ITT: "Villains" who did literally nothing wrong

ITT: "Villains" who did literally nothing wrong.

This guy was just trying to make his team compete on a decent level by doing some training with them and he got his life ruined because of it. My dad was a coach and got in trouble for the same PC bullshit.

at least post the right image

Did he play college ball?

You forgot the rape part.

He wanted to expel the MC. He also made the school fire the track team coach.

And don't forget the rape.

He never actually raped anybody. Try again, cuck.

reminder that rape doesnt actually exist and sjws invented it

sexual assault it was.

this. he just wanted to make nippon great again

So then what happened to Shiho?


Nothing. She jumped off the building before he could do anything.

He literally never raped her.

she is a whore who tricked poor kamoshida then pretended to kill herself (notice how she didnt actually die) in order to blame him


His shadow tells Ann that because she didn't come over and fuck he took that frustration out on Shiho.

Possibly by beating her and kicking her off the team.

Did your dad physically beat his students, recommend anyone he didnt like for expulsion, sexually harass his female students, and literally break a star track team member's leg?


He smacked her around and threw her off the team. The worst thing he did is some minor hazing. Big deal.

The main characters overreacted. He didn't deserve what happened to him. He was innocent.


Do you spergmasters seriously need everything spelled out for you?

>kamoshida fucks a student: he is the devil
>kawakami fucks a student: she is a saint

They finally did something right.

Of fucking course Sup Forums would identify with Kamoshida.

Your dad was a cunt

If you couldn't take getting pushed around, what use were you to the team? Every single kid on his team thanked him for what he did later, except the bad apples that wanted to ruin it because they couldn't hack it.

Just like real life, female teachers always get away with it.

>asks Ann for sex
>says when she didn't put out he had Shiho "take her place"
Could it possibly be any more obvious?

Because with Kawakami it was consensual

Whats more likely? She got kicked off the team, which we never hear about. Or she got raped. Which is implied. Why the fuck wouldn't they just say she got kicked off? In anime, if sex is implied, it happened. But they're usually to scared to actually talk about it explicitly.

But she doesn't fuck him because hes a student and underage

what says it wasnt consensual with kamoshida too? JUST BECAUSE HE IS A MAN??? fucking sjw cucks.......

>getting pushed around

He literally called people to his office to beat the shit out of them you dipshit.

I don't know, maybe Ann explicitly telling you she doesn't want that in the restaurant?

>Mr. Kamoshida makes all the girls smell his fingers after practice. Why?

Nice BAIT?!?!

On some level everyone that played the game is similar to Kamoshida.

Most people picked a girl and had a relationship with her, and most weebs fantasized sexually about them.

The game is also a virtual playground which includes the school itself, and you play by engaging others in social interaction for your own benefit.

And also abused his popularity with rape, selling out to demons, being a pervert, physically abusing other sports teams so that they don't interfere with his own (HE BROKE A CHILDS LEGS ON PURPOSE)

Please be b8

sluts throwing themselves at him because they want to leech off his fame, same for the people who enabled his beatings and stayed quiet. bunch of hyenas

I have to admit, even after having the majority of my time with him without the cuts and bandages, Mishima really looks weird when hes not had the shit beaten out of him.

>he's too much of a pussy to take a few hits for fucking up

God I wish hitting kids to straighten them out was allowed these days, shame it's called "abuse".Fucking pussies

I bet she didnt even struggle, and came buckets from the japchad cock

later on Ann even admits that Shiho never would've been kicked off the team because he cared too much about winning, and it was just an empty threat

>No one in the game had a counterargument to what he did or said
>Still going to prison

Nothing wrong

anne is a whore dont trust what she says

So? The same shit happened to me when my dad got upset with something I did at home?

My kids will get the same treatment. Please, none of you pussies ever come to Texas. We don't tolerate this shit.

If it's something you believe in, don't let social shaming and potential jail time dissuade you. it's a selfless act made doubly selfless by calling down penalties on yourself when those who don't understand find out.

>Please, none of you pussies ever come to Texas
I don't care much for dust, oppressive heat and mexicans, so why would I? I could travel somewhere actually nice.

Kawakami wasn't trying to control MC, or even abuse him sexually. She just wanted a healthy consensual relationship and the only one who can understand her problems is a student being wrongfully accused of committing a crime.


Its a feminism game to fit in the progressive narrative anyway.

and there you have it Kamoshida cucks.

Coach was only doing what was within his means to survive. He's the biggest victim in all of this: a victim of circumstance. Forcing a change of heart on someone is a crime even worse than murder or rape. It is objectively unjust.

>it's another kamoshida bait thread that works


So if a woman ever accuses you of sexual harassment, you're automatically guilty. Got it, thanks.

when the accusation is true, sure. it was never even implied they were making it up

Alao the legal age of consent in japan is 13

What would Griffith's palace look like?

Why does fatlus keep giving fish/bug eyes to characters were "supposed" to hate. pic related

kind of like the innocent admirer from persona 4, the guy did nothing wrong outside of looking ugly.

