Persona 5

What the fuck guys I heard that to not get fucked by time schedules I'm supposed to clear dungeons in a single day but I couldn't even do that for the first one, got to like the 3rd floor or something and everyone was saying I still have a ways to go.
Have I been memed on or is it possible to do and I just suck? Playing on hard by the way if that makes a difference.


Okay for real, at the start of the game it will be super fucking hard even on easy. Enemies don't fuck around and even though you can wipe them easily, you don't have any reliable way to restore SP. Not in the very first dungeon before you can even accumulate SP regen items.

It's doable, but you gotta really pick your battles and conserve your SP more than your HP. Save the grinding for when you can regain SP reliably.

Just take your time.

Run away more.

The first one, no. Your SP won't last that long. The 2nd is pretty damn easy, so you totally can. And by the time you hit the third one you should have gotten doctor level 7 and buy SP recovery things for all your guys.

If you play on Hard without a guide, first and second dungeon are impossible to do in a single day. Third is very challenging but can be done, after that you shouldn't have any more issues.

Playing on Normal might make second dungeon doable in one run, but I really have my doubts about the first one.

Don't sperg too much about losing time and discover the game at your own pace, you'll be able to fuck around as much as you want in NG+

>first and second dungeon are impossible to do in a single day

t. safe mode player

>Playing on Normal might make second dungeon doable in one run
I did that shit without even trying.

Thats only if you're planning to Slink Max everyone in the game, which is practically impossible without a guide regardless.

>If you play on Hard without a guide, first and second dungeon are impossible to do in a single day
>Playing on Normal might make second dungeon doable in one run, but I really have my doubts about the first one.

Maybe I just got lucky with my items I forced from battles, but they were easy as fuck on """Hard""". Then you end up getting SP regen shit from Tae and it's smooth sailing from there.

Due to the damage reduction in Hard, White Paper Bear is a fucking huge strain on the SP in the second dungeon, and the only way to plow through afterwards is to get lucky and mostly fight the gun-weak monsters, or use the SP recovery items you got, that is, if you managed to get any (monsters were just shitting shit like Muscle Drink in my case). Or use the free DLC items if you downloaded that, I suppose.

Well the second dungeon is impossible to clear in a single day by design since it involves having to run back to the real word for a cutscene to unlock a portion of it.

>doesn't abuse the items outside of the dungeon
>fighting enemies that takes alot of sp to take down

no wonder you suck at the game.

The physical-immune boss fight is a mandatory fight though.

>get to the doctor request on mementos
>demon brainwashes all of my team except for potter
>hit it with a bless spell
>it's its weakness
>do jackshit damage
>get rekt by a multi hit spell
What the fucking fuck? He's supposed to be a C rank, for crying out loud!

Actually it does do one bullshit thing, in the first dungeon you fight a miniboss that resists zio. When you encounter it again as a normal enemy it is now weak to zio.

Literally why

Miniboss versions of enemies regularly have different elemental affinities and less weaknesses.

Because bosses have special attributes, while the second one is just a normal ass enemy.

Did Atlus expect you to be able to go to that Kaneshiro safe room at the bottom of the large room with the miniboss of 3 different oni before fighting them? I mean I tried to stay away and go there but the game prompted me if I wanted to fight them every time I got off the stairs. It gives me that impression since there's another saferoom immediately afterwards in the bank vault.

It teaches incorrect behaviour tho, like if someone wasn't familiar with the demons or wasn't looking at the guide they may assume that boss always resists zio and thus never finds its weakness.

I know the game does do it and maybe did it in the past, but that doesn't mean it should keep doing it.

You can easily beat the first dungeon in one day in Merciless mode.

On hard mode the first palace is pretty tough simply due to your limited SP pool, and limited persona options.

After that you should be able to complete palaces in the minimum amount of time needed.

Do note not every dungeon can be completed in one day, some require you leave part way through.

