Have you ever considered falling for a video game character?

Have you ever considered falling for a video game character?

I want to impregnate the sensei, so yes.

Daily dose, huh?

Have you ever felt conflicted when you find a new waifu because you don't want to abandon your old one, but might like the new one more

Absolutely, I am having that feeling right now

>Falling for an autistic NEET

You can do better user.

But we already have an autistic party member user. She's just awkward since she couldn't leave the house for a long time. She actually improves a lot by the end of the game.

Love is not something you consider, it is something that happens.

I love Fuuka!

In that case I don't think what you feel is actual love, user.

That doesn't mean you love them

I want to marry Kat and have a son with her
guess who's the son

>Do better
>Than a devoted smart and nerdy girl

I didn't consider it, I am asking if others would. The answer seems to be a resounding "yes".

I don't wanna marry a fucking nerd

>tfw you will never have a smelly neet gf

Have you ever considered falling asleep and never waking up again? I sure have.


Kat is best girl now and forever across the span of time and space

Still, finding a waifu should be something meaningful, if you already have a "waifu" that you are abandoning then I think you should take a closer look at what you truly feel


but nerds know things...

>makoto on my first game
>wanted the futaba on my ng+
>end up with makoto again

why is she perfect

Yes but not for one with glasses.
Glasses automatically make any tier shit tier.

I do!
You missed the point of Futaba's character if you think like that, try harder and smile user

Damn you're right

That's the conflict though. That's why you have to takes some time to think and reflect instead of just charging into it.

No I am only capable of hateful feelings

>Loving worst P3 girl

But my waifu is old and busted. Her source media went to shit and has since turned to ash. I need to let go user.

>half the board is full of these shit threads and you make another one

Yup, though i never considered going full 2d until this game came out in english...

Then she was never your waifu.

Have you ever though of having a familyfu?

I have an haremfu.
Living the dream, meng!

Absolutely not more than once


You're dissapointing Morrigan you tripfaggot.

How do you figure, sunshine.

I actually love how much of a weirdo Yusuke is.

Ryuji is still truest bro, but Yusuke is a pretty ok guy.

>Ever choosing Makoto

Fucking yikes, user

I never said it was bad. I honestly thought I would hate him at first, but then he became one of my favorites.

Only one waifu, or you'll ruin your laifu.
Not that there's much to ruin.

Take off your trip, you aren't special. Nobody needs to know who you are. You don't even do anything.

If you dont like her thats fine, but dont provoke other people because they like her.

Makoto is the best

i want to take responsibilty after i impregnate sensei

Please be nice user

What makes you think my familyfu wouldn't include her?

On the unrelated note.
Do you think they'll be using 3d models from p5 in the new smt? I mean, Satan is still his old self as is Odin in 5

I like her as a little sister though.

Yes, but definitely not for that dumb smelly neet.
>Sup Forumsirgins shut-ins unironically think they would have a healthy relationship with a socially anxious neet who cant even go to the bathroom without having a panic attack

You should respect her enough to want to stick your ponos in her vagoo.

>not respecting your siblings

You mean like a family with Morrigan?

Sounds like someone didn't actually do her Social Link or beat the game yet

You only get one.

I guess. She's my waifu, and Roll is my daughteru, but I usually don't imagine them together.

I also did something similar with Kat, where our sonfu is also from a different series

Imagine Futuba cosplaying as an Inkling

I see Futaba as a little sister, if that counts

She looks like she could be a cool sis



Well, it just sorta happened.

this i cant into sexual with futaba at all

No, because I would never fall in love with another girl.

I have and it's horrible because I'm not just a meme waifufag

Fuuka bump.

I don't like Futaba because she's a NEET like me but she's smart and has talent so it makes me feel insecure.

>not a meme waifufag
Same here. Feels bad, man.

Is there a way to manipulate Futaba in battle to make it so I can get charge or matarukaja whenever I want?

I thought I was immune to the obvious waifutraps like Persona too since the P3 and P4 girls didn't really get any reaction out of me. Goddamnit.

I'm not that far into the game, but is this semen demon romanceable?

She is but by the time you meet her you'll be more interested in playing games together and teasing each other in a sibling-like manner.

I remember pre release everyone was prepared to hate her for being a meme waifu like Chie, but she's too adorable for that to last with actual interaction

I love Futaba !

What music is she listening to with those headphones?

have you considered falling for me?

Non-P5 example. Kurisu makes me feel things no 2D should ever make me feel.

I want to beat her at video games and call her a casual until she cries!

plz do not make her cry

she would probably obliterate you

SMT has better waifus

>human women

this game has too many quality waifus, its hard to decide.

>ywn have a loving relationship and make cute brown babies with her
gun to my head right now

Why does Futaba wear her glasses so low on her head? It doesn't even one quarter her pupils.

You don't choose it
It just happens

Get out.


i like her but she's very small

I can't see Futaba as anything other than an imouto. Is that strange?

Shut up you failure of a human.

thats a plus in my book

Don't be rude, user

She fell harder.
But seriously, I wish she had been a confidant.

where is reisen user?

Pure as fuck

Decide to pursue only one girl on my first playthrough.
Finally get my lovely smelly neet Futaba.

Not enoug Kindness.
Fuck, does she need level 4 or level 5 kindness? What's the fastest way to get that stat up? I really want to start dating that smelly neet. I know the fortune teller can double yout stat points for the day.

Go to the fortune teller and have her up your kindness gain, go to the movies at your town or in Shibuya, buy some kindness books or eat at the diner in Shibuya

feels suicidal bro

Honestly, Yusuke made this game for me. I love his character so much. When he was first revealed I didn't take to him at all, thought he looked like an NPC. But his awkwardness, his texts on the chat and his Social Link are amazing. Absolute bro tier, always in my party. That scene in the church where you're both doing crazy poses of Jesus on the cross.

Think about it, Emperor party members are always amazing. Akihiko, Kanji and now Yusuke.

It's just 4

Its making it very difficult because Futaba is someone i can actually imagine being with but my current waifu is so out of my league and the world she comes from isn't even slightly based on reality..