Bloodborne is 100-fold better than any other souls game. Prove me wrong.
Pro tip: you can't.
Bloodborne is 100-fold better than any other souls game. Prove me wrong.
Pro tip: you can't.
it's too easy
I've only played 1 and 2
It's much better than 2 and I like it better than 1
I respect your opinion.
You can play it on a Sony console so it's immediately worse than the ones you can't
All From games are so fucking overrated cancer.
I agree, although like all other souls games bloodborne is still garbage, so being the best of garbage is like being a special Olympics gold medalist.
This faggot ruined the game desu. Plus i just prefer having a huge shield instead of a pussy little gun.
I'll tell you one thing that Bloodborne is: painfully easy. I've never bothered with the others so can't comment on them but I played bloodborne after having been recommended it by Sup Forums, and was looking forward to a genuine challenge and a taxing game to play. It wasn't though, there were so many core mechanics in the game that made it an absolute stroll in the park. It's a game that holds your hand every step of the way, under the guise of some sort of hardcore title.
As a game too, I really didn't like it. It was so linear and the combat was so basic and repetitive.
I don't like it as much. The weapons are silly, and the costumes too samey, and too many bosses are giant skeletons covered with hair and tattered cloth. Also I don't like the dodging mechanics much, and they're pretty much the heart of the gameplay.
I'm giving out an honest run for the first time, though I've had the game for a while. I guess I'm still early but I feel like I though 3 of the worst bosses in a row with Rom, Shadows of Yarnham and that witch fight, being pretty terrible bosses. And the levels feel small. And big balls of snakes, really?
it probably would be if it had any semblance of replayability
R1 mash to win the game
Overrated as fuck because it's an exclusive. At least people are coming around to how mediocre Demon's Souls was, just give time for Bloodborne too.
They aren't bad games by any stretch of the imagination, but not as good as the main Dark Souls entries.
You can only fold things over itself 8 times
Stale pasta is stale
No (You) for you
>souls game
No such thing as a "souls game"
>people only prefer it because its an exclusive
fuck off please
I got bored with it.
Atmosphere and graffix dont keep me playing. Neither does mediocre combat with less variety than DeS
Not the original shitposter.
>Prove me wrong.
thats not how it works
first you have to prove yourself right
t. anus
>needs lots of folding because the material is shit
i'll humor u.
Oh pray tell! If Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls II, and Dark Souls III are not "souls" games, then what are they?
Funny how something becomes popular and people starts hating it.
I can tell 3 bad things about Soulsborne: Hitboxes, Late or Bad PVP Balance that results in lack of variety and some artificial difficulty. Bloodborne suffers the first two, in the base game there's no variety at all but with the DLC there's still a lack of variety for min maxed builds because Chikage and Blades of Mercy and a couple others weapon because the others are way behind them.
I prefer it, but it's different enough to not really be all that comparable. Souls before it were more like a combination of traditional, more classic RPGs with little on the action side. Bloodborne is more action focused. It results in a different feeling, but I think what it sets out to do it achieves better than Souls and its own goals.
Bloodborne is factually the weakest Souls game. Yes, it's worse than Dark Souls 2.
>armor variety boils down to 10 variations of the same trenchoat, with one or two pieces of actual armor existing in there
>weapon variety is nonexistent and the amount of weapons is low as fuck, there's at least 5 weapons that are just straight
upgrades to previous weapons with the same movesets (saw cleaver, beast cutter, beasthunter saif, etc)
>no poise, going back TWO GAMES into Demon's Souls territory in that regard
>all style, no substance, flashy blood and particle effects bogging down the performance even more and not doing anything
useful like having extra blood on your trenchcoat making you easier to detect by beasts
>horrendous performance and load times even after all the patches. it would be fine if it were stable 30fps and consistent 10
-second load times but it can't even fucking reach that - most of the time it's at 20fps with dips and 25+ second load times
>easiest and most casualized game in the series, complete with RANGED PARRIES and HP regen with each hit after you've
lost some health for a few seconds
>weak as FUCK bosses, boss variety, and boss amounts, only the DLC ones were good and even then Dark Souls 2 and 1's
DLCs shat on The Old Hunters anyway
>no replay value at all due to build variety being nonexistant, quite a bad quality to have for an exclusive game on a $400
system with no other games, plus the game itself is the shortest in the series
>aesthetics of the game are quite mediocre, chromatic aberration and aliasing gives you eye cancer and the levels all look
mostly the same after the sun sets
>multiplayer was dead on arrival, paid online didn't help with that. whoever decided invaders being FORCED into a gank each
time should be fired (last point also applies to DS3 to be fair)
Prove me wrong.
There are literally zero hitbox issues in bloodborne fucking retard. Feel free to attempt to prove your retarded non-complaint though
I like the weapons a lot and the bosses are generally pretty good
Chalice dungeons while not executed very well were still a good idea conceptually and they should have at least tried to improve them and have them in 3
Don't worry, I have more.
