Sup Forums what's your SR?
Sup Forums what's your SR?
I don't know what that means because I don't play this shit game.
Current: 2684
Season high: 2999
All in one day.
just around average
Haven't played since S3 but I was low diamond 3050-3100 or so if I recall.
>playing literal shit
Please stop subjecting yourself to this degrading game.
And please stop subjecting us to your inane threads when /vg/ exists to hold long term, recurring threads like this.
Low 2000s but I save screenshots of profiles from /vg/ threads and pretend I'm GM for shitposting purposes.
Nothing because I stopped playing it.
4021 in S3, haven't even bothered doing placements in S4 because I can't be bothered to play 7 whole games per week to avoid decay.
I think....3800?
Might have decayed by now.
floating around 2500
I could be diamond if I played standard every game but I always pick shit heroes and throw games out of bordem
are you me.
>Lose 200 sr in a single day
>buddy looses 300 sr in a single day, drops to gold.
>other friends lose almost as much.
this fucking season.
Acreage is 2700 you smug tosser
>REEEEEEEE! Don't discuss a video game on my Sup Forums!
>I'd rather have another thread about waifu shit than a thread that I don't have to go into where some people discuss a video game that I don't like!
1500 something
started to main bastion this season, most people don't even object
Highest I've ever hit is 3050~
nice humblebrag, you stupid prick
Anything to win homie
New algorithms mean it'll take you even longer to recover
I used to tryhard with a buddy, was right around diamond. Then all my normie friends wanted to play ranked, so I did all my placements with silver and bronze players, now im at 2400.
bought this game a few months ago since i herd this game was a good introduction to fps. Haven't play one since the ye old WWII shooters.
Started at 870, now im 1640. Very fucking interesting climb, still a long way to go.
>did same thing
>placed terribly
Solo queued and hit it out of the park for this season's placements and get within 10 SR of last season's placements where we lost 8 games and played like shit. Actual reset when?
pretty good considering i only play it like two days a week. wish i could play more but work, school, etc
will probably get gm by the end of the week desu
feels shitty when you are the only person on your team actually killing players, and if you die, you lose the point. Monumental pressure.
Generally can win the first round or two, then the other team realizes im playing with paste eaters, and dedicate 3 people to just rushing me
Best of luck to you!
i've never touched ranked
i'm level 132
i just like playing with friends
thanks but it doesn't look that good atm.
2900 Season high.
~2500 current.
>playing a casual waifu shitfest "competitively"
>slaving over a simple number in hopes of seeing it increase and maybe justifying your miserable existence
>thinking that you will enjoy the game more if you get to higher ranks
>actually feeling good about being good in Overwatch of all games
This guy gets it. The rest of you are pathetic. If you need to play ranked to enjoy a game you might as well end your life.
>tfw team is so shit you get gold damage as lucio
I agree that Overwatch is low skill bullshit, but there's nothing wrong with playing video games competitively, it's way more rewarding and enriching to progress as a player than playing casually, which is fine too. I would say if you aren't playing games competitively, you're missing out on something that can potentially take your hobby to the next level. Of course, if playing competitively makes you too anxious or makes your hobby less enjoyable, you should stop immediately.
If you're entirely new to sorts of gameplay, it's not awful. You've already come pretty far in score and must be picking up new mechanics.
Just invest the time and you'll pick up the controls and reflexes.
If you really want to start advancing though, some common issues I see:
>always be aware of where your team is
>-If you can outnumber your opponents every fight, you can win
>-It's a lot harder for people to carry their teams if they're being outnumbered and ganked
>Watch your area denial
>-If everyone is blockading one area, the current will flow to another
>-Sometimes it's better to give the enemy some ground than to let their push wipe you
>Practice swapping heroes and bullying certain characters
>-Gain a good understanding on what tactics beat what
>tfw this worthless lucio on my team got gold damage by spamming winston and zarya shields, didn't get top 3 elims and got outhealed by a zenny and a tracer, a fucking tracer lmao
mostly working on healer/rein since no one fucking wants to play healer/tanks. That means i relied a lot on my team and can't work on my aim so both shit situations. Any tips on working on the aim?
