Grill plays video game

>grill plays video game
>doesn't even know how to hold the controller
>mashes every button

Why can't women git gud at video games?

Other urls found in this thread:

life is too easy for them to think for themselves and no one will bother telling them criticism

>I've never left my home, the post

>Guy plays video games
>Ends up sucking his tank's cock

Why can't healers git gud at video games?

>life is easy for them
Is this bait? Being a woman is much harder than being a man.




>Being a woman is much harder than being a man.

>colored hair
>annoying face

too easy, too damn easy.


In some ways they have it harder, in some ways they have it easier.

Anyone that claims otherwise is either a red-pilled retard or some nu-male cuck

this. The double standard goes both ways.

i knew immediately what this was when i rolled over it. I laugh every time.

Well, physically it must be harder.
I'd be pretty pissed off, if I lost half of my upper body strength and bled for days every month.

>a girl can be pretty
>isn't pretty

They don't have to lift shit though, that's what men are for. Getting the period must be hell though, not sure if that's worth it for living life on easymode
>doesn't even know how to hold the controller
How can you hold a controller wrong? They're designed to be easy to hold

My wife's excuse is she simply missed the gaming boat until she got a PS2 so she's late to the party. Muscle memory is a bitch to learn later in life.

In a male society, women have much fewer choices for their lives

Wow such a new and fresh thread OP, good job!

I remember the first time I went out with a girl. There were so many lingering stares from other men it was unreal. When we were waiting for a bus, there was some 40+ year old fat guy just intently staring at her for the whole 20 minute wait. I didn't even need to stay behind at that point, but I was feeling pretty alarmed that he was going to get on her bus.

He forgot to mention that I was 21 when I got my first system of any kind.

That's right, instead of buying booze for my 21st, I bought a PS2.

was gaming with my sister-in-law and her son, at some point even he mentioned how much of a button masher she was. Kid is 9 and couldn't tolerate her shit playing.

i see nothing wrong with this, good choice user.

>is 50/50
No is not, socially is easier, which *may or may* not lead to some advantage in other aspects of life.
O course be cry about how life is unfair because of your gender is not going to do shit.

Why git gud when you can make a man do it for you?

Remember weebs and basement dwellers, even a cripple like me can get a great woman if he's honest about who he is, what he can do, and where he's going in life.

She's great at all the games I like... except 2d fighters and 2d platformers. The aforementioned muscle-memory thing.

I know a couple of girls that got pretty good at vidya but they don't play much anymore

I think it's a social thing, since men usually tend to be more secluded we are more prone to get hobbies like vidya than women, who are the ones that put the offer in the sexual market that moves our culture and thus tend to spend their time more on social activities

>She's great at all the games I like

What's YOUR game machine preference, user?

why do girls pretend to like videogames?

>O course be cry about how life is unfair because of your gender is not going to do shit.

I wasn't. I love the advantages and privilege being a WHITE MALE affords me in a first world country. It's fucking great.

Same reason they pretend to like anything: it happens to be in fashion for the moment.

Think what you like, bud. 8 years later and I'm STILL stoked I got her. Prospects are low for people who are as disabled as me. I won the lottery with her but lost the lottery of being a productive able member of society.

How's that for a trade-off?

>3d piggu
>useful for anything

>those legs
ew fat bitch