Guardians of the Galaxy (Telltale)

New Telltale game Hype or boring?

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Fuck Telltale

It'll be like every Telltale game. Your choices don't matter.

Watch it on YouTube.

More "Choices"
A: Yes
B: Sarcastic Yes
C; Mean Yes
D:....(also yes)

>MCU claims another victim
RIP in peace, Guardians of the Galaxy. Tell old Iron Man I miss him.

What is with Telltale taking action-based IPs and turning them into muh story muhfugguh walking simulators. Seriously, can someone fucking explain this shit to me?

It's yet another Telltale game where your choices don't matter but they go through all the trouble of trying to fool you otherwise

I may watch a Let's Play of it if I'm bored and someone entertaining hosts it. Most certainly not gonna bother playing it myself. Not worth the bandwidth.

Make it stop.

Looks like Star Wars: The Clone Wars/Rebels

>telltale """"games""""

It sells. Normies like it.

they're just riding whatever franchise is popular at the moment for easy money
t. I fell for their game of thrones scam

This looks fucking awful from an aesthetic point of view, which is pretty much the only thing Telltale has left nowadays
Jesus christ everyone looks like they're made out of clay, its horrendous. Did they make this for PS2? Even TWD1 looked better

Fucking christ.


their games are interactive cutscenes

The Wolf Among Us and Tales from the Borderlands are the only Telltale games worth "playing".

is Telltale the definition of lightning in a bottle? TWDs1 was good, and Borderlands was good, but every other project has been absolute shit. What happened? Luck? Staff changes?

Where's Wolf Among Us 2 Telltale?

Are they ever going to fix their engine, so their games don't desync, reach single digit framerates and hard crash multiple times?

Are they ever going to have actual branching decisions that matter in the long run?

Are they ever going to make a game that's more than just a glorified VN/ TV episode?


They peaked with WDs1 and have never reached those heights again. I refuse to touch anything Gearbox related so fuck TFTBL.

We could have had an action game jumping around planets and space fighting different kinds of aliens and villains but nope, shitty interactive cutscenes it is.

Pirate Tales from the Borderlands then. It's probably the best thing Telltale have done in a while and the funniest thing to come out of the Borderlands universe.

This looks awful.

They could have at least gone for some new/interesting take on the Guardians, but SYNERGY I guess.

Tales from the Borderlands is good besides a couple of contrivances and some bits involving 2 characters who can't stop talking about how GAY they are for each other (Gee, I wonder which pathetic hack writer formerly employed by Gearbox could've been behind those bits?)

Just go pirate it you fag

Tales from the Borderlands were very good despite coming from shitty IP.
They got a lot of freedom in regard of story which ended up pretty good - unlike games based on story-oriented franchises.
Telltale can create good stories as long as convention allows it.


>tfw no Marvel Vidya Universe kicking off with the PS4 Spidey game
>tfw no squad based third person action game based on DnA Guardians developed by Platinum


Is Adam Warlock going to fucking be in it finally?

At least you're getting something.

This might be the worst IP for their format they've taken on yet.

Telltale has fallen so far. They let the success of one game turn them into complete whores.

This is correct, GotG IP could be used for far more interesting and fitting genres (Something akin to Mass Effect but actually good), than some "your choices don't matter" simulator.

The Walking Dead season one was a fluke.

The fucking MINECRAFT TELLTALE games, I guess everyone forgot about it.

Telltale is shit I don't know how so many people loved The Walking Dead one.

Telltale is literally responsible for me being able to comfortably live as a full time youtuber. I started last year, the market was saturated as FUCK, and I played The Wolf Among Us. It wasn't even new but suddenly BAM incoming sub tsunami, and I just continued to ride it by playing 2 more Telltale games after that. Thank you Telltale and thank you normies.

Goddamn every character looks like absolute shit.

>we can't have TWAU 2 but we can have Michonne, batman and this shit

I miss these guys.

>Memetale games
Into the trash

This looks like absolute shit. The fact that Marvel panders to the movie audience by copying it so blatantly is disgusting. I wish we could get the pre movie guardians in media again.

Are you a qt with a facecam or an ugly with a facecam?


I just remembered that I played the Michonne game. It's so shit that I completely forgot about it.

Pre movie Guardians don't make sales
Memelord and baby Groot do

Choices won't matter

We already now that all members of the group will live no matter what because they're already an establish team of characters in several forms of media, especially the movie sequel, which is just being promoted by this.

Of course they're going to succeed in stopping Thanos in whatever he does. He won't die, but just run away at the end like usual.

There's no sense of mystery or "what could happen next" like in other TT games.

I'll watch it on Youtube with no commentary.

Telltale cant do shit right nowadays, Until Dawn was modern CYOA games done right

>New Telltale game Hype or boring?
Just as everything after BTTF, it's worthless garbage for people with no taste.

