What one group of people would you kill to make Sup Forums a better place?
What one group of people would you kill to make Sup Forums a better place?
Other urls found in this thread:
Anyone that uses "weeb"
This would fix the entire website.
Look within your heart, you know this to be true
Shitposters, hands down.
Anyone who posts in Youtube/eceleb threads.
Furries and pol posters.
As a phone poster that has to sit here and watch the Catalog fill with "What did he mean by this" and other shitty bait threads, and can't even Report them on account of you assholes bitching about mobile users, fuck you.
Furries and attention whores
This guy Then weebs, pcbros and anyone who masturbates to cartoons
>and anyone who masturbates to cartoons
Why are you even on Sup Forums anyway? You attention whore
Oh and these guys too
Because I like videogames, and this is a videogame board.
Waifufags. Think of all those autistically reposted garbage threads that now no longer exist.
Sup Forums posters then console wars faggots
This is the correct answer when you really think about it.
Completely wipes out a large portion of underage, normalfags, Reddit crossposters, general attention whores, and rornery losers who feel the need to circlejerk their fake friends all in one fucking shot.
Look at this fucking idiot barely manage to express a coherent thought, let alone format his post like a human.
Please, can we get some more replies from mobileposters? I could use some more examples on why you're all human garbage.
I could even deal with Sup Forumstards, as long as they're the nerd Sup Forumstards and not normaltard Sup Forumstards from third world countries where Sup Forumstardation is normal.
Brown people.
>pc shit posters
>anyone that says things like "moving posts" "kek" "cuck" or any stutter fags
>anyone that's a loyalist to any brand
Basically all of Sup Forums
This, waifufags are the worst scum and they ALWAYS start a shitposting drama.
Bloodborne and dark souls fags, and I don't even hate either games. There is just no need to have literally half a dozen fucking threads arguing about them or sucking off one of them, it's fucking boring to refresh the page and see nothing but that shit all day
Anybody who posts in political threads. Not just Sup Forums posters but anti-Sup Forums posters as well.
No. We need love and understanding first and foremost.
Furries, pretty much.
I change my vote, I want this guy to die.
Make it so, please god
>What one group of people would you kill to make Sup Forums a better place?
Console warrior falseflaggers.
Aka Sony fanboys.
I don't know about kill. But basically I wouldn't let people discuss series that they joined late.
e.g.: If you didn't play DeS around release you don't get to discuss souls games. If your first FF was FF10 you don't get to discuss FF. If your first MGS was 3 then you don't get to discuss MGS. You're a tribabby and want to tell me shit about monhun?
People who hop into a series late are usually dumber than ground floor users.
Love and understand THIS
*unzips dick*
If 'brown people' is too big a category, I'd start with Brazilians.
I like that image. Very snazzy, simple and poignant.
The only good post in this shit thread made by a Canadian no doubt.
Underage posters and millennials
You're a millennial. Stop using words wrong.
No one
Murder is wrong
"Ironic" weebs and console war faggots.
I can't choose between these two
But I like playing games on my PC
Who are the bigger shitposters these days? Australians or Canadians?
tie between console war shitposters and eceleb posters
People who think lolicon is pedophilia and people who think anime doesn't belong on Sup Forums
If you permaban anyone who posts in a Jontron thread you ban neogaffers, redditors, and Sup Forums-tards in one go, so do that.
But these people frequently go back and play the older games.
People who like any game on Sup Forums's top 100 games of all time. Hopefully I'd kill off weebs and children by association.
canucks passed up aussies well over a year ago
it's that fucking meta thread again, isn't it.
Sup Forums has literally no originality and OC anymore
Prove it.
And typically just bitch about them while holding whatever one they started with to be the pinnacle of the series.
Anyone who posts shit related to e-celebs.
These people tend to suck on these e-celebs opinions instead of having their own opinion ON EVERYTHING.
Anyone who has ever visited reddit.
Tell me your age without googling the actual definition of millennial.
Sup Forums posters
anyone who posts console wars. they are the absolute worst plague on Sup Forums
people that like smash 4 aka tr4sh
Why are you posting some random Redditor?
You'd be murdering pretty much anyone who plays games, which I'm guessing is your intent. Nice edge btw
This and people who post threads about Twitter drama and politics.
anyone who actually plays vidya
>posting reddit
Kys my man
Also, literal who?
>warrior falseflaggers.
>Aka Sony fanboys.
>on the board where Sony gets the most flack
You're a flaseflagger yourself if you think that
Don't h8, apreci8
Every single new IP address introduced to the board from this day forward.
>You'd be murdering pretty much anyone who plays games
Only shit games
>Nice edge btw
Fuck off this entire thread is dedicated to the genocide of a group of people
I'll appreciate you when you fuck off.
Wouldn't be good enough, the place is already overrun with shitposters.
>Implying mods haven't been doing this since 09
Hoo boy, I hope you were posting since then lest you're in the upcoming ban wave.
Anyone took their identity politics seriously
You'll never know what I'm posting this from, user.
Honestly this
who is this cum dump?
anyone who owns a ps4 they are complete trash imo
Weebs, Sup Forums, pcfags, and frogposters.
If I had to pick one, weebs. I like Japanese games as much as the next guy, but they can't unironically like shit like Neptunia, right? It's just ironic, r-right?
>speaking in complete sentences
>proper grammar
>readable posting format
It doesn't matter so long as you don't act like a mobileposter.
People who say "this, same, fpbp"
Weeb PCfag here.
I think the combat in Neptunia games is pretty gud, and like that you have to position your characters on the battlefield carefully in order to minimize damage taken while striking as many enemies on the field at the same time as possible. Plus the OST is pretty gud for a lot of the games (Absolute especially being a strong track), and characters like Ram and Rom are cute
Sup Forums crossboarders
There, Sup Forums is now great again
artist is rikose
The not vidya games group.
Should be broad enough of a group that we'll actually be on topic for a bit.
You'll never know what I'm posting this from, user.
twitterposters and this should be banned and shot on sight