Almost everything in this post is wrong. Im surprised I kept reading after you outed yourself as retarded enough to imply that theres anything similar about the cleaver and beast cutter, but claiming that the game runs at 20fps (which it factually never drops to at its current state) threw me over the edge. Be more subtle next time
Grab magnetism is different from actual hitbox issues because they dont work similarly to actual directional attacks that can often be ducked under by using correct moves
Its so retarded that if he waited to use i-frames he would have escaped but actually avoiding the attack is punished.
I genuinely hate i-frames in this franchise.
yeah but that doesn't count only ds2 has shockwaves
dark souls 2 is better because it has poise, real poise
See There ARE many, specially with grabs, specially the ones with bosses
>Grab Magnetism
Is this the 2017 Shockwave ?
Need a diaper change?
Silly boy, we all know Demon's Souls is the best Soulsborne game. I would say BB is my #2, but it has a ton of flaws preventing it from taking the #1 spot.
- Repetitive enemies and environments.
- Too many similar looking outfits.
- Painfully small weapon selection. Each weapon might be able to do more than most weapons in the other games, but also lacks two-handing, shields, etc.
- Lack of build variety.
- Too much reliance on dodging instead of dodging.
- No real magic system.
- Guns are basically useless unless you go for a bloodtinge build.
- Vial/bullet system is strange and counter-intuitive.
- Too much reliance on the "blood" moniker attached to practically EVERY item in the game, especially crafting items.
- Most of the "NPCs" (and I use the term loosely) are fucking doors.
- Menus are a little sparse and boring.
- Not enough usable items, and those which exist aren't all that useful.
>Grab magnetism
Lmao like holy fuck how delusional can you sonybros get
what am i supposed to even see in that? besides the shock wave is probably hurting the character
Posting this one completely outed you as posting ages old webms. Equally retarded as the ones talking about BB running at sub 30 fps
too much reliance on dodging instead of being able to tank*, I meant.
was bloodborne secretly made by B team?
You got the one where the pig enemy suddenly pops in and kills the player?
posting webms of glitches to "prove" that a game is bad, your peacock is showing. Its fairly obvious that he dropped down from the upper level and bugged out since he hit the space between the stairs and the wall, only taking the fall damage after getting out of the hole
Chalice Dungeons.
you just keep posting various bugs that do not occur frequently enough to interrupt the experience, you can't just say the game is bad because it has bugs, they all do
>b-b-but dark souls 2 got downgraded! haha try and enjoy that now pcbro!!!!
>there are people that acutally defend FromSoftwares garbage programming
Holy fuck, they have been awful since the ps1. The games are usually good enough to get over the flaws but fuck off they are all garbage technically speaking.
For fucks sake they couldnt even figure out how to make a First person game on PS2. They used the shoulder buttons to move the camera on a console WITH 2 FUCKING JOYSTICKS
>b-b-but dark souls 2 has bad hitboxes!!!!!
Variety isn't important to the game, it provides more than enough weapon variety to players, none are direct upgrades of others.
Poise is yet to be implemented well in any of the games, mostly because of ways to build around it. Which could also be considered poor equipment balance.
Technical issues are found on every console version of the Souls games. They run like shit.
I have done no leveling, no death runs on every single on of the games. Bloodborne, especially the DLC, was the most difficult for me. And that still doesn't matter because people find different games more difficult, no single game is harder than the rest in the franchise.
Boss variety isn't bad, most of the base game bosses were pretty dull though.
You can easily make the same amount of builds as other games. Unless you start considered changing the weapon on a STR build as a new build entirely, which is stupid.
Mediocre aesthetic > generic castles IMO. But to each their own.
PvP in the game is garbage, yeah.
You made a lot of shit points, next time focus on quality instead of quantity.
Loading screens were too long, game was too short,story got pretty edgy and cringy,pve got too easy, not enough veriety in weapons and armor. Fix those things and the game would have been the best
a huge shield is more pussy than a little gun dumbfuck, and who the fucks still uses shields in DK fucking scrub
>It's better because it's different!
Whatever you say famygdala.
that's nowhere near ds2 of bs level, the e3 ds2 was basically a different game
>blunderborn apologist this upset his favorite game is severely flawed
I like the picture of the cuck on the right, that's a new addition. Very fitting.
>mfw i have staggered these fucks before and Sup Forums claims they are infinite poise
Sure they are tough but stop using twigs and you can succeed.
>Posting post-patch nonsense.
I dont have it saved, but there's literally two Webms, one of a Giant stomping the player from a good 6 feet away, and one of the Pursuer sucking an enemy into its thrust attack. Their model clips a good 3 feet into the sword.
>discussing DeS and even early DaS on Sup Forums used to be easy and almost entirely free of shitposting
>discussing Bloodborne on Sup Forums is plagued with shitposting ridden rats
I'd love to get the game on PC, but it's pretty obvious to me most of the shit comes from the disdain for it being PS4 exclusive.