Pretty sure Morgana or somebody else literally warns you about it at some point.

SMT games are often known for doing dick moves on you. That's an example, and after it happens to you once, you should learn the lesson and be careful about it in the next encounters.

>You can easily beat the first dungeon in one day in Merciless mode.

I can see hard mode but mericless on your first playthrough? yeah, bullshit

So what are the most important confidants? Teacher and nurse?

That's bullshit, I only managed to make it to the central tower before the find the keys puzzles in Hard.

I just entered the Casino palace and so far the only palace that couldn't be completed in one go was the Museum.

So, here's the real talk. Your health bar does't matter. Health is a spendable non-important resource.

SP on the other hand is your parties life line, In the early dugeons, you need to avoid using SP whenever possible. I know that the game really incentives knocking down all enemies, but you simply do not have the SP pool to do that. So, how do you finish the first and second palace in one go?

Your first goal before you even go into the palace is to get Ryuji's social link to rank 3. This gives Ryuji Access to Baton pass and Follow up. These are completely rng, but it's better than nothing.

Your second goal is to get the doctor to rank 5. This enables her to sell SP restoring Accessories. The cheapest one will do this early on. If you work several days you should be able to get the money up enough to get at least the first one.

You've got Ryuji to rank 3, doctor to rank 5, you do convince store work to gain the money you need. Now it's time to go into the palace.

Your persona goal, is Shiki-Ouji Hes level 21 and is null physical/gunfire. Hes weak to nuke, a typing which is extremely favorable since it's very rarely used, and only one boss uses it much later. He can carry you through the entire game. Mine had Mediarama and recarm on it. I literally beat the last boss with him. Using Ryuiji/Haro/makoto spamming their damage moves while I just constantly healed them every turn.

21 isn't really obtainable by the end of the first dungeon sadly, unless you do quite a bit of grinding, however you should be able to manage it before the second dungeons end if you really gun for it.

>In merciless

Yeah no fucking way.

Get Hifumi

Her ability to switch party members mid battle is a game changer

there are one or two more that make you do it.

I could also be mis-remembering when you first enter it, do cut scenes and then leave again.

>wastes your turn
Not really.

Definitely, I'm still only at Kaneshiro's dungeon but I've been changing my party members constantly since there are ways to predict what enemies will show up, especially in the case of dogs which are always Orthrus which demands I use Yusuke.

I personnaly find it less fun to abuse the Confidants on your first playthrough, but do what you want.

Teacher and Fortune Teller makes should make you able to max all confidants in one playthrough.

What is everyone's party setup?

Just done Futaba's palace with Protag/Ryuji/Ann/Makoto

Im glad I dropped Morgana since he was squishy as all fuck but I am missing his healing potential.

Triple damage, baton passes, is it so weird? A youtuber I followed was struggling on hard and managed to complete it by switching to merciless.

Does leveling up Futaba do anything?

Maybe by using one of the P2W Persona? I don't know how they work and if you can use them right away, but I suppose one of them must have Resistance or Immunity to Physical?

There's only one saferoom, but there's a lot of locks that you can open, as well as disabling security cameras to make the pass through easier. Basically one saferoom, but tons of short cuts.

>Letting your party members get hit by an attack they're weak too and giving the enemy another turn

She can learn skills by leveling up.

No idea if giving her armors or accessory does anything though, probably not.

Do I really not get any slink points at all for the school festival? It was a funny scene I admit but what the fuck?

>mfw when I started hifumi with a month less of game time, and finding out she has all the bullshit amazing combat abilities

Thanks user

Is the PS3 version worth getting? I don't have a current gen console.

You can use his heals from the skill menu even when hes not in the party.


Makoto learns all the same healing skills he does eventually.

I know. Just sometimes useful to have Madia on hand in a battle

Still from that one safe room I have to go through 4 fights minimum to get to the triple oni team. Usually in other cases they give you a closer one.

