Nier: Automata Colosseum DLC announced

>"Square Enix announced the first downloadable content for NieR: Automata during its “One Million Shipments Commemoration” live stream today.

>The downloadable content, titled “3C3C1D119440927,” will launch on May 2 for 1,500 yen in Japan and is “coming soon” in North America and Europe. It will include three new colosseums to challenge, plus additional sub-quests. Upon completion of these quests, players can earn various rewards, including:

>Costumes from the previous Japanese release, NieR: Replicant, for androids 2B, 9S and A2
“Revealing Outfit” (in the style of Kaine) for 2B
“Young Man’s Outfit” (in the style of young Nier) for 9S
“Destroyer Outfit” (in the style of young adult Nier) for A2
Records that add special music tracks to the players’ jukebox
New equipment and cosmetic accessories such as hairspray that allows you to change the color of 2B and A2’s hair
Masks with unique “on equip” effects
Special bullets that change the appearance of enemy bullets"

How hyped are we, Sup Forums?

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Have they fixed the 1.04/1.06 patch yet?

Just dress-up shit? Are the inaccessible elevators just going to go to some shitty colosseum?

God-damn it, Square.

>no Zero costume

>Kaine outfit for 2B

What exactly did you expect? At least it's better than the first game's DLC.

I dunno, something that isn't complete garbage from a game that was otherwise pretty good? Why would you "expect" something so fucking weak and inconsequential from the mysterious guarded elevators all over the place?

>“Revealing Outfit” (in the style of Kaine) for 2B

Knowing Taro's style, it'll come with the, ahem, bulge.

>2B dressed as Kaine

Muh dick

>something that isn't complete garbage
Is this your first Taro game?

It's probably just low-cost, low-effort DLC they were already working on, just in case Automata wasn't successful, since most games aren't.

Now that it's a proven hit, they can switch over to more manpower intensive DLC to monetize the game.

>no papa nier outfit for 9S
Mistakes were made

Can we agree it's fucking nothing?

He DID tell us to not get excited. "Just poop" remember?

>implying 9S is fit to fill Papa Nier's shoes

>Make 2b dress like a whore
>made 2a dress like a professional soldier

What the fuck did they mean by this

how much is this going to be?

Expect something more substantial like a story DLC to be announced at E3

both were losers who fucked up big time

Whatever happened to the Gravity Rush outfits?

pc crack when?

Don't want to be an apologist but it seems like it's only a first DLC to come out, there may be more interesting shit down the road.

Plus there's a lot cosmetic shit to unlock (that should've been in the full fucking game, but still) so once all DLCs drop it will be an ideal situation to install all of them and play through the entire thing again. I sank 50 hours into it, looking forward to repeating that in the future.

>he deleted his save

Just more proof Nier onii-chan is canon and old man Nier is only remembered by the less than 100 western fans who bought Nier.

Kat got Toob's outfit in GR2.

But no Kat outfit for 2B?

We'll know about new DLC (or not) at E3 since it was mentioned during the stream.

Sadly no

The Colosseum challenges don't sound fun because when nips want a challenge they don't fucking play around. I just want the costumes, man.

Hay you bunch of secondaier chuckle fucks. get a load of that name.


it's a date, septemper 27th 11944 which to you plebs is one year before the game takes place. why the fuck does the DLC have a name like this waht does "3C3C1D" mean.

>new side quests.

You fuck heads do relize this will have some story in it as well? The world of the recycled vessel had new story bits as well.

Also papa Nier is not cannon Nier, sorry.

So does the DLC fix how easy the game is?

Do we have any date on the Pearl Harbor decent?

Yeah, but at least Papa Nier was a likable character and not a screaming anime kid.


Holy shit that grapple pod program.
Is that in game already or dlc?

Its also the day that Operation Market Garden failed.

This is some long term axis butthurt.

Its in the game. You buy it from at the resistance camp.

>no Emil costume for 9S

11941 is when the play/pearl harbor took place.


>Unlockables through challenges instead of instant gratification

Fuck you, I never did get the Raiden costume in MGSV and probably never will.


>The world of the recycled vessel had new story bits as well.
Yeah, fucking hardly
>Also papa Nier is not cannon Nier, sorry.
Both versions of Nier are referenced in weapon stories, they're both canon.They released the same day in Japan. In a universe as fucked as Taro's I don't see why one of them even has to be "more canon" than the other.

Yeah, that's utter shit tier garbage. No chance of me getting that DLC. desu having troubles even finishing the game.

>DLC for Brother Nier and not Papa Nier.
Hopefully this means we can get Replicant here if they make a remaster.

Don't you find it on one of the yorha units that lie around dead later in the game?

>He didn't delete his save then 100%'d the game afterwards.

Probably. No one really expected it to sell as well as it did, that´s probably why this DLC seems like something you could easily program in a few months.

>don't see why one of them even has to be "more canon" than the other.
Because you cannot doom humanity twice, also Bro Nier got Ending E, not Papa Nier.

It's the reward from the Amnesia Sidequest

Its rewarded for completing the side quest amnesia during the 2nd play through.
You're a fucking retard

Are you playing on Hard/Very Hard?

Items do fuck up the game's balance though, they should've had put a cooldown on items, at least on Hard Mode I guess.

