When was the last time you had fun in a video game?
When was the last time you had fun in a video game?
Persona 5. So like a few days ago.
Persona 5 and Nier Automata before that.
Before that maybe Metal Gear Rising and Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne.
Yesterday when I was playing Quake mods.
Before that? Probably the day before yesterday when I was playing a fun Men of War match.
>he doesn't still have fun playing video games
Stop playing modern AAA trash then faggot.
Whenever I play a game.
pic related
Senran Kagura: Estival Versus playing as Ikaruga.
I'm having fun in Persona 3 right now.
COD Zombies was so fucking fun it was unbelievable. Can't believe they still haven't made a full game and campaign off of it.
Today with Overwatch
A few hours ago. Did lonesome road starting at level 2 and ended at like level 13. I gave myself 100 guns to give me some sort of hope to finishing it. Every battle was a fight for survival and I barely won against Ulysses.
>play PR
>team is retarded
>lone wolf and relay info to squad lead
>kill 14 people
>blow up a cache
I never understood what was fun to most people about continually running in a circle to group up zombies, shoot them once they line up, and repeating this process for hours at a time.
Right now, I'm playing Duke Nukem 3D and finishing all episodes, I'm currently in The Birth.
I finally got around to playing EDF 2017 the other day. It's been in my backlog for years now.
The game is shit but for some reason it's still fun. The framedrops aren't fun though. Fuck those people who think that sort of shit is "part of the charm", it's just annoying.
I played for fun not autism so I didn't do that.
My friends and I never got that far though either but it wasn't about points for us.
Yesterday with Persona 5
Titanfall 2 is the only game I have fun without the feeling of progressing.
Yesterday in the Quake Champions beta.
You fags just need to find games that fit you
a few minutes ago, was playing rocket league
Witcher 3. I thought NV would scratch my rpg itch again but I think I might finally be burnt out on it
This, played it with friends back in the days but never understood the hype, it's pretty fun but after 10 hours you just don't want to touch that mode ever again
Dead Space 2
Not since 2008 I just started playing this game like 2 weeks ago. Really fun.
Today while playing Squad
>be in back of transport truck
>entire squad is talking about barbequeing
>bantering about the best sides, gas or charcoal, you fucking name it, it was just a big pow wow about BBQ
>suddenly get hit by an RPG
>everyone freaks the fuck out while jumping out of the burning truck
>one guy still shouting about how much he loves coleslaw while we're returning fire to whoever the fuck rpg'd us
Just now playing Das3. Good game Sup Forums hates because "le ebil normies" liked it
unironically yesterday
How can you ironically have fun?
Dragon Quest Heroes 2 demo just earlier. Before that? Breath of the Wild.
not him but that part wasn't really ever fun and was only really used to get to super high rounds. The best part is just running around the map ducking and juking zombies, going down and losing all your perks while your buddies try to sprint across the map to save you, getting a ray from the box and destroying everything until you take a wrong step and get trapped in a corner and die. The comraderie and adrenaline is what made it fun.
ravioli lolly dragon thicc meme don't fug
When I played Hybrid Heaven for the first time back in August or something.
I never realised menu-based wrestling combat would tickle my boner as such.
Everytime, since i only ever play game i enjoy and drop the rest.
Sup Forums hates it because aside from good boss fights it was super disappointing
Yesterday when I was playing Persona 5 and was going through Sae's Palace
For some reason the way local chat sounds is always funny as shit.
Especially when it's like kinda distant and you can just barely hear someone saying something.
OP is the next evolutionary stage of the elitist jerk, if you don't know what i mean you know what i mean
>Right now
Yesterday playing TF2.
Playing Bayonetta again on PC. But before that, playing TW101. That game reminded me why I loved video games in the first place.
Playing Jedi Academy on Thursday night before my Easter weekend began. I was really late to the party and I just started the single player. One of the first missions has you go through a cave with a ton of Tusken Raiders in it and I was chopping those little bitches up so smooth. From the beginning to the end of the cave was basically just one big massacre with like no breaks in the action.
I'm gonna go play some Movie Battles sometime today.
just pirated the block ops 1 with all the dlcs
to play zombies again
>Jedi Academy
Enjoy it my friend. Have you played Jedi Outcast, Jedi Knight or Dark Forces as well? All are well worth it. The entire quadrilogy is golden and JK's expansion pack is great too.
Everyday playing CSGO with friends
>mfw hearing two chav-sounding brits bantering while theyre just in the edge of my proximity hearing
I love it. Also comfy when you're sitting in the middle capture zone and having proximity banter with your squad and other teammates while you all superFOB the area and while your SL coordinates with other squads.
Last good one I remember we were taliban and some blueberry was trying to cross a road in front of me and was screaming in local while he crossed. SAW gunner cut him down and he stopped screaming at the same second, it just looked/sounded fuckin hilarious.
