>capture the flag level
>"I hope Shia LaBeouf doesn't take this personally!"
Capture the flag level
Other urls found in this thread:
name one single solitary game where this happens or face a permban for off topic garbage.
How about you stop being an underaged piece of shit.
>spouting unfunny month old Sup Forums garbage
>calls me underage
oh sweet summer child. Spring break will be over soon.
Would a modern game that referenced celebrities as much as GEX did be well received today?
>Doesn't know GEX
you're literally not a day over 15. only children categorize others in terms of age and use it as an insult or praise.
Yeah I saw the dunkey vid too
So this thread is just going be laughing at this retard, right?
GEX reboot when?
>literally does not know who Gex is
>spouts off memes trying to sound like le epic oldfag
Just fuck off back to Plebbit already, kiddo.
GEX was a medicore piece of shit, not even in the top 10 of classic 3D platformers of the era.
Loved Gex, and I'm sad to see these ignorant mouthbreathers oblivious to his existence.
This desu
Better than Croc at least. People always rate Croc too highly, the fuck is the matter with them?
fuck croc
Oh my god you don't even realize how retarded you look right now
>le reddit bogeyman
>he's never played gex
I know Gex. There's no shia lebouf references in those games. I've actually played them, kid.
I came here to laugh at you.
It's coming from inside this board! The call is coming from inside the board!
>racing level
>"Note to self: Be on the lookout for a white Bronco!"
Sensors indicate samefag
Fuck off. It was fun.
Wow you're actually just retarded then
>Game that released when Shia was in single digits
>Hurrdurr there is no Shia reference
>Back tracking trying to save face
This thread is gay. Gex was gay. I wanted a Gecko when I was a kid and for my 9th birthday my mom bought me a shitty Gex game for the game boy
>been gone from Sup Forums for almost 2 years
>come back to find that "t b h" is word filtered to "desu"
>not "cuck", "literally", or one of the many Sup Forumsfag buzzwords
I'm starting to remember why I left.
fucking MORON, please leave.
So then since it has nothing to fucking do with Gex, we're back to it just being a fucking Sup Forums meme you felt like spewing?
You're a fucking child
When I was young, I thought Gex was also the Geico mascot
>Only took 3 posts for someone to whine about Sup Forums
Why is Sup Forums so easily triggered?
Cuck wordfilters to kek though.
>oh shit I outed myself better scream samefag
Your sensors need recalibration, lad, the samefag is here:
That's the fucking joke you mongoloid.
He is making a joke about Gex referencing celebrities except he is putting in a current day celebrity happening.
You're a fucking idiot. Shut the fuck up with your "I'm trying to be a cool authority on le Sup Forums funnies" when you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.
I think if anyone's the real summerfag here it's probably you.
>Kung Fu level
>"Look at all these Jackie Chan looking chinka chons"
What did he mean by this?
>cleveland level
>"i'm getting even with steven"
>construction site level
>"This is like a Miley Cyrus video, but with slightly less twerking!"
Because Sup Forums is ruining this website. Why can't you fucks just stay in your safe space? Nobody wants you here.
How come it didn't in your post?
Not video games. Fuck off kid.
>Completely out of place cringy "humor" with a celeb shout out
>Nothing to do with GEX
Please stop you're just making things worse.
>alimony level
>"I hope Brendan Frasier doesn't take this personally!"
The intended joke is that people come up with lines that Gex would say in a modern game, you dumb nigger.
It's not a joke if it's not funny
lol retard
>reddit and memey reaction image
just go back
It's a Sup Forums wordfilter.
Sup Forumsfags are the new bronies.
How about you fuck off to ?
I'm sick and tired of you fucking newfags
>50 posts
>24 IP's
samefag is strong in this thread
No, it's on Sup Forums too but it's only if you type it in allcaps or in an OP.
Did he die
The only people ruining this site is fucking newfag niggers like you.
I'm willing to fucking bet you weren't on this site before GG/Fappening sent us down a topsy turvy world of retardation.
Ironically this makes SJWs the new Barneyfags.
It clearly is funny, you must be German
>user puts foot in his underaged mouth
>Is now trying to derail the thread and backtrack desperately
Good thread OP.
Jesus christ you are retarded
>implying Sup Forums isnt just /r/the_donald
>implying Sup Forums was ever good
no john, you are the newfag
Half the thread is that one triggered guy from /qa/ sperging because he didn't get the Gex reference and is trying to save face on an anonymous Turkmenistani flax-spinning consortium
>Reference to GEX
>Sup Forums garbage
What is wrong with you?
It was very painful
Explain? This some kinda new meme?
sounds like youre the other half of the samefag ITT
They will eventually leave
>reference to GEX
>has nothing to do with GEX
>"look guys I called him a newfag. am I cool yet? do I fit in with the cool edgy Sup Forums crowd now?"
You couldn't have fucked up more.
I've been on this website for 7 years.
I left in mid-2015 before coming back this month. is not wrong.
no they wont, we thought the same thing about the 14 year olds that came over from the habbo raids.
You know there's an individual poster counter, and it doesn't go up whenever you post, right?
>He literally makes fucking references to celebrities before the start of every level
>He's is OP's pic
It just gets worse
The only people who use "kid" as an insult are children
Just shut up
Summer is early this year.
Very early. Permanent by the looks of it.
>They will eventually leave
>He says when a Reddit reaction image screencap post is going in the same thread @374157957
where is he?
He's late again.
sup reddit
It has everything to do with Gex
If a modern Gex game came out he would be making these kinda references
He's a big guy.
do you recognise the ridiculous irony in your post?
>every single reply with an image to starts with 14 in the filename
>gets BTFO'd
>starts calling others kid and reddit
Oh wow, you are both retarded and blind.
Not and
Wow now THIS is fucking reddit.
>you are this upset
>you are this much of a falseflagger
/r/the_donald please go
>a phoneposter and a tumblr file name
You sure showed him
You should go there or in some kind of 3DPD forum, shithead
>pier level
>"I hope I don't have to carry a Fisher out of here."
Am I too late to be in the screencap?
you first m'lady
>expecting a joke that was explained to you to be funny
Everyone look at him and laugh