When the fuck do I unlock Haru's Social Link? It's weird as fuck that I've had her for a whole dungeon and am now starting a second with another new party member which has all the good party member skills, when she doesn't even have baton pass. I thought it would unlock during the Festival but nope, she's literally the last Arcana too.

>playing a protag loadout without media

You might be bad user.

its the first dungeon. criticals are so terribly unreliable even with morgana lucky punch if he has it.

>switching difficulties mid game
>p2w on merciless

that defeats the purpose. but I guess thats the only way scrubs would beat it.

You basically need to find the shortcuts since that's the only one you're getting.

Sure, there's barely any difference.
I played it on a PS3 myself.

Jesus christ have you underage faggots played a persona game before? Clearing dungeons in a single day has been a thing since persona 3

I'm just reached the early November Palace, I use Yusuke/Makoto/Haru.


I did get the shortcuts, I'm just saying that with them taken into account there are 4 enemies along your path to that miniboss. I already beat them eventually and am currently opening the last portion of the vault with barely any sp left but it was still a hell of a fight to have without being able to save immediately before.

Also technical nuke damage saved me against the fight with 1 take minakata and 2 onis since one oni got stunned from his zio and an oni touched her afterwards and got stunned himself. The other one I marin karin into helping me kill take minakata and psio it to death.

Yeah. I've played both on PS4 Pro and PS3.
The only difference that I've noticed, is that the game takes a slight but longer to load areas, and start up, and that there are minor frame drops when you are in places like Central Street, which has a lot of people in it, so it's understandable.
PS3 version is fine.

October 30th.

Do the fortune teller asap to at least rank 7 and you can Max slinks with no guide. She gives free slinks points and can turn an event or slinks that gives you a single stat point into 2 points.

I had to switch to normal because Kamoshida was fucking me too much on hard, but normal is too easy. Damn

>since Ann* got stunned from his zio and an oni touched her


But it's impossible to clear one Tartarus segment in Persona 3, the game is balanced around reaching a checkpoint per visit, since by that time your characters are tired as fuck. You could reach the next checkpoint, but you can't beat bosses when tired.

>did 7th palace in one day
>that 3 phase boss fight immediately after a miniboss almost out of nowhere
I 2 somas and I bought one from the 6th palace but had no idea where the second one came from; thank god I had it though.

Joker, Skull, Noir, Queen

Queen does most of the healing allows Skull and Joker to set up with Charge > Mataru/Debilitate and Noir has Tetra/Makara for utility while also doing good damage with one shot kill.

come on user, don't give into temptation.

I struck through on hard until the very end. I knew anytime I had difficulty it would be more fun to overcome it then go back to easy.

Yusuke, Makoto, Ryuji, up until Harus dunfeon, the. I switched out Ryuji for Haru.
Yusuke, Makoto, Ryuji.
Then in the new palace I'm in, I temporarily have Haru switched with another character, I won't say who though.


Have you guys not reached November yet? I don't want to reload my save to find out. I hung out with Haru and got jack shit for points, and I think the Empress link already started a few days before.

Should I have hung out with Ryuji and Mishima instead? I already maxed Ryuji and I heard Mishima was an automatic slink.


I'm pretty sure you have to be continually completing requests to advance Mishima's slink.

Pretty sure you just get an item from it
And yes Mishima will rank up every time you hang out with him

I was only given two choices, Haru or the dudes. If the latter gets me an item, does the former do anything gamewise? I'm under the impression that it's the same thing as the end of Hawaii, but you get slink points there unlike this time.

Fuse a slime with some buff/debuffs for the Protag.

>hard mode, almost no sp left.
>just need the last letter

how hard could it be?

Kamoshida was a cake walk after getting to level 11 and having media

I was only given Haru so can't help you there.

The second letter was so much vastly harder than any of the others.

