Who's your favorite Warframe?

Who's your favorite Warframe?



The game is shit and has done nothing but get worse with every update, fuck DE

the uninstall frame


Nidus, NuLimbo, Excal and Frosty.

>87% time as excal
>nearing 1k hours in-game
Hydroid a best. no bully squiddy

>101 Persona threads at any given time, that's okay
>20+ BOTW threads at any give time, that's okay
>20+ Nier threads at any given time, every single one is about 2B's ass, that's okay
>PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS being shilled five times a day, that's okay
>Oh my god is that a Warframe thread? REEEE BACK TO YOUR GENERAL

>it's OK when I do it because others do it


>reply doesn't even make sense


Open the archive and show me how many Warframe threads you can find.

There was a decently long period where Trinity was only about 98% broken instead of 100% or 0%. During that time I really liked playing Trinity.

I like the current version of Saryn

Valk, obviously.

I'm currently trying Nova, only previous Warframe I played was Mag. I feel like Mag's abilities had way more utility overall, but Nova does have its moments.

Warframes I'm trying to get at are Chroma, Equinox, Limbo and either Trinity/Oberon/Vauban/Zephir.

basically healing everyone, but I miss the old range of the healability. (Meaning everyone got healed all the time in any distance)

This argument has been lost long ago friendo.

Oh and btw fuck the Limbo excavations, I feel like I need 100% luck just to be able to defend the machines.

Valk was always my favourite, mainly because of her vocal noises and ass.

Sucks shes not S tier anymore.

you made this thread yesterday faggot

He made it again today, go suck some cock.

what argument? I was just giving directions.

oh by the way

If you like playing Solo Limbo is great. He also shits all over LUA missions. In a group he tends to piss everyone off because he's 'NO FUN ALLOWED'.

Limbo turns every excavation mission into a brain off snore fest though. Drop cataclysm of excavator, activate time stop, melee enemies dead, and keep nullifiers away and you're gold.

Overall I find Limbo very boring but effective, like Loki and Octavia. So if you like boring OP as shit frames keep on excavating.

Go away DE, go fundamentally change the core gameplay again after people buy/grind out the meta-gear.

This game sucks.

Can someone explain to me why people think this game looks good? The art direction is some of the worst I've seen in current titles. Everything's just a mess of organic greebles with no clear shapes and weird proportions.


Zamboni Was Right

She's still god damn amazing. Just keep moving and murder anything melee with extreme prejudice.

>Tonkor and a few autos are the only viable primary
>Frost, Nova, Trin, maybe a few other frames depending on the situation are viable; some, like Ash, are generally considered shit for every situation
>explosive damage is the only thing that people use
>game holds vaulted Prime equipment over your head that can't be acquired anymore and has to be bought for like 5k plat for a frame set

Is this still the state of the game or have they fundamentally fixed it in the last 18 months?

>Can someone explain to me why people think this game looks good?

IT doesnt. They game just gives you freedom to color your shit the way you want, that's what brainwashes people into thinking this garbage looks good.

Frost. Mesa and Vauban are strong seconds.


People think Warframe looks visually good? I don't think I've ever seen that opinion.

The only thing I'll give them props for is your sound design team.Visually it's busy eye cancer all over.

Did they change the planet system? I quit back when there was a shitstorm about cutting content.

Yep. The moment they got rid of fusion cores and void keys was the moment I quit.

Man that's like the third time they did it, the first time was one when they completely did away with a mechanic and the weapons that were good at said mechanic became useless (the charge attack mechanic)

the beginner ones because you don't need to spend real money or grind 2000 hours to get them

I couldn't go on without coptering. RIP fast, you will be missed.

Have they actually added anything in the past year to warrant coming back? not counting new warframes or weapons.

Saryn's thighs.
I've been clean of Sleekframe for more than a year now. You can't tempt me back.

Mirage and Nova
but you should stop playing this shit game tho

Meta constantly shifts around as Power creep seeps in through the seams. Tonkor got nerfed so it has full self damage due to parkour 2.0 so obviously it's hot garbage now. Soma Prime, Akstiletto Prime, Tigris Prime, Atterax, Galatine prime are all the hot commodity weapons among others.

Blast is worthless, all about the corrosive damage.

primes still get vaulted and the market shifts accordingly so thats no different.

Trinity is forever broken, Nova is forever amazing, Frost is frost but there are much more popular frames than them for their sheer cheesiness.

