Why is Tifa so perfect?
Why is Tifa so perfect?
Do not touch Tifa's perfect dolphin shaped long hair you filthy ruffian!
>major reason why Cloud's life was a never-ending clusterfuck
>barely any personality of her own
>only remembered for her enormous tits
suspenders and a tank top
i prefer tifasha/latifa
>Lol he dont know yet
When was that confirmed?
T is for Tifa
Can someone post the black characters I want to show it to a friend.
Theres a reason I love Tifa , and one of the reasons is her long long hair in a time where women having long as fuck hair is a dying breed in this world
>tfw she's fine as fuck
>but a vapid annoying cunt
>also Australian
>Using a belt AND suspenders
Is she retarded?
suspenders are not for the shirt
they are for the pants (micro skirt in this case)
Her suspenders are to keep her boobs in check
thanks captain obvious.
>tfw FF7 remake will feature a color slider for Tifa
>you never spent your hours honing a skill like drawing
I got paid for two months work right before easter and now have enough money to buy this doll. Also bought Tifa cosplay clothing and a Tifa wig
Shit's gonna be fucking CASH. It was a hard choice between a Tifa body doll, or a Miku doll, but Tifa won out
>but a vapid annoying cunt
How so?
She is ridiculously perfect though
Film yourself fucking it
No, i'm not gonna sink that low. Besides, i'll only fuck it on rare occasions since i'm afraid to break and hurt her. Shit's costed me almost 10k dollars
I know exactly what you're talking about
It disgusts me when a girl gets a haircut(especially since very few girls look good with short hair)...haircuts are for old hags FOR FUCK SAKE
Ur weird lol
If some guy starts talking about how much Tifa is his waifu, i might shut him up and cuck him with images though. It worked for that Artificial Academy 2 guy. An actual physical waifu will probably break the waifufag's mind
2nd post, best post
why is she so not in the next E3
Got a link for that so we can see the face? Image search just produces some worrying thumbnails as similar images.
What does Tifa's breast milk taste like?
Ali counts as spam, but here
The head is replacable anyway, and heads are cheap as fuck. Same with wigs
when are they going to put robotics in these things so we can finally have android waifus?
Friendly reminder both Tifa and Cloud are asians.
People who cosplay characters from other races are a mistake.
They already have sound and heat simulators in these dolls. Could probably replace the voice modulator with Tifa's voice from AC and remake with ease.
Add some hydraulics and she can even do basic movement
That reminds me, is that ASIAN COSPLAY ONLY guy who spammed Sup Forums, Sup Forums and most other boards for years still around? Now that was dedicated autism at it's finest
And then you can climb inside it and set off the spring locks, killing you inside it and trapping your soul.
I hadn't even considered that.. Finally i can BE the girl! YOU'RE A GENIUS!
Tifa and Cloud are white. Everyone in the game is white except the obvious like Barrett. The only one who is definitely Asian is Yuffie, because Wutai is basically just Japan.
Body of a porn star, girl-next-door personality, high levels of loyalty
At least take out the piercings. 4/10
This thread is so fucking gay
>Saves up a ton of money for a giant doll
> Won't film it because it's below current standards.
The fuck is wrong with you, dude?
Not for nothing but unlike Cloud, Tifa looks REALLY Asian in AC
If anything considering his birth, he's a German that THINKS he's Israeli.
Everyone does, even Cloud although less so. The fucking chinky China doll look Tifa had in AC was terrifying. It looked awful.
If that doesn't fix him then nothing will.
>Short hair tifa
Do you really think pic related looks like a white woman? This is the original vision of the creators.
AC Cloud, despite his lighter features, also looks very eastern, he could easily pass for a J-Rock member.
I haven't seen him in ages.
I could see hojo being a jew though
lucrectia is a wild card though
Give source. Now.
you can argue AC
both of them were not asian in FF7 though
They came from a place with a germanic sounding name and both looked nothing like yuffie who was from wutai
No relevant matches
Could not find your image on any of the selected services. Maybe try this search on:
Google Images
Maybe try your search on one of those.
I'll give you Tifa could pass as Asian but cloud literally has blonde hair and blue eyes.
The fact he looks like gackt is irrelevant, nigga is white
AC fags fuck off
AC tifa is ugly and wears shit clothes that hide her best assets
I'd say that nose is pretty Caucasoid too
>read as breast assets
>the fact he looks like Gackt is irrelevant
>the fact he looks like an asian person is irrelevant
The fucking picture is cropped. How the fuck will reverse search even work?
You read wright
I think she looks pretty in AC but Kingdom Hearts presented the brst compromise. I don't mind her dressing more reasonable, it's still obvious her tetas are gigantes
Correct, it is irrelevant. He is white with blonde hair and blue eyes. Has half asian at best and no Japanese would ever accept him as anything other than Gaijin.
Google Images
Maybe try your search on one of those.
Got the one where everything is censored except Cloud and Tifa's tifa's?
If Tifa is wearing AC garbage in the remake, im dropping that shit.
Prepare to be disappointed then, she might wear it while tending bar in 7th heaven as a call back but there's no way they aren't going with AC design
>The way don corneo sees the world
bullshit. dont listen to this wishful thinking retard.
Actually found on TinEye. Sorry for doubting you, user.
the strongest
Damn, who is this sweaty thicc little brapp hog? I just want to grab her big ol brappy sphincter and eat that sweet sweet SWEET juicy feces right outta that hole. God damn... those succulent little juicy shitberry droppings... Imagine. You're just sitting there doing your squats and oats and you hear this goddess: BRRRRAAAAAPPPP. That wafting aroma... It's like love at first sight. I mean come on, she's thiccbrapp as hell. You'd have to be so homosexual you'd suck your dad's penis twice if you even thought it was okay to ignore this little brappgoddess. To all those who even try to suggest that thiccbrapp isn't the pinnacle of high test, you're clearly a beta cuck. I'm over here eating your girlfriend's shit and drinking your mommy's shitmilk while you get to guzzle your daddy's cum curry. How about that little faggot? You wish you were as high test as me, little faggot. Don't ever let me catch you posting on this board again.
Are her boobs that strong? I want my dick to be crushed between them.
is'n that dangerous?
>I don't mind her dressing more reasonable
I'm very much against the idea of censorship, but her original clothes were both stupid and sexist.
Someone has never played the game
>her original clothes were both stupid and sexist
0/10 bait
Would you?