This is the most objectively correct ranking of the series

This is the most objectively correct ranking of the series.


It's literally the worst game in the series.

DaS 3 > DaS 1 > DaS 2

anyone who rates DaS2 over 1, BB or DeS is a fucking liar

back to Sup Forums you go

God Sup Forums memes are the fucking worst


I have never played Demon's souls.

Objectively this

I want Sup Forums maymays stay at Sup Forums

Any usage of the word kino invalidates whatever you post

Working PSE emulator when? My PS3 is died :'(

your opinion is almost the exact opposite of the correct opinion

buy another one, they're dirt cheap now like 360s.

I actually agree completely good job op.

>Dark Souls
>timeless classic tier

I can't go back to DaS. DeS is fine but I just can't deal with DaS anymore. It's has all of the mechanical awkwardness of DeS but with none of the interesting level design or atmosphere to make up for it. It's aging like milk.

Oops, looks like your opinion is getting discarded.

>Demon's Souls

No, it gets all the respect it deserves and even more with all the hipsters rubbing it in the face of anyone speaking/making a reference/dreaming of From Software.

Shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any dark souls game

le daily shit thread

Is Dark Souls ranking a meme now?

This is very true, but obviously not representative of quality.


Because everybody knows opinions and facts are the exact same thing.

Bloodborne is one of the worst games of all time.

Even Arin Hanson has no fucking problem breezing through the game and FROMfags think the Dark Souls series is HARD?

Fucking. Kek.

>Implying Sup Forums is any better

It's a fact that your opinion is wrong


>Being easy means it's bad
Bloodborne isn't as good as many make it out to be here but your argument is retarded.

Bloodborne has a shit story, and all of the weapons have gimmicks that get boring in an hour(except the holy moonlight blade, that shit is cash). Also a good portion of the bosses are shit, particularly the child of kos(or whatever it's called) and the one reborn.

Dark souls 2 is so high because the weapons are pretty fun, the game is long and the DLC is great. My only complaint with Das2 is that it's too easy.

The "le hard modern video game xdd" meme is the only reason the Souls series is notable. There's literally nothing else interesting about the series. Take away the supposed difficulty of Bloodborne, and you have an empty, boring, loreless game with no objectives. Its only purpose is to be difficult, and it's one of the easiest games of all time. It fails on every front.

How cheap we talking?

Yeah, i got the platinum trophy after just 10 days. That shit was way too easy.


Of course, BB is just a meme game

I hate this board

>Pure kino
What the fuck does this shit even mean?
Fuck off reddit

~150 new or used


You forgot that whole series is in shit tier category.

I agree