You can only pick two. What's your choice?

You can only pick two. What's your choice?

>Xbox One
>PS Vita

Right now I'd probably pick PC and PS4. Xbox is slightly more consumer friendly than Playstation at the moment though so if they get some decent sclusies I'd change my answer.

ps4 and ps4


and if i really have to choose a 2nd, Switch I guess? It will get Gen 8 Pokemon eventually

im fine with the two i currently have


I can emulate anything else.

Because I already have a PC

>all multiplats @1080p/60fps/free online
>best exlusives catalog so far

Pretty easy.

Already have PC/3DS, why use anything else?

For just gaming?
You'd have to be a cuck not to choose PS4 + Switch.

pc + ps4

it´s what i have now and i´m happy with it. i had a wii u and vita aswell but i sold them both (with a little profit) because i did not use them. the wii u was just bad (shit controller, no games i liked,) and the vita was just not used as much as i would have liked from a handheld.
i feel that the pc/ps4 combo provides a good amount of games/genres/exclusives i enjoy. nintendo games are not for me and the xbone lost my sale with the whole kinect shenanigans at launch.

PC and Switch.

Switch for it's exclusives, and playing on the go. PC for multiplats, emulation, and exclusive stuff like RTSes.



I already have these two only though so

Switch and Xbox One

PC and PS4
Already have a 3DS and Vita TV and I want to play yakuza

I already own all of those except a 3DS so I guess a 3DS

Have a pc thinking about getting a PS4 for exclusives. I have available most of the games got put on PC or PS3 and PS4.

I have PC PS4 and 3ds. I guess I would give up my 3ds because the only games I buy on it are monhun and I've played the shit out of the ones I own.

Meant to say I have a vita but the game got ported


There just no fucking contest.

If I had to choose a third, I'd go PS4.

The same ones I picked IRL. PS4 and Switch my man.

What's worth buying for 3ds?

I'm this guy and literally the only games on the system that look worthwhile to me are monhun. The FE games look questionable at best. Maybe Bravely Default would be ok.

>emulate anything else
Please show us where you are emulating Switch, PS4, and Xbone games.

Scorpio and Switch. PC is a joke at this point. I think NuDoom is still a top seller and millennials are jizzing over that new Battle Royale game.

Dudebro420s and Nintentards are more fun to play with and actually appreciate games instead of shitpost and go back to playing [insert Moba/Meme FotM PC game]. Evolve and Battleborn still have less than 10 minute queue times on consoles, I doubt you can even find a match on PC.

PC's playerbase doesn't spread out to what isn't popular. It's fucking annoying when I wanted to play games that weren't the norm.

This is coming from an idort. I still have to play on tablet and PC for shit like Caves of Qud and Shadowverse.

>you'd have to be a cuck to not pick who systems that dont have games


the future

Mind if I copy this great bait for future use?

You're a millennial, stop using words wrong.

>Sub-Quest Complete! Fish out Gobul.jpg

>Switch, PS4, Xbone


>It's fucking annoying when I wanted to play games that weren't the norm.
This is true for console games as well, except on console they shut down the servers. On PC the fans actually pick up the game and host it themselves.

Pee Cee and Viter is the patrician choice.

PC + 3DS or PS4 + 3DS.

Maybe down the line Switch can replace 3DS, but not now.

I was going to refute this, but Nintendo and Playstation are bad for doing this. Xbox not so much.

PC and Switch

>Not having games

PC i don't need anything else.

PC + xbox one, just like i have

i would get a nintendo but too expensive for one game

>Please show us where you are emulating Switch, PS4, and Xbone games
on PC, because most are multiplats

Can I have two PCs OP.


>They are trying to force the nogames meme on the PS4

PS4 and switch

Playstation 2

So bait, and switch?

PS4 + 3DS