Last night around 2am.
Farcry 4 and Bayonetta on Friday. Still need to go through D44M too.
It's been bretty gud lately.
I'm not a big fan of single player Build engine shooters so I'm probably going to pass on Dark Forces. As for Jedi Knight, it has a sound bug that I haven't really looked into but is annoying enough that I played the first level and called it quits. Fun game though.
The only reason I played Jedi Academy is because I had it installed from way long ago but I should probably play Outcast first. How important is playing them in order to get the full story of Kyle?
anyone want to play a few rounds of Zombies on PC?
I'm in for a few rounds in W@W
maybe even play some mod-maps
played castlevania last weekend, that was pretty fun
>all these today, yesterday, and last time I played a game comments
Maybe this board isn't so shit after all.
I'm playing Yooka-Laylee right now and I'm having fun
Breath of the Wild.
So last month.
But before that it was Dark Souls 1.
There's Killing Floor, which is better than CoD zombies
I started playing (for the first time) Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines yesterday as a Malkavian. Shit's tight, senpai.
when I got Nioh 2 months ago, still haven't beaten it, its hard as fuck
Been having fun with this recently, the kickass music really makes the game.
Last night. I'm currently playing Mount and Blade Warband: Viking Conquest.
Malkavian is the only way to go.
Yesterday. Beat snatcher and I'm playing Spacenauts now.
Last night, if you can't even enjoy vidya you might as well pull the trigger.
Post the last 5 video games you've played, others rate.
>Dark Souls 3
>Breath of the Wild
>King of Fighters XIV
>Tiger Knight: Empire War
>Until Dawn
Breath of the Wild, P5, Shovel Knight, and (Patched) For Honor.
its feels great when your builds start working in games like grimdawn
I just finished Yooka-Laylee and i had a ton of fun playing it.
>Big ass world with lots of fun shit to do
>no real order of doing shit, so you can just enjoy everything on the go
>controls are super nice apart from some transformation
>last boss was fun to beat, especially while flying and beating his ass with ammunitions
Despite the sjw shit they pulled, it's was still a fun game. It's really was the rare game i was longing for
Yesterday when I played Nioh.
here, forgot to mention Yooka-Laylee, but that is on hold for P5.
Today and since 3 days.
The Witcher 3 keeps blowing my fucking mind, sometimes i just walk around the streets or mount my horse and admire the landscape. So fucking amazing
Is until dawn any good?
Well I'm playing Dragon's Dogma right now, trying Hard Mode.
Ow my ankles fucking wolves.
Last night
eh not in a while. i'm trying to platinum DS3 but that's more of a chore, i do wanna jump back into uncharted 4 multiplayer though
MHXX Grimclaw super hunts.
That and getting WR TA times. Sucks to suck and not have fun.
Normally I'd say you need to play games in release order but I will give you a pass since I actually did the same thing as you and played this series in reverse order. But I was a kid as well and could only get what I could. I played Academy and played Outcast afterwards, then Knight then DF.
Also Dark Forces isn't Build engine it came out in 1995 before Duke 3D it's on Lucasarts own Jedi engine. Jedi Knight has some issues on modern systems but I am pretty sure there are patches online now to get it working because it's well worth playing.
The story isn't super important in the games, the main draw is the gameplay and cool level design. In Academy Kyle is already a master and you play his apprentice, but the other 3 games you play as Kyle when he's a merc or a young Jedi.
i wanna go back to that game and so many more but i don't feel like turning on my ps3
I've been mostly having fun with games the past 8 months.
I know I have Killing Floor already. But I just meant why haven't Acti done it, they should have.
Fire Emblem Heroes Advanced Arena vs Whale Accounts.
Almost feels like a true Fire Emblem game.
Just a few minutes ago with Trio of Towns.
It's not bad. It's like Cage's games but well made, with a simple I Know What You Did Last Summer style plot. Great if you have friends that you can divvy up the characters with.
having loads of fun with Mass Effect Andromeda
Obviously you need to not feel, then turn it on in a moment of weakness.
Is the multiplayer good? Any improvements from ME3's?
Today, I played surf combat in CS:GO and helped new people learn the maps while also constantly no-scoping with the AWP.
But all that will be for nothing if nobody responds to my post.
Earlier today when i was playing Killing Floor 2 playing Berserker on Suicidal and defending some randoms at a cliff on "Zed Landing" while they healed and shot zeds from above.
It's fun to be the tank
Half an hour ago playing P5
MH4U even today.
Last night playing with you fags in tf2.
you're onto something here
Right now
Yesterday, Titanfall 2
what's the point of playing vidya if they're not fun anymore?
Thanks, my dude.
With #FE
The gameplay really hit my sweet spot in every way
Being the fucking trash weeb i am the idol shit also hit me good
All and all, it was my favorite game on the Wii U, and I'm hoping for a sequel