PTSD thread?
PTSD thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
>playstation jaggy mess version
at least post the n64 or dreamcast version faggot
I played it on PC. Stop making this into a console war thread. PC version supports 4k resolutions it automatically wins.
>All those boring as fuck sections in D2.
Why do people like that game again?
speaking of which...
>nineties game
>I didn't even bothered to look the year
try harder sony gger
shit is 640x480
Speaking of that, Rayman 2 on Dreamcast was such a beautiful game compared to the muddy mess that was N64 and PS1.
Spiderman and Tony Hawk too. Fucking miss my Dreamcast.
shut up you fucking faggot you are ruining this thread
Dumb platformwar poster.
that fucker only got bigger
Every single w98 game I own can go up to 4k. But it might go higher and my graphic card just not supporting higher resolutions
Even Carmen Sandiego?
>Playing Pikmin blindly on the wii without walkthrough
>Finally get to the last part of the world
>No threats so far in any distance
>mfw this is gonna be easy
>Jumpscare of a colossal bulblax emerging from the ground
>With one lick eats 1/2 of all my 100 Pikmin
I was a filthy casual in 98.
New PTSD content
Damn that Toy Story game was absolutely fantastic.
Also i dont remember killing a single boss outside of the first level, because they were so difficult to get to.
Every time
Holy fucking shit this just made my fucking brain explode. I was literally just thinking about this last week.
>At one point, decide to fight them to make escorting easier
>After whatever time finally manage to kill them
>Walk through the area fine with a clear mind
>Proceed through game
>Take a shortcut through the outside area
Went back and played that again, really wasn't that hard
Dead Ahead
>Try to play DR1 on PC
>Survivor AI is completely retarded
>End up losing interest because the AI can't fucking stop getting stuck or getting killed
Those faggots didn't help either.
Dead Ahead is one of my favorite levels. Keeping a consistent combo throughout the entire thing is a nice challenge. Take Over is complete garbage though and beating its hard mode for 100% completion made me want to die.
>that part where he begins stopping right next to you and then continues
Literally artificial difficulty
it still haunts me
Wrong pic
Easily worst part of MM2
fucking little brat cunt
makes me megamad
5 times
>Heavy Handed trait
>Fully upgraded Chainsaw
>T-51b power armor
I AM the PTSD.
It's really easy if you already know what to do before going in
You're not a pedo, are you?
intensity at it's finest.
God I fucking hate this vault, I went through it in ALL my playthroughs, and still spent like 3 hours in this place due to all the fucking enemies you have to fight, and the way the place is laid out.
By the final time I just looked up a guide, and even that was a chore since people would usually be doing a first playthrough in the guide and going everything to find things.
It was worth it though, a lot of that stuff early level is great.
>those katana rampages
got the health and armor upgrades just for that shit
god damn, you brought back some repressed memories
Don't forget, you were also on a strict clock that whole time.
DR1 was some brutal shit. The difficulty points are often overlooked by the goofy nature of the gameplay.
>that fucking RC airplane slalom mission
'yes, it's supposed to control like that. Fuck you.'
There's not even any way to powergame through that one. You just gotta eat it.
Trouble with the trolley, eh?
Delivering that cargo of Eco in Jak 2 for Krew was maddening
stay the plant out skill?
>he doesn't know how to get to hell difficulty in under 4 hours
you never even played d2 beyond your childhood.
This game felt so fucking dark for some reason. Something about the colors, the game had weird depressing feel to it.
It wasn't that bad, as long as you didn't fuck around. Except for the first playthrough, that was a mess.
never made it past him
This game was the shit back as a kid. Used to rent this every week. The nostalgia
Don't hate me, but I never proceeded past act 2 in Diablo 2.
So did the first game.
I was thinking of posting that 'you don't wanna be in the way when my laser goes off' Woody nightmare.
Where boys became men
Falling off the top of the tree or the tall unfinished building was much worse than this.
It never really drew me in.
I still prefer D1's style of 'here's a small collection of NPCs and a big dungeon. go kill shit'
At least you don't lose all your shit every time you fail, that mission gets a lot easier once you get used to the controls
I remember him being really annoying the first time but I recently went back and played it again and he was really easy.
>that RC Heli mission where you have to blow up the construction site
I have no idea why Rockstar were so inept at programming air vehicles during the PS2 era
You have trouble with the main straight on Laguna seca? Man your gonna really hate the corkscrew then.
Well yeah, I smashed his face in recently on my 1.5 playthrough too.
But we're both older and better at video games then when we first played it. Of course it's gonna be easier, doesn't make it any less PTSD though.
Weird shit considering how colorful and up beat the movies are
Fuck Laguna Seca
What retard at Rockstar came up with the idea of getting rid of all your weapons when you die? On top of not having a mission retry feature, too.
>mfw I did that mission first try
Now any mission where you have to actively aim a gun, that's some real cancer right there
Only hard the first time because you don't know how the game works.
Magic is crazy op
this happened to me first playthrough
"stay out the plantskill? alrighty"
Fuck man... Not cool.
Never understood why they respawn, that was some bullshit
The projectile spam in Ninja Gaiden 2 is fucking ridiculous. Not only are the IS ninjas dicks but the multi-rocket dudes can fire DIRECTLY BEHIND THEMSELVES WITH THEIR LAUNCHER POINTED THE WRONG WAY. Path of the Mentor begins with you swarmed with IS ninjas. I died like 10 times in the first fight.
Just use a controller. I'm pretty sure the GTA 3/VC/SA mouse and keyboards controls aren't designed for humans. They're fucking ridiculous.
didnt alot of the bosses become alot easier in the ps3/4 re-releases?
not counting the other bosses that become artificially harder because squeenix being retarded with framerate making things go 2x speed
Who's that? XD
he wasn't that hard. I beat him first time trying, didn't have a lot of health left but it wasn't really that bad of a fight.
What an awful, awful world and fight.
Savescumming is your friend. I don't mind it too much in VC since the map is small so it's easy to go and grab weapon pickups.
it's simple, keep running around and jumping while spamming attack. then when a lot gang up on you just block until a counter opens and then unleash hell. rinse and repeat. you get through the entire game up until each boss and the final boss fight doing this.
That's what I did for SA, but I've barely played the other 3D GTAs. From what I've played of VC is seems to be a bit more annoying since the only save point you have in the beginning is the one at the hotel, and you have to go all over the map for the missions. In SA the missions you get all tend to be around the save point you recently unlocked, so savescumming is a little less tedious.
I'm stuck in Zedonius in NG2 Mentor right now. I've died more than 50 times in a row (I started counting after something like 10). The ninja mooks on average are pretty doable, it's just the beginning that tripped me up. NG2 is a good game but it's chock full of cheap bullshit.
This supreme cunt was a nightmare the first time you play.
infinite HMG.
came here to post this