Hell, a fucking Dynasty Warrior clone would have worked better, where they just go to different planets that have been over taken by Thanos, and you go to liberate them.

I would play the fuck out of that no matter how cheaply made it looks

It's Starlord so all choices will be sarcastic.

E. Yes with a pop culture reference
F. Yes with a movie reference
G. Yes with a comic book reference

And there still wont be a Dance Off choice options.

>dat GamGam

ye boi

They could kill someone and bring them back via Time Travel.

>sfm porn of Gamora coming soon
Thats the only reason im looking forward to this.

Making any death completely pointless, no threat or suspense at all. The only characters dying are just no name NPCs or minor support OCs

Sam & Max 4 when?

She looks terrible with a gigantic forehead. What do you see in her, besides your dick?


With the way Telltale has changed over the years, maybe it's for the best.

What the hell is wrong with the color? They made Drax from gray skin with bluish hints and dark red "veins" to this bright turquoise monstrosity with orange stripes.

>muh underpaid
>muh management
so the same complaints every single game company gets?

I stopped giving a shit about Telltale after season 2 of TWD and I haven't played S3 or any other Telltale game. Season 1 made me cry like a bitch several times and I was thoroughly invested in the story the whole time, yet season 2 was such a huge dip in quality I just stopped caring, and from what I'm hearing S3 is even worse

Why are people praising this movie ? I've seen it and it was just like the other boring unfunny capeshit.

How telltale managed to sink their reputation so fucking fast?

They were getting all the praise during the early twd games and now everyone mocks them or even bother with their games


Great game

Movie was pretty boring.

Anyone got any Orange Slices?

>[Glass him]

Don't worry, eidos will be hard at work on it.

Not really Telltale loves the illusion of choice so your options will be something like

>Sarcastic Yes
>Sarcastic No
>Sarcastic *Glass Him*
>Sarcastic sit there and wait for the timer to expire

But ultimately all options end up at the same place with only slightly different intervening cut scenes between that """choice""" and the next """"choice"""" because if they gave you any real agency you'd immediately do anything you could to get off the plot's current railroad and they can't let that happen, then they might have to juggle some variables and that's hard.

>Murder the shit out of Thanos
>Random artifact that can bring the dead back to life
>My sister loves Thanos like a father and hates us for murdering him
Gee, I WONDER where the plot is going to go

>MCU claims another victim
>Thor one sucks ass
>Thor 2 Dark World sucks more ass
>Thor Ragnarok is just GoTG 1.5
>All I want is fucking Nordic Cinematic Adventure IS THAT TO MUCH TO ASK FOR.

man those animations look fucking terrible
its not like andromeda where they're weird and all messed up, but they're all just so stiff and rigid, with the face flexes looking like they're just switching models instead of actually moving their lips.

>MCU tie in
>Can't get actors to come back for voice acting or the rights to make them look like the actors
Give me one reason to get this.

Are there any non-movie Guardians in this? Mantis at least?

>caucasoid Gamora
they at least did something right

Mantis is in GoTG 2...

>t. I fell for their game of thrones scam

It's fucking criminal what they did, even more that they got away with it

damn, bayonetta is looking good

I'll wait for that other Guardians game that's coming from the Just Cause guys.

Yes, but her being in the next movie is a good step.
So her being in this game would've also been a good step, despite the fact that it's simply more JUST LIKE THE MOVIES.


>Are they ever going to make a game that's more than just a glorified VN/ TV episode?
yeah they did a bunch it's called all of their point and clock games
they're okay but not great

>>tfw no Marvel Vidya Universe kicking off with the PS4 Spidey game
The only reason it's happening is because it was used as a bargaining chip in negotiations between Sony Pictures and Disney. Nobody is actually really interested in making it.

>Marvel shit
They should partner with Bethesda for the bug-testing this time around, just go all in on making it a piece of shit.

Jesus, they're literally the Artifex Mundi of their genre


Only if we can get Bendis to write the plot.

Where the fuck is my TWAU season 2? How much time has it been?

Bendis? The comic book writer?

No, just get one of the new piece of shit writers they've got kicking around.
Who cares about strong characters or interesting plots when you can shit out something "quirky" and "cute" with no redeeming features?

God damn it, I fucking hate Marvel. I finally dropped them two years ago and I'm still angry over how shit they are.

aw man i was hoping ReBoot was getting remade

None of the new writers as bad as Bendis.
Most of them are close, but Bendis still reigns supreme. is...
It's half life-action though.

It didn't sell well.

Yeah. He writes comics.

He writes comics?

Batman was shit and the Minecraft one played itself. They dont even fucking try these days.

And this rushed piece of shit will? I thought everyone loved TWAU.

Yeah. He writes them. They're all terrible