Japanese games are making a massive resurgence in the past few months

>Japanese games are making a massive resurgence in the past few months
>But Japan itself is switching to shitty gatcha phone games while the West is propping up the entire Japanese AAA market

How do Japanese developers feel about this?

>the west likes the east's good games better than the east
>the west is better at the east's games than the east

makes you thought

I'm thought real hard

>west has shitty industry but good taste
>nips have shitty taste but good industry
This is why multiculturalism works

Seriously not trying to start some sort of console wars horseshit but I really do think the Nintendo switch can help here. I mean the biggest Japanese game of the year so far was on there too don't forget

Japan obviously like this game too for waifu based reasons the same as they do mobile games.

That and Persona and honestly probably even Breath of The Wild cause of this particular Zelda.

>huge resurgence
The only game that wasn't already popular here that became popular is Nier. Zelda is not making a resurgence and neither is Persona.

the fuck are you talking about?????
The only really popular west game in asia is ow and in korea and thats just because how popular blizzard is there. Japan doesnt give a fuck a bout your fuckin yearly cod and bf rehash

I'm pretty sure D.va is why they like Overwatch and Elizabeth for Bioshock.

>japs liking a korean character

Call of Duty games actually do pretty okay there. Call of Duty Infinite Warfare moved at least 200K copies there and Black Ops III about 350K over it's lifetime which seems to be the average for the franchise. If you want to do much better basically be Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Monster Hunter or Dragon Quest.

>Japan itself turns to phone shit while their remaining AAA industry gears toward exporting to the West
I don't mind if we get more games like Nier, especially on PC where they can shine properly.

Except yes. Japan doesn't really care what country your from if you're moe. It's a sassy J-Pop idol #1 video gamer teenager in a skintight bodysuit that pilots a giant mech around and sometimes spouts memes. There's no way they won't be all over that.

Red pill me on Japanese consumers' shit tastes. Why is it so bad?

In what way is Nier not a game aimed at Japan. It did the best in the Japanese market of any individual market. It has waifus designs. It just had a live stream entirely in Japanese with no subtitles to announce some new DLC. Most of it's fanbase are weebs. It's as Japanese a game as it gets without being Persona 5 really.

Gacha and mobile market is basically risk-free shit that makes tons of money.

High budget video games are risky and often involve gaijin market for better profit and no one can predict how popular it will be among the gaijins.

Basically they only buy a handful of franchises that have been around for decades unless it's got waifus in which case they buy it except in smaller numbers. A ton of Japanese franchises have also just kind of died or gone over to mobile lately because Japanese producer types are forever retarded and figured they couldn't compete with Western Triple A games anymore and went full retard not knowing what to do for about the entire seventh generation of console games. This is how we ended up with stuff like the FFXIII trilogy and a whole bunch of other disappointments or franchises that skipped a console generation or went over to handheld or mobile. I think it's a bit premature to say Japanese games are undergoing a renaissance just yet though because they suddenly remembered consoles exist and had a good few months with Western releases. Also I think people are just finally starting to get off of this whole Triple A Hype Bandwagon thing a little so they're a little more open to considering some Japanese games again which producers may have noticed.

Why do amerifats consume degenerate negro noise and watch so much interracial porn?

Japan also really REALLY does not like taking any sorts of risks. Maybe you'll see a Square Enix take a calculated one but that's about it really.

They don't like home consoles or pc gaming, succesful games are mobile in nature and generally are multimedia franchises with tie-in anime and merch.

are we ignoring the fact that blizzard was so dense to make the mecha riding character and not japanese? this fucking game.

They had 2 Japanese characters when most nationalities had only 1.

Also Korea was always a much bigger market for them than Japan

It is, but it also did well in the West both on console and PC and in Japan Taro himself said that it has no chance at all to compete with the big names or profitable phone shit I imagine.

and your point is? to be a hit in japan you need to sell atleast 1.5m, 200-300k is a joke. Japs are not waiting for the next cod period.

>Japanese games are making a massive resurgence in the past few months
>But Japan itself is switching to shitty gatcha phone games while the West is propping up the entire Japanese AAA market

How can japanse games make a massive resurgense if japan is switching to gashapon???? your fucking text contradicts itself.

Also nintendo and konami are only diggin their own graves.

Japan /= the rest of the world

Breath of the Wild and Persona 5 are selling like gangbusters, and tons of niche visual novels are seeing a revival of sales thanks to steam, but that's all because of foreign markets

so what? since when korea is the first place you think of when you think of Meh riding teens?????

I Fucking sick of people defending overwatch poor character design.

No one is talking about the rest of the world, you dense motherfucker. West games are not the big shit in japan as OP is trying to imply.

And the fucking west market is stuck in a fucking social justice gimmic trying to comply to every one and failing at it.