So no, the game has changed but not in a way that would make it anymore appealing to you. Enemy scaling is still retarded as fuck.

As mentioned above they just keep making the game worse


Looks neat and its knockdown compliments my shotgun playstyle. Haven't played for a while though.

This makes no sense to me.

Why are they doing this.

Reminder that DE can and will ban you just for shit and giggles if they please, doesnt matter if you are a Founder or a Whale.

My friend keeps sending me screenshots of the game that look ugly as fuck and he legitimately thinks they look great. There's just no sense of function or any logic in the designs.

>cool gameplay and environments
>most of the missions consist of literally doing the same thing and fighting bullet sponge bosses


>Soma Prime, Atterax are all hot
>Corrosive Damage is back
>Nova and Frost are still amazing
When I left all of those were either nerfed to shit or just completely uselss. Glad to know that if I come back I'll be top dawg.

>playing warframe after the potato famine

DE lied
people died

The design rhetoric has gone more and more off the rails since the games inception as their art and design teams change.

The sad part is the fanbase makes a lot of better stuff than the actual design team. Perhaps it's on purpose so they can make that sick money off Tennogen sales by making their own shit look like ass.

>tfw my poor Rhino has been out somewhere in space decaying for 3 years
For every time I think about reinstalling I found out 3 more reasons why I shouldn't
Why couldn't Warframe be good bros

Corrosive is only a god status because enemy armor scaling is broken as fuck and it counters that. Even then everyone is just gonna slap on Corrosive projection aura and lower enemy armor anyway.

Enjoy your impending nerf.

Boss wise they've changed their design philosphy away from INVULN PHASES and more towards dealing with mechanics the boss causes. They've even re-worked some older bosses.

The game however is still 'same shit different day' for everything else so you're very right on that. It's very much a game for people who enjoy the 'diablo endgame'. Grind so you can get stronger to grind more efficiently to get even stronger.

Tonkor was nerfed hard.
Some frames ARE shit and not worth taking but Ash isn't one of them, any frame that can go invisible and strip armor has its uses.
>explosive damage is the only thing that people use
u wot m8?
>game holds vaulted Prime equipment over your head that can't be acquired anymore and has to be bought for like 5k plat for a frame set
I'll give you this. Warframe is 1 part great content to 9 parts awful grind, it's a terrible shame.

>nezha with every mod being +sprint speed and +slide

To be fair, /xivg/ is so awful that Sup Forums's mods allow the stealth general here.

t. someone who plays WF and XIV

Because the F2P structure incentivizes making it bad.

Remember, any game where you're given the choice of paying to unlock content you could get by playing is a game where the deal being offered is "pay us to NOT play".

And by definition, any game you would pay to not play is a game not worth playing for free.

As long as DE has to sell Plat somehow, they will find new and inventive ways to make the gameplay addictive yet totally awful.

Spent hundreds of hours in my Frost Prime.
Fucking loved that thing. Dat frost dome special was OP.

The War Within, three new frames, a new tileset, riven mods, some decent we-
>to warrant coming back
oh. nevermind then

I played pretty hardcore a year ago, was spending quite a but of money too on it.

Problem is I had almost perfect builds for everything and the thought of coming back and having to redo all that boring card shit again is insanely off-putting.

So I never come back.

Was Parkour 2.0 in the past year?

It's probably one of the best things about Warframe and it's easily the most fun movement system I've seen in a shooter yet. The game doesn't do much with it but it's good for a little while.

Other than that, precisely dick.

So ban the awful people, it's still bullshit having 2 generals.

Tell that to /vg/'s mods, not me.

>parkour 2.0

>the death of coptering
>the death of wall boosting
>the birth of pointless flips and buggy wall latches that don't get you to your destination any faster

>the death of fast

I did, I have a feeling some of the xivfags are mods though.


You are a shitter who thinks it's good that DE is pandering to your retarded little brain.

Bullet jump + slide + glide achieved what coptering achieved in a much more flexible and intuitive way.

I get that change is always bad 100% of the time, but bullet jump was still an awesome mechanic.