>gets outhealed by two other players even when he can do damage and heal at the same time
>TWO sound barriers provided
3522, SH 3617
I only play comp when I'm drunk
Aiming is just practice. Make sure your FPS is capped to something stable. Variable frame rate = variable mouse input.
I don't play comp anymore but I was 2550 in season 3
Rocket league is enough competition for me thank you
>Make sure your FPS is capped to something stable.
how would I do that?
It takes an investment of time, that's for sure.
There are really three kinds of aiming to work down.
Flicks, Projectiles, and literally as I'm typing this my mind just fucking blanked. Auh. Following? Like the word for keeping your reticle on someone for a period of time for like Zarya.
There's really few cheats other than just playing for quite some time and practicing your movements to do it reliably.
A few notes though.
>Team responsibility is important! But...
>-sometimes you're really going to have to say 'fuck it' and pick someone you want to practice for.
>-You'll definitely want to pick someone who fits team comp if you want to win, but you don't always have to win to practice gameplay and HAVE FUN
>-If you're the only one willing to appeal to team comp you're not going to like your team anyway cause they're bitches so just try to get some entertainment
>Give yourself the workspace
>-clean your fucking desk
>-If you can get your whole arm on the table, you can keep your movements more steady until you build the better reflexes
>Strafe it until you make it
>-If you've played doom you'll know this one.
>-A change in angle (via mouse) can make a big change in where the bullet goes
>-Practice using strafe to adjust your shot l/r. As you get better you'll want to use this with aiming for those tight paced gnarly fights you see
I'm absolutely trash at OW keep in mind but I used to be quite good at blideogames when I was younger.
I just want to get 300 more sr to diamond I'm not old I'M NOT OLD
I was 3800 in S3, but refuse to play comp again until they reverse or rework the decay changes that started this season. Absolutely ridiculous.
I mean... alternatively you could just git gud. If you're decent at any twitch shooter OW is a cakewalk up into the higher ranks. You seem strangely mad... like maybe you didn't place so good.
Can't be bothered to check. I think I'm in the 2200s right now.
Slowly climbing my way up. Started from the 1600s.
Season high 2499
Right now i think 2100
I gave up on reaching Platinum
There's an option called "limit fps" in the options. You can enter a custom value, or selecting display-based works in most cases. Ideally, you want to cap to be at the lowest value that your FPS drops so you don't experience any while you're capped.
>3rd type of aim is tracking.
To add... tilting is 100% bad news. If someone on your team is tilting, just mute the faggot. He's not going to say anything helpful or worthwhile and it will affect morale. If you're the tilting faggot, at least wait until after the game to sperg out.
>Season high 2499
mmmm that's the fucking worst
If you play solo and you're in any kind of voice/chat channel, you're doing it wrong.
>Playing comp
That new decay shit is cancer and needs to be removed. I don't fucking have time to play seven matches a week sometimes and it just fucks me I can't play.
1550 about, but with around 35 hours in the season and I solo queue as a support main. I'm mostly fine with it. I'll hit gold next season sometime maybe.
it's weird to me when people only complete their placements each season then brag about their rank.
I disagree. People in chat are more helpful than not. Worst case scenario is you just get radio silence the whole match from your entire team. Getting callouts (like someone saying roadhog low or widow top right etc.) is useful enough to be in team. I've never seen more than 1 or 2 people at a time flame/throw, and it's not really that big of a deal.
Used to be diamond when I had joined a competent team but now I'm playing with friends because they are friends, not because they are good. I'm having way more fun so its worth it to me.
Haven't played this season. 4200 last season
wanting to climb as support pre 2000+...lmao
if you want to climb from those places you need to hardcarry as dmg or some shit
I just want diamond for the competitive points
Gonna respectfully disagree with this one. I got the tilt lord who started the game threatening to throw. I could have just muted him but instead I talked him down and got him to play seriously.
Still an obnoxious bitch the whole fucking game, and not even good, but stopping him from throwing outright was enough to let us win on the balanced Drawnubis.
You don't have to change their outlook on life, but calming someone down enough to play seriously is possible.
Too much work to play a fucking video game if you ask me. You'll get people like that every other game in master/grandmaster.
Those ranked points my dude. I have an addiction to SR.
Not sure if this is relevant, but I used to work in customer service, so constantly dealing with angry retards isn't that big of a deal to me.
