Is his career over now?

Is his career over now?

I sure hope so

No, but he's clearly slipping.

Got lazy once he got dem patreonbux and now he's reviewing games that are too niche even for his own audience.


Does sage still work?



I still like his content but he's really falling off the wagon recently. He only rarely makes videos now despite practically having his rent paid by patreon, the only reviews he releases are of games that no one particularly cares about, and even when people ask him his opinions of specific games on his response is basically "I played it but I won't tell you what I think in case I make a video on it but I don't plan to make a video of it at the moment so BYE".

I don't know what happened, honestly.

Clemps is my nigga, although I do wish he would make more videos more often.

I bet you're a blast at parties

I understand he reviews things only if he has something actually interesting to say about them. I don't see a problem there. I just hope he never reviews a nintendo game again.

Also, he really got his ass handed to him by that SJW sausage aficionado. Though someone should point out that the real reason lock on even exists in these kind of games is that the analog stick is a horrible means of controlling the camera. Then again, it's probably fruitless trying to talk to that fruit.


I will continue to sage the thread until it's archived.
You literally can't win.

When you give people money, even if is not a lot and even if they are kinda honest you just free up their minds to a lot of stuff so is probably harder for them to actually focus and finish stuff, they may start nitpicking their stuff too.
I personally think no video is good enough to take 2 or 3 weeks or more to be made, that is not to say that is easy, I'm saying its a youtube analysis, it does not have to be perfect, is not what makes it good.

why are people making threads about this guy all of a sudden

>100k+ subscribers
>doesn't post regularly

I don't think the dude ever saw youtube as a career in the first place.


>all of a sudden

for a year now

>gets patreonbux to do literally nothing but put out one "my forced opinion is objectively correct and you are wrong if you disagree" video every 6 months
NEET's were a mistake

there are three threads of him right now I think that is a bit excessive

n-no you can't

Does he actually have a patreon? What exactly are they paying for? Matthew is probably drinking some extra cider or whatever irish people do while he's working his real job.

I don't have a huge issue with him focusing on niche games but deciding to cut off all communication with his audience for 7 months in order to avoid spoilers for one video game was a dumb decision and I can understand why it soured some people's image of him.

>"my forced opinion is objectively correct and you are wrong if you disagree"
what? I thought you were joking about beying buthurt


persona fags are retarded as fuck, every game or movie or show can be spoiled but they act like is the end of the world

