bet on it.
Really? I've been out for a few months, but I heard they were going to fuck off from an insider source because of that whole shit with CBF plus a multimillionaire lawsuit by the government that was absolutely frivolous. Maybe they backed out or it will still happen later on.
There are huge tariffs against consumer electronics inside Latin America. Its to try and stimulate domestic demand but it ends up killing the games market in South America.
Everyone mocks Spain's spanish in South America because of their shit tier localizations. Nobody wants to watch the TeleƱecos here, we want to watch the Muppets.
>love vidya
>born in Chavezland
If it weren't for the 3DS I bought in 2012 when it was cheap i would have gone insane
How the fuck are you even still alive in that country.
poor user, let me give you a digital hug.
You should move to peru like all Chavez people are now doing. Seems like Peru is the USA of Mexicans for Venezuela
>You should move to peru like all Chavez people are now doing
No user, they're migrating to Chile just like haitians and congolombians.
But Chile is the USA of Peruvians, and Argentina is the USA of Chileans, and Mexico is the USA of argentineans and USA is the USA of Mexicans.
So i guess in the en USA is the USA of everyone.
>Spain's spanish is the same as the latam one
You clearly havent been exposed to years of enduring weird spanish cause rooms only came in theirs
>and Argentina is the USA of Chileans
That was during the 90s, now it's backward.
>we want to watch the Muppets.
Yet we still called Kermit the Frog "Rene" (though I'm sure that changed recently).
Everyone shits on the spanish dubs for their name changes, but that happened a lot in LA dubs too. Dubwars are youtube comment tier of stupid anyway.
To be fair on that one, "Fantasma en la Concha" isn't a title you'll want on a movie that isn't a porn parody.
Fantasma en la concha is 2 lewd.
And anything having Fantasma in the title will make it sound like is a spooky movie.
You are right in the same way that USA's english is the same as Britain's english and Australia's english
man i used to buy these magazines all the time
not even a nintenbro, never owned a nintendo console, besides the famicon
>To be fair on that one, "Fantasma en la Concha" isn't a title you'll want on a movie that isn't a porn parody.
But that's not the spaniard title, it's a fake one made by butthurt mexicans.