What kind of animal was he again?

what kind of animal was he again?


What am I looking at here?



A cuck.

It's a yooka. They're like dragons but not real

Is that Vaseline?


Reminder to please let the devs know about this mod and to DMCA it ASAP. It isn't right that jontron's volatile fans are forcing him into the game after he was FORCIBLY removed. It's not legal.

Stop, it hurts.

the power of ryzen

thanks Gigabyte

>Ground Zero.jpg


jon is the only one that could DMCA that

>50 thousand people used to live here
>now it's a ghost town

A bandicoot.

Jon looks like he's seen a ghost


>Yooka Laylee

More like Yoora Gaylee amirite Sup Forums?


What voice acting was Jon gonna do for the game? Isn't half of the words spoken just muttered words?


Not for all the characters, no.

Gotta say, for a video game starring cartoon animals released in 2017, the main characters seem to have very limited facial expressions.