What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

He just liked killing

>muh intelligence
>muh love
>muh memes
>muh war
>muh fight
>muh 'Murrica

No cybernetic enhancements

His memories were broken, the truth went unspoken he even forgot his name.

This makes sense to me.

Also his DLC's opening cutscene is gold.


We've both heard enough speeches about problems by now. History will decide this thread. End of post.

That whole game was good. Combat felt awesome and the soundtrack was the only one I ever liked so much I bothered to listen to it outside the game


I genuinely don't understand why he did the things he did. He wanted to defeat evil men and then joined them because Armstrong was being nice? And then tries to justify himself to Raiden with muh ideals despite not even knowing what fucking ideals he's talking about?


Same voice actor.

I wish you could use Sam to play through Raidens campaign.

How different does he play?

he has lots of charge attacks and a taunt

He's a hue


I'm going to reinstall the game thanks to this thread, I never played the DLC and never beat Armstrong. I have good reasons though

>mfw I played through the whole game on hard or very hard without knowing about Ripper mode

I just replayed Sam's Armstrong battle, and holy shit he is fucking unfair and I even have the cheevo for beating him with no damage earned back in September

I rarely used it and beat the entire game on revengeance. What's it even do? Double damage or something? Best to save your gauge for zendatsu

His dad was killed by the scum cartels of central and south america, so he killed the cartels.

Would make a great game desu

I finished the game + DLC on every difficulty and got the archivements for no dmg on bosses and i still dont know how to activate ripper mode.
How do you do it?

Making mother of all games Jack, cant fret over every remake

Press R or something like that, you learn it during the cutscene against meme guy

Are you kids fucking denseYou press R at full Feul Cells(when it glows red)
The game immediately tells you this after you defeat Monsoon

Combat was OK, nothing groundbreaking but it was simple and fun. The game only shines when you are fighting the bosses.

I thought that common enemies were harder than the bosses from the sole fact that they take fucking forever to break parry and that you needed to rely on perfect parry counter attacks that are essentially rng

Gorillas, katana guys and hammer dudes were harder than the bosses but the encounters arent that good and felt more like a chore between bossfights. I think i felt that because the combat system was quite boring at the end of the day, bayo did random encounters better.

I think those guys that spit purple EMP balls fucked me up worse than anyone else

sam's a self-hating ex-criminal who tried to set the world straight, then realized the hopelessness of it all

raiden shows up and sam is like this nigga might be just deluded and self-righteous enough to actually succeed

so he suicides by raiden and passes his armstrong-killing sword to him

to find the truth in front of him he had to climb the mountain range

Is there a way to parry the gorillas into a one hit kill? It always seemed completely random on if my parrys would do anything to them