But I still feel like a fucking deadweight to the team every game. I play mostly McCree, Zen and 76. I get a bunch of silver or bronze medals almost every game but I dont feel like Im doing anything helpful and also feel like enemy DPS does twice the things I do.
Send Help
Played Junkrat, then swapped at the end. Just being generally useless.
>mystery heroes
4050 decayed to 3k, I only get GM each season for the rewards then uninstall till the next season
>i can't play seven matches in a week
>i literally do not have twenty minutes a day to dedicate to a game at which i am purportedly competing
top 500 games are pretty chill. it's cool to play with actual professional players and streamers. most people are relaxed and less toxic. it's not really smart be an asshole in a community of a few hundred players since your reputation will be tarnished.
>What is work
>What is uni/college
>What is a social life
Leave your fucking room for once faggot.
Started at 2800.
Currently at 3300
Season lowest : 2300
Woah, seems like you have actual things in your life to care about. Why are you so invested in a meaningless number in a video game?
Because it shouldn't have to be yet another chore for me to do.
Because to play with my friends on the off chance I have some spare time I have to keep my rank.
Because I should be able to come home and not think "Fuck I have to play a game of Overwatch tonight so I don't derank."
Because I enjoy the competitive nature of the game and care less about the number but more about the challenge and if I derank the game becomes boring because I am playing with players not equal to my skill level.
Take your pick.
twenty minutes a day, user. there's ACTUALLY no excuse, unless you work on an oil rig or you're a deployed soldier or some shit and you don't have dependable internet access.
If you can't find time for seven matches (roughly 20 minutes a day) a week, maybe you don't deserve to keep your rank. Others who are willing to put in the time deserve that rank over you, even if you are that good.
>game becomes boring because playing with less skilled players
MMR doesn't decay, only SR. You will be matched with the same skill level players as before and SR will show this after a few games.
Current: 4082
Season high: 4162
According to Overbuff I'm the 21st best Junkrat in the world. I have a hard time believing that's actually true.
Now: ~3950
High: 4227
and who the fuck plays ranked???
I work 11pm-7am 6 days a week, I work all night and sleep all day, Would you like me to play when I get home from work or when I wake up and feel like shit for having such a cooked sleeping pattern? Or maybe on the weekend when I try to have a normal life.
>Others who are willing to put in the time deserve that rank over you, even if you are that good.
Not like I am taking up a space, come get it senpai.
Good to know that my SR doesn't decay though, Though I still think a Blizzard could come up with a better solution for it.
Pls stop samefagging tho.
How the hell Season rating works? Last season i was around 3000, this time i made placements, 7 wins,2 loss, 1 draw, got 1600, am i supposed to climb again? Or does it matter what role you play?
Eh, seems like a decent solution to the top 500 players so they can't sit on a lucky score. Not entirely sure why it decays for master, let alone diamond
highest I ever got was 3200. Haven't played in a long time though, it was so cancerous I never even played much to begin with.
2800 atm, started playing this season. If I keep playing soldier getting to master should be easy. ranked is boring as fuck though.
wtf I thought Sup Forums was supposed to be good at video games
most of you are still on diamond
It's a tricky issue, a lot of pros who were top 500 last season were angry about the changes this season because they mostly do scrims and lans and they obviously do care about their rank. On the other hand though it stops people from getting into top 500 then not playing for the remainder of the season and getting the rewards and shit.
you work eight-hour shifts, dude. that's bog-fucking-standard. your sleep schedule is your own to manage. if you can't do that, then don't bitch about not being able to manage the rest of your life. sleep 7-8 hours like the rest of us.
always stopped playing ranked after I reached 3k since I don't have the will to even play more than one rank game per week sometimes, the new 7 games per week definitely doesn't help
always wanted to make a smurf and go as low as I can
Yeah fuck me for working a high manual labor job and being tired and wanting the privilege of sleeping a little longer after work right.
Can't wait till you enter the workforce bud gonna be a real shocker.
depends what time you played
schools out and public holidays so endless shitters
Placed at 1723
Currently at 2808, season high of 2856
>playing through a losing streak
>not stopping after 2 losses and starting again later
>t. Bronze
Don't play Rein in really low tiers because people won't get behind your shield. Play Roadhog