Who do you think are some of the greatest devs of all time?
They must have a nearly flawless library of games developed.
Starting with the obvious.
Who do you think are some of the greatest devs of all time?
They must have a nearly flawless library of games developed.
Starting with the obvious.
gta v is shit
and rdr is overrated as fuck
You have some shit taste right there
bait thread?
No other western RPG developer competes.
>gta is bad
the biggest 'contrarian for the sake it' opinion in the world
He said gta v (5) (five)
Grinding Gear Games.
It was just to give the thread a start, by starting with one of the most renowned and respected devs in the world...
Be a contrarian all you want, but Rockstar North is basically the Beatles of video games.
New Vegas is one of my all time favorite games. Also played The Stick of Truth which was pretty good.
What else should I check out from them?
GTA provides a great sandbox to run around in, but that's basically all it is. The gameplay, writing, characters, and art design are all mediocre at best, and are things people put up with so they can drive their car through incoming traffic down the highway really fast.
It's basically the same with Bethesda stuff post-Morrowind and the Just Cause series as well. They aren't good games, they're fun playgrounds with the thin veneer of a game spread over top.
>gameplay, writing, characters, and art design
I'll give you gameplay, but GTA almost ALWAYS has top notch writing, characters, and art design...
From Soft
These are the devs that I'll buy basically anything they put out on faith. Not all of their releases have been been perfect, but enough are that I'm willing to try anything they put out.
This. Black Isle had incredible talent.
Hey, I'll give you that, I love the story and characters. I enjoyed all of the GTA games, starting with the 2d games and GTA V blows my mind when I look at the sheer scope and all of the little details put into it. But I have to be honest, they truly are shallow and in a lot of ways, boring, with frustrating controls and shitty missions (drive here, shoot these stupid fucks, drive back, pick up this dumbass, drop him off here), worst of all, the retarded and easily exploitable AI that offers zero challenge and for a game about stealing and driving cars, the vehicle handling leaves a lot to be desired.
I would never consider Rockstar god tier, they made the same game over and over changing nothing but the characters occasionally and the incremental graphics and physics upgrades
>art design
The GTA games are some of the most generic looking games I've ever played. They have good graphics, sure, but the art design is completely bland and uninteresting. Just compare San Andreas to other 6th generation games with good art design, like Killer 7 or Wind Waker or Okami, or even Silent Hill 2 & 3, and the difference is night and day. SA looks awful now but all those other games still look great because their art was more than "how close to realism can we get on the PS2."
>writing, characters
Yawn. I played GTAV less than 3 years ago and I struggle to remember anything interesting or surprising about any of the characters or story beats. Video games have the potential to tell stories in new and interesting ways, but GTA just sticks to telling bad scripts that would work better in a movie. The characters and writing are just passable but nothing special or inspired
>Yawn. I played GTAV less than 3 years ago and I struggle to remember anything interesting or surprising about any of the characters or story beats. Video games have the potential to tell stories in new and interesting ways, but GTA just sticks to telling bad scripts that would work better in a movie. The characters and writing are just passable but nothing special or inspired
Just so you know, you're in the minority with that opinion. You dumb minority.
Can I put early nintendo? Like Pre-Wii?
>the retarded and easily exploitable AI that offers zero challenge and for a game about stealing and driving cars, the vehicle handling leaves a lot to be desired.
Hey now, the 3D era games were pretty fucking challenging at times, you can't deny that. Perhaps because they were cheap because of archaic mechanics, but challenging nonetheless a la Nintendo Hard.
not an argument
Most people have shit taste, that's why the best works in any medium are never the most popular. Not to say popular stuff can't be good, but if your argument is ever "it's good because a lot of people like it," you've lost.
>that guy cosmic shifting himself between dimensions on the far right
i thought his feet looked weird
holy FUCK almost all of them are
It wasn't supposed to be an argument you asshat. I'm just saying you're in the minority with that opinion.
I'm not going to sit here and argue with you over the fact that you personally couldn't remember anything interesting about the GTA V characters. Your shitty anecdote is not an argument either.
I'm sorry, I'm sure "guy who's crazy" and "guy who's going through midlife crisis and hates his kids" are the pinnacle of games writing.
Don't give a shit what you think desu. Don't ever use that shitty "not an argument" meme again while posting stupid anecdotes implying they're a good argument. Dumb ass.
>Fable 3
GTA V's writing was garbage at best though. Especially after the final story heist it looked like they were out of budget.
Underrated gem.
I can't stand Rockstar. Unless North just does the racing games or something, I never played those. All of their games are barely functional bland sacks if shit. GTA3 was ok, but they only get progressively worse from there.
>Fable: The Journey
The final story heist is like the penultimate mission...
Also the final mission doesn't look low budget either, what the fuck are you talking about?
Misunderstood magnum opus.
>Literally every game is the same shit with a different coat of paint
>Beatles of video games
Meme better next time, underage.
Bitch please I bet I'm older than you.
I'm willing to wager you're in your early 20's and just started browsing Sup Forums 3-4 years ago while underage. Now you think you're hot shit cause you're finally over 18.
Dumb ass Gen Z-er.
Mama mia, what a pasta.
Pillars of Eternity is really good.