He's based off a real life Japanese Olympic who got in trouble for sexually harassing the women he coached in judo.

Everything wrong in SMT usually stems from a politician trying to use demons and angels to make Japan a superpower. The only time Japan as a superpower worked in SMT was Atsuro's Ending because he had the knowledge and skills to control demons.

If he actually cared about Japan, maybe. It was obviously just an excuse though.

Theres evidence to his crimes you mongoloid. Please be a falseflagging ironic shitposter.

I mean he murdered a guy

It would probably look like his literal real life palace in Berserk, Falconia.

buildings made up of bodies raping each other

>So if a woman ever accuses you of sexual harassment, you're automatically guilty. Got it, thanks.

Holy shit this, what the fuck happened to this site now full of beta whiteknight faggots who are saying he's guilty ?

Fuck that hoe, he's innocent

Kawakami is for hugs not for fugs

What's with all these false flags, has Sup Forums always been like this?

>minor hazing

He broke Ryuji's leg and physically assaulted every other member of the volleyball team.

I have been falsley accused before. But I denied it.

Kamoshida had pride in his actions as we see in his palace.

>history of abuse
>history of harrasment
>history of sexual abuse

Then Shiho tries to kill herself and everyone talks about what Kamoshida did to her was unspeakable. Including Kamoshida.

Go back to your room and stop projecting about daddy.

Atlus thinks it's good writing to make the villain transparently evil instead of wearing a mask to hide their true motives.

Persona 5 really shitted the bed having the best villain being the first guy

Nobody else made me actually want to finish their dungeon asap and less time you do you actually feel threatened

The rest all felt like shitty quests

He didn't fuck Shiho, he tried to grope her and molest her, when she fought back he hit her. That's when she tried committing suicide, holy shit learn to read.

lmao you're trying to rationalize your abuse

I guess the dicking was part of the training, huh?

>Japan game fallen for the feminism meme

Persona 5 is such a disappointment

Kamoshida says it you idiot. He says she had to take Ann's place. Ann was never beat. He only tried to fuck her. The only place she had in his mind was a fuck object. Someone taking her place would be fucked.

Is there a full pic of Shiho? Every time I see this picture, I keep imagining her wearing a high cut leotard.

>learn to read
Since you're saying I can read the information about him groping and molesting instead of raping Shiho in particular, give me the exact text that says he groped her instead of raping her. Also, I'd like to see the text saying she fought back.

I need to learn to read after all, this will be good practice for me.

>but it happened to me when I was a kid, it's only fair that it's my turn now
When I was in Afghanistan this is the same argument those fuckers gave us when we tried to make them stop raping little boys.

Where's the test he explicitly raped her

Oh wait, there isn't one

Try again

I never said that text was there. My original post was obviously stating an implication the same way the game itself does.

You however said I can read the text that she was groped. I'd like to see it since that is the case.

>Rape was implied

But it was never said. He never confirmed it. He could've beat her for all we know. But because it's a woman and you fucks have dirty minds it's"rape"

IIRC after visiting Shiho in hospital (once she regained consciousness) in one of the side dialogues Ann literally uses word "rape" as one of the reasons why Shiho will be changing schools.
It was something along the lines of "this rape thing won't go away so she needs a fresh start".

At least I did everything right.

The laws vary from place to place. In most areas the age of consent doesn't mean you can fuck 13 year olds as an adult as you'll get written up for breaking obscenity laws and can even get tried as an adult if you're 17 depending on where you're at. What can be considered obscene can also range from something as vanilla as handholding or walking together to full on penetration. Women probably get less punishment though.

You're actually lying, she says abuse. No where in dialouge is rape mentioned.

The recurring theme of every Tales of game is that the "villains" all have very good reasons to do what they do.

I honestly hope if they make an Arena game he gets his own Persona

She's wearing the standard school uniform skirt and just the same top as Mishima.

>Kamoshida wanted Ann to sleep with him, as told to us by Ann
>when she refused Kamoshida's shadow says he has Shiho take her place

It is heavily implied he attempted to for Shiho to have sex with him, however nothing that i say in the game specifically states if she did or not. Still the extreme sexual harrasment is still something he should be at the very least fired for.

She had sex with him in exchange for being the star of the volleyball team

Bullshit. Ryuji's leg broke because he was overtraining, the game says so.

(Major 999 spoilers)
This perf twink, just trying to save his sister.

>recommend anyone he didnt like for expulsion
“didn't like”?!

You come barging into his office and start threatening him for no reason. What the fuck is he gonna do except say the truth? “These students are harrassing me”


why would support raping this cute waifu

No, kamoshida legit broke his leg, he even says so when you confront him in the office.

That's why you gotta beat the shit out of him to compensate



Thai Kicku

>Ryuji's leg broke because he was overtraining
>the game says so
No it doesn't say that at all, in fact it said exactly what the guy you were trying to correct said.

Reminder that Ann came onto him to give shiho the starter position. She initiated.
You're not gonna tell me that Sup Forums is okay with a girl flirting with a guy and then call him a rapist when he responds are you?