The real shame is that none of the maps or encounters are structured in a way that makes use of it. But of course, adding encounters or map tiles that required platforming and adaptiveness would be a terrible idea since all anyone wants to do in Warframe is run levels as fast as possible for loot, nobody wants to have fun playing.

no they allow generals because this fucking shit ha snt been moderated legitimately for years, or did you not see the slew of porn threads

parkour 2.0 was fucking awful
the wall hopping is retarded and on the dev stream they admitted it was a lazy fix for their issues


Wall hopping was way better than what they had before. Granted, the right way to do it would be the GunZ 2 way (where you have full lateral control when wall hopping and it basically just becomes a string of unlimited double-jumps when touching a wall) but still. The old method was so unbelievably prone to errors in direction detection, triggering runs on surfaces clearly not intended for it, getting locked into unintended actions/animations, etc.

>Bullet jump + slide + glide achieved what coptering achieved in a much more flexible and intuitive way

Blatant lies. It is situationally more efficient if you need to get vertical, something that is very rare in warframe. For long distance horizontal movement, it is slower and takes more button presses than coptering.

>since all anyone wants to do in Warframe is run levels as fast as possible for loot, nobody wants to have fun playing

You're seeing the symptom without realizing the cause. Warframe does not have 'fun' gameplay. You point your gun at a sea of enemies and fire. That's it. Every mission, every level, every tile. The gun might be different, the frame might be different, the enemies may have a different skin, but it's always the same thing. The very first mission you drop into will play the same as sortie3. People that play for a while realize this, and come to the conclusion that the best way to lessen the boredom of such samey gameplay was to get in and out as quickly as possible. Fast.

Loki obviously

>People that play for a while realize this, and come to the conclusion that the best way to lessen the boredom of such samey gameplay was to get in and out as quickly as possible. Fast.
Stop playing if you aren't having fun.

Warframe is dying because all DE's ever incentivized to do is make the grind longer and retune gameplay to offer QoL improvements for grind because they want to keep people like you trapped.

If you understand that the game isn't fun, and you accept that as inevitable and bitch about every gameplay change that might put making the game more fun above pure efficiency of grind, you are what is wrong with Warframe.

You're an addict. Uninstall that shit and play something else. Keeping your voice in the chorus is adding weight to every bad decision DE makes.

good answer
warframe is doing fine though. It won't die anywhere close to the present

I have fun playing Warframe. If you still play while not having fun you are a massive autist.

>you are what is wrong with Warframe.

I can't believe there are people out there who pay 60+ dollars for a skin and a weapon. It baffles me.

user I haven't touched the game in like 6 months

>warfarm is doing fine

Of course I don't. But neither do I grind endlessly for them.

I just play the game sometimes. Whatever I happen to unlock in the course of play, that's what I have.

I wanna fuck Saryn and then get space AIDS


>I'm gonna come and shittalk a game I'm not playing
>I'm going to pos ta picture of a laughing anime character while hardly refuting what somebody said

I haven't played warframe in forever but PROTIP: bind slide to mouse-wheel down

for "doing fine" i mean its playercount is rising
it doesnt mean DE is doing a good job

Have you spent time loving your carabus dethcube today, not-/wfg/?

>Stop playing the game!
>user states he has stopped playing
>Wooooooooow how DARE you talk about a game you're not //currently// playing!
You just don't suddenly lose your experience with a game when you're done playing it you fucking mongoloid. go be a retard somewhere else

You also don't get to talk about the current affairs of a game if you're not part of it, you braindead idiot.

Why are you faggots playing a game where people literally PAY to play it as little as possible and optimize their builds to finish as fast as possible? You're doing what you can to avoid actually having to play the game. Why play it at all then? Just to see your exp go up? There are countless games where you can do that. Surely there's one that isn't such a chore to play that you feel compelled to skip as much of it as possible.

>you are what is wrong with Warframe.
That's funny. I was pretty sure the thing wrong with Warframe was DE bending players over a bench and shoving pinecones up their ass for no reason but I guess we can blame the players who wish the game could've been leagues above what it actually turned out to be.

Everyday since universal vacuum is a thing now, finally could tell that fat flying ballsack of Carrier to fuck forever and ever

it's not even in the top 10 steam games played anymore. how is the player count rising?

F2P games aren't designed to be fun. They're designed to be addictive

Saying "lol just quit Warframe" is like saying "lol just quit meth"

You can, but that doesn't mean it's easy.


What grand change has happened in the last six months? You're expecting me to believe that Digital Extremes, high kings of shitgame mountain, have put forth effort and fundamentally changed warframe? If they have added something that isn't more of the same grind, I'll eat my socks.


Carrier is still the best/only companion you should be using though

i can pinpoint the exact moment the game stopped being fun to the update that introduced this fucking garbage