Is FF8 the ultimate red pill?

Is FF8 the ultimate red pill?

it's the ultimate "best game in the series but plebs can't see it" pill, together with MGS1 and Nocturne

I hate sophie

That is not a character in ff8

I'm a hardcore fan with FF8, so many times I would even try to escape reality with lucid dreaming, I would be in Balamb Garden where I would often train with Zell in the training center and help Selphie with the Garden Festival, but one day as I was talking to Selphie, we went to my dormitory for a private talk. She immediately said, "You know you could live with us forever.." I gave her a confused look and she continued, "We understand that you live on earth and you REALLY wish to live here". I then said "How..How did you know?" She then giggled and said "Because we've been watching you, silly!"

This was a dream come true and I almost cried right there. She then said, "I talked with Headmaster Cid and he agreed that you would be PERFECT for SeeD, you just have to thing". She then held my hand and looked deep into my eyes and said "...You have to kill yourself for the transfer to work correctly." I then gave her some questions, "How long do I have before the deal expires?" She then said "Cid said 3 months.." I added by saying "What's the most painless way?..." She giggled again, "Suicide will require pain buuut...if you want it quick...Get a gun and a nice shot to the head works.

I then agreed and she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I know this will be tough but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here!" I then woke up and this was last week and i purchased a gun. I might actually kill myself because that dream just felt too real to be fake and my life isn't doing so grand.

>I would be in Balamb Garden
Not Galbadia Garden?

Kill yourself.

I can dig the combat and magic system which is usually what haters have a problem with.

I just dislike it because all the characters are boring as fuck.

cool story bro

What do you mean by this? Seriously what do you mean?

not being edea's personal fucktoy...kys

What the fuck is wrong with everyones neck in the ff8 official art?

Is the enemy scaling bad? It's the only FF I haven't played.


I had the same thing with Bug.

8 gave me an unhealthy hatred for romance in games that has stuck with me all these years.

It has a neat setting and some pretty good parts that I like but I hate Rinoa and don't really care for the other party members so it's hard to get invested in the story.

yes. but its ok because this game is "different"

What did he mean by this?

Nomura confirmed hack.

It's more that it scales with level but that scaling doesn't take into account the junction system which boosts your stats easily far above what the level is supposed to be which means the game becomes incredibly easy.

If you don't actively try to exploit the system though then it's fairly fine, I've always found it a pretty strange criticism. It is very easy to break the game sure, but most RPGs are broken fairly easily. Grandia for example can be trivialised by using diggin' more than once per encounter making your party basically invincible, FFT can be trivialised in countless ways as well. I can only assume it's autists who can't stop themselves from min/maxing the fuck out of everything on their first playthrough.

I liked Squall because he's the angsty teenage Batman. Everyone else can die in a fire.

....Hard core FF8 fan here, I had this exact same dream last week...

If we transfer together... I hope we could both become SeeD's.

If you want to be redpilled on how to not design and write a JRPG, then it sure is.