I like em
Bamco deserve death for hogging mini-games on loading screens for a decade.
CD Projeckt RED
and FROM Software.
They're cucked by EA though.
Lol you seriously think that's pasta?
Holy shit you're more of a naive newfag than I thought lmao.
"lol-lmao" yourself into oblivion, shit-eater. You reek of reddit and highschool.
>Beatles of video games
Pretty accurate description since they're both overrated as fuck
>said the newfag who wrongly calls out "pasta"
Face it kid, you've been here for less than a year. Lurk moar.
Scaruffi pls go and stay go forever
Face it, you're a retard with no argument beyound "hurr durr you're a newfag tho"
You need to leave. You've been spotted, and spot-lighted, and it's obvious you don't belong here.
You're a fag and are too old and bitter to be here too. It's not good for you.
Studios don't stay good for very long. Once they make their magnum opus they usually quadruple in size and everything good about them is dead
>Face it, you're a retard with no argument beyound "hurr durr you're a newfag tho"
No argument? Lol this whole string of posts started with your dumb comment, which itself is not an argument. Face it kid, you're a dumb little boy, go listen to your shitty overrated pop band for the umpteenth time.
>>Literally every game is the same shit with a different coat of paint
>>Beatles of video games
>Meme better next time, underage.
meant for
Look, faggot. Here's the deal: your claim that Rockstar, the company that produces same-y shit on the level of Ubisoft or Activision, is as important for the game industry as The Beatles are for music is completely asinine. You can jerk off your boner for GTA III however long you want, but it was a boring shit game on PS2 and it's still a bad game now. The Beatles did not make two even remotely similar albums during their golden years. Rockstar is always the same, even when they try to make cars into horses. The missions are boring, the overworld is boring and the writing is "satirical" crap on a level of a 12-year old. I don't care how many times you call me underage, unless you have a valid argument about big, polarizing, game-changing differences between all the main Rockstar titles, every GTA included, you're still a retard with no argument.
Your samefagging is retarded beyond reason too. Maybe you should stop obsessing over little boys.
>Your samefagging is retarded beyond reason too.
Oh look, the newfag doesn't even know what samefagging is!
>Maybe you should stop obsessing over little boys.
Maybe you should get off the fucking board until you're at least 18.
I didn't claim any of that you fucking retard. I am clearly not that user.
They will be on my shit list until Bully gets a sequel. Also, releasing the vanilla version on PS4 was bullshit.
He's a dumb ass who is trying to nitpick and falling on his face because he knows he's wrong
Watch the dumb ass try to call this a samefag even though the posts are only 19 seconds apart.
So, anything to say about GTA being, you know, good? I can't wait all day, baby.
Clover Studios
Square Enix Production Team 2
Rockstar North
The only fun game they ever made was GTA SAN ANDREAS.
Fucking hell the other GTA's are boring as fuck
>FROM Software
And an honorable mention to:
>Bungie right before they started doing Destiny
They all have stale gameplay on par with shit like AssCreed, and shooting is complete garbage. Missions are plain not fun, most of them completely boring chases or shootouts. The "atmosphere" is completely non-existent due to Rockstar's desire to cram every gangster movie they know into their games. I won't even talk about "melee combat". Those who defend any GTA past III clearly haven't played those games since their childhood. The series is long past gone.
Literally a walking simulator, can't even call it a driving simulator any more since there's like 3 cars in the game and 1 airplane
>being this mad
>Trying this hard to evade a discussion you can't win
You're weak
>thinking I'm him
Is your only defense screaming samefag?
also ubisoft used to have some good devs years ago
some jap devs are good sometimes, but rather inconsistent
>played every GTA game as they were released
>am 31 now
>enjoyed GTA V couple years ago
I liked Ass Creed 1 and only 1.
I'm pretty sure you're dumb, and are trying to somehow make your opinion a fact.
100% this. You can shitpost about how they rely on sex appeal to sell subpar games all you want, but the truth is all of their games are at least above average, if not masterpieces.
>good music
>good art styles
>attractive in-game visuals
>responsive controls
>satisfying jumping physics
>no game breaking bugs, often no noticeable bugs period
>competently made, no bullshit deaths or bad level design
Wrong poster, retard. You're batting zeros.
God tier: Id, psyonix
good tier: kojipro, DICE, double fine, adult swim
almost good tier: FROM, flavor of the month indie devs
shit: bethesda, rockstar, thq
Apparently I've been 4 separate fucking people.
Well, you don't have one at all, unless you count image macros
Congrats for your shit taste. Anything to say about GTA being good beyond "fuck off I liked it". I mean, it's logical that you're willing to look past big problems of newer iterations if you grew up with these games. You're basically no different from today's CoD kiddies defending BlOps.
Naughty Dog.
t. Hipster
Gta 5's multiplayer was 100% bad.
The singleplayer is still up for debate.
blizzard, before activision.
squaresoft, before enix.
Naughty dogs and CD Projekt
>Volition(SR3 & 4 weren't as good as 2 but they're not terrible)
>Capcom when they aren't fuck-ups(very rare)
>Visceral(DS3 was the only game I didn't like)
>Rockstar when they make period pieces(modern GTAs feel dated and uninteresting)
>Hideo Kojima
Tried to stick with companies/people who are still alive