First dungeon is probably doable in one day on hard if you waste a ton of money on SP items including the overpriced vending machine in the Arcade; if you get lucky with asking for items and get a few SP recovery items; or if you're a faggot who talks their way out of most of the battles.

It's not worth it though. If you skip too many battles to clear it you'll still need to grind in the castle before you fight Kamoshida and if you waste too much money on SP items you just delay buying the SP recovery accessories and starting the Fortune social link and having a nice nest egg to fuck around with persona fusion.

Personally I got to about 3/4 of the way through the first dungeon before I realized there was no way in hell my SP was gonna hold up and switched to normal to clear it one day. I only bought SP items twice from the cheap vending machine from the bath house.

And it's easier on merciless then hard since you can actually 1 round the enemies with weakness and all out attacks. On hard lots of enemies will survive the all out attack and get a round of attacks back on you which sucks up healing.

Second dungeon is 100% in the minimum time on hard without wasting money on SP items thanks to the forced exit.

t. veteran SMT player; who has cleared every SMT game without grinding on the hardest difficulty available.

Also ignoring the stupid special order and just fighting him normally. He doesn't use his super move if you do that.

eh good enough for me, thanks

Do you do more damage in merciless or something?

Because I experimented with hard on NG+ and where in normal I would be doing 60 some damage I was doing like 35 and nothing was dying to all-out-attacks it seemed like.

>If you skip too many battles to clear it you'll still need to grind in the castle before you fight Kamoshida

not if you have p2w izanagi mr. veteran player

or you could just lucky punch your way to the treasure, worked for me

Is it just me or is Niijima's dungeon really short?

No idea how that worked for people. My Morgana missed like 30% of the time with lucky punch, and on hits only crit about 70% of the time. Which was a problem because if you rely on the crits to one round the enemy and they get their attacks you end up worse off then you would have been if you just front loaded the SP to kill the enemy.

I mean I guess it does work though if you're fine with reloading every time RNG fucks you over since enemies getting a turn could often just lead to a dead MC or if you're as apparently lucky as you were.

Just got to Burger Zone

I fucked up and don't have a demon with party heals and Makoto hasn't learned one yet. I'll probably swap her out for Morgana when she does but I like Morgana.

Yeah I thought so too. Especially on the day you come back after going to the court. Its just one area and then 3 easy solo fights

Only when you hit weaknesses.

If you get that little slender fox persona it does nuclear damage and that is the paper guy's weakness. I was lucky enough to be using home during that fight

What exactly did the hunger ailment do?

Reduces your stats by a ton. Try attacking with a hungry character.

Grinding in the first palace is easy with the lvl 16 archangel and two pixies that respawn everytime. They give 47 exp and the angel is weak to zio... one zio + two bullets every fight.

He's located near a staircase in the last floors and has a red flame surrounding his body.

Alternatively, going back against the first ennemies from the underground prison over and over without losing hp or sp.

no. its the same as hard but with criticals 3x damage but with the gimp exp you will be underleveled as fuck so it hurts you more than it helps

Yeah I thought the same. After Okumura's dungeon, I expected something a lot longer.

I know you can get points if you hang out with Ryuji and say you have a confession of love and the game lets you pick who to confess to and you get points with whoever you pick.

Playing on hard.
The first dungeon was tough. Had to spread it across a few days. Didn't have enough skills and I was fighting every shadow.

But I finished the second dungeon in 2 trips(because of the barrier). Fought 90% of the fights but if there was one I could just walk past I skipped it. Morgana had Media for cost efficient healing and remember you can use your reserve unit's skills outside of battle. So I had Ann use Dia to keep me fresh between fights.

Also a few good physical skills let me save my sp for when I needed it.

Pretty sure that's Fortune's request

I'm all the way in December
ryuji/ann/morgana the entire game. I only swapped them when they were out of SP, I always stick with the first members in persona games because they make me feel nostalgic.
I'm not enough of a perfectionist to do it all in one day. it normally takes like 2 for me to finish a dungeon