So how are the miracles in it :^)
Pictured: Sonybros of this thread after a massive thrashing by based DS1 fans (2017, colorized)
i love BB but this fucker says hello.
half health chalice with a charging dash with a DS2 esque shitty hitbox. not fun
ds2 had mostly bad pvp and npc hitboxes, you are showing a boss
Everyone know O&S is the best boss in the series....u really have to git gud lolz
It's definitely flawed, I'm not going to disagree with that. It runs like shit, which is a huge fucking flaw. That alone is a good enough reason to complain about the game.
the shit posting comes from the games becoming popular, that's the only reason. any legimate excuse or complaint is now just used as fuel for shitposting, learn to Sup Forums
Top one is how it looks on PS4Pro retard.
>I just prefer being a pussy instead of having a huge gun
DaS sold more than Bloodborne. The Souls series gained popularity around the PC release.
>all souls games have god awful grab boxes
Wow what a fucking twist. Its almost like its still DeS and DaS1 behind all the shiny graffix. Or did you forget the iron golem can grab you from 8 feet away as well.
Also every game has a giant boss that can hit you from like 10 feet away with a slam attack. Too bad Smough wasnt even giant and still could
>and some artificial difficulty
Well thanks for letting me know to completely disregard your post.
Thats clearly a shockwave you fucking faggot.
Willful ignorance on your part. It's 100% the opposite situation of Sonyshits endlessly shitposting about how supposedly good BB is inbetween their 30 second loading times. Eventually when it comes to PC is when they'll stop. But that's a long ways away.
>muh patches
>muh only dark souls 2 has bad hitboxes
see: @374163690
Sad, sad bait. You don't even get a (You) for that.
that's my point user
>dark souls becomes wildly popular
>thread evey single day
>daily threads atrracts fulltime shit posters
>here we are today
Wait a minute, since when did Pursuers have boss health bars?
> Willful ignorance
> Eventually when it comes to PC
Pot and the kettle.
I bet if we banned everyone who didn't play DeS within a year of release from posting than the quality of discussion would skyrocket.
Latecomers to a series are always cancer.
Emulation is making steady progress.
PS4play or whatever you call it that's essentially a glorified streaming service exists.
There's always the chances of a multiplat sequel/Bamco acquiring publishing rights to properly port it to PC
It's going to happen whether you like it or not.
BloodBorne = DeS
Dark Souls 1
Dark Souls 2 = Dark Souls 3
>re-playing DaS1
>on the hellkite drake bridge
>just got the shortcut to the bonfire underneath
>Hes blasting with fire as I get my timing
>game picks me up off the stairs and places my over the railing into the drakes fire attack
>you have died
I wish I had a recording but let me tell you if you play any of these games for more than 200 hours youll know just how fucking awful they really are.
From is terrible and you should feel bad for defending them. Its always 1 step forward and 2 steps back each fucking game.
>being hopeful for the ability to eventually play a definitive version without having to drop $400 is exactly the same as noting that shitposters are doing the exact opposite thing that you described and are the ones at fault
It's better than DS3, but that's not a high bar to hit in the first place
>retards still dont believe BB will end up on pc
Yeah just like Bayonetta right?
100-fold better than 0 is still 0.
> Emulation is making steady progress.
Utter retardation. 360 emulators are barely functioning, hell, we don't even have a decent N64 emulator. If you think you're going to a see stable PS4 emulator any time in the forseeable future, you are kidding yourself.
> There's always the chances of a multiplat sequel/Bamco acquiring publishing rights to properly port it to PC
Lol yeah, right after they purchase the rights to HAZE. Bloodborne is owned by Sony, just like Demon's Souls. You're never seeing it on PC, whether you like it or not.
i remember actual threads/discussions about Demon's Souls and early Dark Souls but that changed to memes and the most toxic community. i liked how small and comfy the community was. how did it fall to such meme filled shit?
This. And the worst part of bloodbourne is it influence gameplay mechanics in dark souls 3, ruining any depth the game potentially had. Dark Souls was better when it was influenced by Demon Souls. Slow and deliberate, where nearly every action was intentional.
Can you imagine these games if patches didn't exist? Do you think they would have actually tried to finish them before release or would we be stuck with all the shitty 1.0 versions?
It's never coming to PC you dipshit, Sony owns the rights and the game is already old news to the general public. Jesus you fucks are stupid.
Dark Souls 3 has a fantastic PvE but comparatively terrible PvP. But at least its PvP is serviceable and active unlike Bloodborne.
B team is a meme, there's only one team. That's the secret. By saying "i-it was shit b-but it's because it was made by the B team we swear!" they give retards the reason they need to blindly buy the next title.
bayonetta wasn't a first party exclusive
What's with the butthurt?
Shitty 1.o versions obviously. Just play their past games before they could and behold how bad they are.
Does From even have a QA team? Or does bamco farm it out to retards
Whenever a community gets bigger it goes to shit. People will blame PC users but I don't because niche games on PC have great communities as well.
It's not a console or pc thing, it's a niche vs popular thing. I don't care if that makes me sound like a hipster, they were right all along.