>In a universe as fucked as Taro's I don't see why one of them even has to be "more canon" than the other.

Brother has a far more fleshed outback story. (the red and black)
there was far more effort put into his desgien (aging 5 years during the time skip actully changed how he looked compleatly, papa nier just got a BDSM diaper to wear on his face) and it was stated that at the time SE was worried the game wouldn't be peopular in the west with the more femenin protag so they shat out papa Nier tward the end of the dev cycle.

desu, i like them both. but prefer brother because i am a filthy pervert.

>muh dick

Why should it? It is a costume, so 2b is literally just wearing her outfit, not turning into a hermaphrodite. The brother nier outfit doesn't give you a dick and chop off your tits does it?

>September 25, 1944: At dawn the 1st Airborne Division received their orders to withdraw across the Rhine; this was called Operation Berlin
>Operation Berlin
Wasn't Operation Berlin mentioned ingame?

So when someone gets killed helping you in Ending E, do they get deleted from whatever "Database" your name gets uploaded to when you choose to delete your save, or does it remain? If it doesn't then it makes deleting your save not very impactful since you're not really "Sacrificing your save data to help someone else beat the game" as much as just "Deleting your save so your name will occasionally appear when other players try to beat the game"

wtf i love cosmetics now

Hell, no. I'll be pissed if that happens. Papa Nier had pretty powerful characterization as an obsessed father who didn't care who he killed as long as he got his daughter back. Some pussified onii-chan type can't possibly compare.

I'd kill for this. and as good as the english VAs were i'd like to hear what the jap cast was like. from what I hear though if Taro had his way he'd fully remake the game changs a lot of stuff about.


But please do

I'm giving my meat a good ol' rub if you understand what it is that's coming from my mouth.

A2 looks pretty damn good in older bro Nier's outfit.
Also is it just me or did her hips get bigger?

>first FFXV
>now this

Are CEO boss fights going to become a trend?

But I already played Papa Nier's game, I want to play Brother Nier's game now.

Also Papa Nier is garbage since he acts like a teenager but is a 40 year old man.

why not both?

Should I just wait for a complete collection instead of buying it now?

>tfw want to play the first Nier
>can't decide between just buying the game for my PS3
>or possibly waiting for a remaster/remake that may never come

Never said otherwise.

Wait until E3, if they don't say anything there then I doubt they'll do so later.

There was talk before automatas release that if it did well on pc, they might remaster nier 1. I don't have an official link tho.

>kaine outfit

I'm surprised this wasn't in the base game

>still no Toobie toes

Now we only need a mod that replaces 9S with 2B, I can't fucking stand his fucking face.

I dunno, you tell me user

Square are printing more copies of Nier.

Its unlikely they are gonna remaster.

Well if you use it as color hex it it does have a similar color to pic related.

They never had the budget for a story DLC in the first place as was said in pre-release interviews.

Arenas was something that was direly needed though. The power level of the characters is too strong if you invested even the slightest bit of time optimizing stuff. I basically 1-shot 21-O and So-shi.

the person who's help you originally accept gets deleted but the other ones who get deleted while you're playing don't

2B is a slut who lusts after 9S's shotadick while A2 is pure

I already finished the game on normal and tried to play through again on hard. My main issue is that the enemies aren't balanced to the skill the player has, like having a moveset to counter the player, instead of increased health and damage.

I imagine your data has to get multiple "uses" at least, otherwise the entire thing would be unsustainable. 1 run through the credits can use up multiple saves, but every player only gets one sacrifice. This means that if a sacrifice can't be used by multiple players, they would dry up fast as fuck and people wouldn't be able to get help anymore. I kind of doubt they'd design it that way.

Has someone checked it as a hexadecimal?

W-what happens when she self-destruct in Kaine outfit?



Yoko Taro is just taking the piss now.

What's wrong with it?

Gets me a "T"

They are literally the same character, but at different ages. Having bro Nier only makes NieR 1 make more sense in context to the story.

>since he acts like a teenager but is a 40 year old man
Honestly I think the VA did fine besides the fact that the romance for Kaine seems to suddenly come out of nowhere for Ending D/E. My only flaw with Papa Nier is how they characterize his interactions with Kaine as if he's a dad dealing with a sassy teenager, but then all of the suddenly he does a 180 when you reach ending D and falls in love with her which was uncomfortable to watch unfold.

Papa Nier is basically just babysitting Emil and Kaine until that point honestly. The only other problems are a few animations looking a bit awkward.

Both versions are canon since multiverse is also literally, not metaphorically canon

God damn you are retarded

>The pearl hardor incadent/the play took place in 11941

>The real life Attack on Pearl Harbor took place on December 7, 1941.

Those legs hnnnnnnnngggggg

All the WW2 dates correspond to the ingame events. The 14th Machine War also ended in 11945

is this a running gag with SE games now

And you are a repressed homosexual my friend.

Yeah I had the same line of thinking since I got hit like 10 times after accepting help, what said makes the most sense honestly, and I really hope that's the case, I like the idea of Ending E becoming damn near impossible to get sometime in the future because all other player data is "destroyed" so to speak.It makes the ending way more cool.

Yeah, since he's a replicant.

What are the CEOs saying in the song?

It probably would have been if not for Square Enix's kikery. The map for the arena is literally in the game already as the debug area.

are you calling me a homosexual