>beginning of the game
>lol guys I'm so drunk/high right now xD
Beginning of the game
What the fuck does this even mean?
Fuck off retard
>kto PL?
Title or you're lying.
>Game starts
>"Tex" plays a loud recorder note
>Throughout the game continues playing recorder between howling and meowing like a mountain cat
>If you try to talk he interrupts you
>Fucking destroys everyone and carries us
Fucking legend.
>unmute team chat
>some asshole is blaring shitty trap music
>mute team chat
I think he just means whenever starting a team-based game, one of his allies is saying that, so it could be almost any game like that.
If he's not talking about multiplayer. Conker's Bad Fur Day pretty much fits the description.
>playing normie games
Man that kid really does not want to be there
Then he should have articulated that better than
>beginning of the game
>lol guys i'm so drunk/high right now
He's to blame for this garbage thread.
>call some guy a nigger
>get banned
I hate this new video game generation
>this game is good when you're high xD
Stay banned edgelord.
that's what you get for being 14
>only 14 year olds say nigger
What's the matter? Feel so guilty about your ancestors that you can't even utter what is essentially a completely innocuous word nowadays?
i mean, you just had a ban enforced on you for saying it, so i guess you need to readjust your world view and reconsider what innocuous means, huh sweetie?
If your worldview is based on any philosophy and social movement based on anything post mid-19th century consider removing yourselves from the gene pool immediately.
>humanity achieved it's peak of understanding a century ago and nothing has been improved since then
Lmao luddites
>Friend turned into a DUDE WEED stereotypical stoner over the years
>We can't do anything without him needing to "take a sip xD" or "toke up brah xD" first
>He ends up losing interest and just wanders off while we play
Yeah I can't watch any of Jack's videos where he has some kind of guest because either he's way more into it then they are, or they're just absolutely cringe inducing.
The only decent one is his one pastor buddy who showed off how to cheat and shred chicken like a boss because he doesn't try to be xD so wacky and actually just shows you techniques with no bullshit.
>play overwatch for the first time in a few months because friend wanted to play
>first game of the day, some guy uses the wrong form of your
>call him a mongoloid nigger
>INSTANTLY silenced
>mid-19th century
>100 years ago
>b-but it's not a WHOLE century ago!
>you forgot Poland!
not him but 19th century is more than 100 years. now im just not sure if he knew that or not....
>Beggining of the game
>Only 2 of them allowed
>One of the fucks up
>Incoming players forever fucked by mod
>this was me over the weekend
I'm sorry, user.
I hope the bastards on my team enjoyed my singing, at least.
>Beginning of the game
>Little Kid on mic
>"WHAT DID YOU JUST FUCKING SAY?" in the background
>*Small child has disconnected*
why don't you go into the ghetto and yell it out if you're so confident in how innocuous it is then?
>This blatant "please post vocaroo" bait reply.
>implying I'm drunk enough to sing
Singing while sober doesn't have the same feeling.
bro i am so drunk right nao XDDDD
tibs fedora
>Beginning of the game
>Bong rip
>Little kid coughs
>"lets do this."
I'm kinda high right now actually. I'm just wondering, like, who cares if you say nigger? I mean it's just how you use it. If you're being an asshole and bothering other people, well, maybe you shouldn't be on that server man.
>playing online games
>playing online games with mic
Oh generation z, you.
>It's another retarded avatarfag episode
Every fucking time I go on GTA Online
That or some stupid fuck who can't properly parent leaves his kid on the mic
>girl comes in chat
>hey boys i'm so drunk right now xd
>being a normie using voicechat
>you are ashamed of your ancestors because you are not a racist asshole
dude calm your autism down.
Why can't modern artists draw with this amount of expression? Everything now has very minimalist faces and all expressions are drawn as just modified eyebrow position and mouth shape.
>Get high on purpose
>joins your party on purpose
>immediately volunteers this information
>acts as if getting high "just happened to him lol sry if i play kinda crazy"
>muh ancestors
>different characters
How's downs treating you?
>muh anime is real
Turns out genetics have a lot to with personal ability and aptitude.
Not to mention skull shape and brain size.
Somebody taking offense at something you say does not prove anything about what you said, it proves something about how they think. e.g. SJWs getting triggered at wrong pronouns.
He's totally right about the pride in ancestry, though.
Anyone who goes all
is a worm unworthy of being called human.
Sure, pride. But not the actual substance of his original argument. Also, you can be proud of your father without limiting your own abilities. Those two things aren't mutually exclusive.
I don't think "I can't do that because my dad couldn't" I think "I can try to be even better than my father." and then I do it.
The anime's argument is dumb beyond the whole "Pride is bad thing"
>caring about any past relations with any human being
>hey guys join voice chat
>come on everyone join voice chat, lets win this thing
>*be a cancerous cunt to teammates whole game*
if every game was able to silence literal children like yourself wish such speed then the world would be a better place
Dead island had so much promise
So is it better if I don't let you know that I'm fucked up and I just play horribly while acting like I'm trying my best? Serious question.