How is this allowed?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Everyone working on PC
>Not even 1(ONE) worthwhile exclusive


>survey of literally who indie game developers
>not survey of employees of top 100 game studios

"There are two types of lies. Lies and statistics."

>4500 game developers

I'm sure I don't know any of them or their games


>% of game developers

more like % of western game developers

>There are developers, right now, that unnironically think VR has future.

Linux master race.

vr does have a future

10 years from now it's gonna be great

>apple tv higher than switch
yeah thats bullshit

>10 years from now it's gonna be great

I've been hearing this during the 70's, 80's, 90's and 00's


so you're 60 years old?

>Quick, how to we make our platforms look relevant so the mean console fags stop bullying us on Sup Forums?
>I have an idea - let's go survey Westernshit indie devs who can't even afford developing on consoles, then post it in a thread pretending it's a legitimate representation of all devs

I think Web Browser should be at least somewhere in the realm of PC in general or Smart devices. Because a browser game is essentially all platforms. But besides that, I'd say I'm fine with this.

>there more people developing games for linux than for the switch

He11o redd1t.

You must be 18 or older to browse this site.

Time to make the switch! From nintendo switch

Just like Virtual Boy.

Sony doesn't advertise or market PC "exclusives".

Exclusives are bad though.

I want choice without needing to buy a new system

That's why all games should be on PC.

I'm a 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 old white haired female(male) demon

>vr does have a future

AR is the future

>takes into account smartphone and tablets
>pc still in lead by over 10%


>a monopoly is good
Sup Forums is full of literal children.

PC is objectively the lack of monopoly.

you don't know what a monopoly is, do you?

PC is not a monopolistic platform like consoles are.

>inb4 PC means Windows

>only Windows is supported by most games
>Steam is responsible for an overwhelming majority of sales

nobody said anything about windows, much less steam, steam is close to becoming a monopoly, which is bad, and why I always use gog when I can

Windows is implied when talking about PC games, don't pretend Linux is good for vidya.

It's objectively superior. Even then, the fact is there is no inherent reason for only releasing on windows (id have no problem releasing for linux because if your engine isn't retarded, it's literally a button press away). Nobody said limitation to windows was good.
Finally, even with the steam + windows centralization, it is still significantly less monopolistic than on consoles.

you got me, but still, if there really is no other alternative, you cant use what doesnt exist

You do realize shit like LOL does not exist on Steam right ?