10 bucks

worth it Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


if you have money to spare, sure
though I'd get Hollow Knight instead if you haven't played that one yet


Dev is a BR shitter who gets pissy about other people making meme platformers as if it's plagiarism, just pirate it.

>BR shitter
BR = ?

buy drm free it's even cheaper

Brazilian. As in HUE HUE GIB MONI PLOX.

Just fucking pirate it if you're worried about the cost.

how is this on steam wtf

Her facial hair is neatly maintained.

I enjoyed it

really? lol better play Asterbreed

Great game but painfully short

KILL yourself shallow and empty gameplay knight shill. Nobody wants to play your garbage blunder so fuck off

That's a lot of buzzwords there, fagoo

t. buttblasted momodora shill
go shill somewhere else, nigger

You must be 18 years age of age to post here

>momodora thread

I am the dev

this guy is lying

>age of age

It's good but the dev doesn't deserve money honestly.
He's an autistic cry baby who through a gigantic fit on both Sup Forums and Tumblr because some other indie deva here and there were making games that looked similar to his.

Because Momodora, Rabi-Ribi and Hollow Knight are the only indie metroidvanias released in the last couple of years.

It's not worth 10 dollars. It's okay. Not the best gameplay, but sprites and music are pretty good.

this thread is about momodora, not those 2 steaming turds that only ever get mentioned because they are shilled to death

can I get a quick rundown on the dev? anyone got a screen cap?

calm down there Momodora dev
just make a better game next time and people will talk about it too

we were trying to talk about it here before the shills showed up lol

i just pirated it

is it worth playing?

>one guy mentions that OP might enjoy a superior game in the same genre, in the same price category

Its a fun lil game that you can beat in a day

First post says otherwise.

>Guys, should I buy Game A?
>No, there's Game B as an alternative

What's your fucking issue?

fucks yes.

its a great short and sweet game. really fun to try and speedrun for what its worth too.

>Mention of a game = shilling

Shill posters, shill thread, shill board, shill site
Shut it down

His issue is he's trying to shill a game and people are making it hard. :(

so many unpaid shills masquerading as regular Sup Forums posters these days. I wonder who is behind the indie cartel spamming the fuck out of shit games like night in the woods and hollow knight? they sell like shit, they don't get discussed anywhere, nobody plays the games yet there are 24/7 threads shilling for them. the days of viral marketing were nowhere near this bad, that was a lot more honest than these dishonest fake ass shills

Summer is here already

yeah and it's taking the form of the hollow knight dev teams best friends shilling their shit 2D dark souls clone daily

And this thread isn't about a shit 2d dark souls clone?

Momodora is fun I pirated it

nice game
please fix achievement xbone version

>hollow knight
>not playing with cute girl
this is neo/v/

should have been a hentai game desu senpai

I bet you think Neptunia is good too

wrong opinion

Of course it is good. And cute. CUTE!