Do twitch streamers have a future? Like what is their plan or 10 years when the site dies

Do twitch streamers have a future? Like what is their plan or 10 years when the site dies

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if they're smart they'll be investing their money now

Patreon, youtube bucks, twitching dollars, kickstarter. They'll be fine. There will always be a way to sucker retards out of money.

I stream on Twitch. Make a solid monthly amount. But it isn't full time. Make $23/hour at my part time job.

Make upwards of $500-600 a month doing 3 or 4 5-hour streams a week.

I play vidya anyway, why not make some money doing it. It's easy enough to comment as you go along and read and respond to chat.

Move on to somthing else? Fuck, 10 years ago I worked at Subway and wasn't worried about what the fuck was going to happen.


same lol

I can't watch Ice. He makes me feel... sad.


How do I do this when I hate speaking for a long time

I'm actually in the exact same boat as this guy actually, but I'm around $450-500 a month. I make a bit more money at my real job but I'm also probably older than you. Donations used to be a lot but they've stagnated super hard. Funny how that comes and goes.

Full-time streamers will be okay if they keep changing with the times. That may mean doing stuff they don't want to do, but that's what happens when your entire income is beholden to a site that doesn't owe you jack shit.

I will say though, streaming kind of killed the potential for me to enjoy certain games. Played most of the Souls series onstream and couldn't get fully immersed because you always have to be at least a little bit "on." It's interesting.

Well, you don't.

Any tips on getting more viewers? I've tried streaming a few times and I'm lucky if I get double figures watching

play games that are popular, don't be shit, have a good sense of humor.

turn into a tranny with big tits, stream during your transitioning.

retire and live off the money

Honestly I wouldn't know what to tell you, I got my start from being a prominent member of a game's competitive community.

If you're looking to play one game in particular, join that game's online community. If you're looking to play a variety of things it's WAY harder.

Most twitch streamers have side shit going on like a part time job or going to school. If you do twitch fulltime and you're not part of the top 5%, you're fucked.

Judging by the amount of flipping out over mass Youtube demonetization, most are gonna be SOL when this fad dies out.

Hi, Tagg

how to be a popular streamer on twitch:

stream a game that just came out before anyone else.(if twitch doesn't ban you and you beat all the shitty "variety streamers" to streaming)

stream a game that just came out and has promising competitive scene and be one of the best at it( i.e. overwatch, h1z1)

stream a game that you are the best at (league, dota, csgo.. games that get viewers)

have tits and/or have a friend that is successful and mooch off of him

No idea who that is

you are not entitled to success because you quit a job or stream full time. being gold in league isn't going to make you a success. streaming for charity makes you look like a retard.

You can also take the SC2 route. Pick a game that isn't going to be super popular so you don't have hyper-competition, and just stream it consistently.

Lots of shitty streamers have made it a "job" by just playing it 5-hours a day for years. Some have even made it after blatantly cheating, just because the community doesn't care & it's too small(wintersc)

>twitch dying in 10 years


Twitch streaming is like being an Uber job. It's just a sidething you do for money. All the big Streamers use their income to support their education. In 10 years they would have graduated with a Master's Degree and have started their career.

>All the big Streamers use their income to support their education.
that's just what they tell you which is wrong

most top streamers are already into their 30's.

lmfao keep telling yourself this, hahaha

The biggest ones are making more than somebody with masters or phd.

sounds like you only watch girl streamers

which are only a small handful of people out of millions

>work as an adviser for TV channels and the like (mootykins)
>work for games media
>use saved money to study for a real career

Mootykins ran a website that bankrupted him and now works for google, consider that.

Most of them are mid to late 20s but that's still kinda late.

The big streamers are already set for life. Most of them are getting $20,000+ a month from subscribers, half a million or more in donations each year, and money from sponsors. Seriously, it's insane how much money they make.

The streamers who are fucked are the ones who managed to get big enough to just barely make it their full time job. Then they quit their real job too early and their viewers/subscribers fall a few months later and they are left with nothing.

and those people are who op is talking about

I can't even say what my plan is in 10 years

Ice is such a pussy lmao

who is andy and why is he so popular? he's always showing up in my youtube since I watched some Tyler1

The bigger ones are former/current professionals with a history in e-sports. They mostly Twitch stream now for revenue. Guys like imaqtpie and summit1g.

I think if they are smart with their income that they are set for life. These guys make ridiculous amounts of money.

A lot of E-sports professionals are Ivy-League students or in some really fancy college.

Man, ten years ago I had so many plans and hopes.
I thought being an adult would be cool.

I can't even say what my plan is next year

there are only 3 ways:
>early access game
>being top ranked player in a game

I did early access and top ranks. Got 6k followers. YOUTUBE is still 100x better just throwing out videos for views. If you're doing it for money you're a retard and should stop

used to have a show on mtv

I had a crappy childhood and I thought it would get better as I grew older. Almost 30 now and I wish I could warn my younger self.

To anyone with an actual twitch following:

I imagine the excitement of it eventually plateaus, regardless of the money ( whatever amount that may be ) being made.

Is this true? Does it eventually lead into something that you learn to hate and wish you never started?

Yeah but nobody cares about e-"sports"

That isn't $200,000 a month. I know because I use the same program. Here's my dashboard. It's lifetime. I've only been streaming since 2015, his $208k is probably spread over 5-6 years. Still not bad at all though.

People overestimate how much streamers make in general. You're not wrong about Summit, qt and the like, but all but like 20 of them aren't millionaires.

this is the dumbest and most false thing i have ever read

people care enough to pump millions into it

Being older is cool, it's your own fault for being a failure. Should've put the video games down and focused on work.

Sort of. I've really stagnated and spun my wheels for the last year or so, but I'm still making decent money on the side and I have a real full-time job so it's not terrible.

It DOES get harder though, especially if you feel forced to play stuff you normally don't want to, and it takes away from enjoying some games at all. It's almost impossible to get fully immersed.

When something is your job, no matter how much you love it, your perspective of it changes.

People who average around 1k+ viewers can make a decent living like around 60k+ a year but I imagine it's pretty hard to keep that amount of viewers for a long time and eventually they'd have to quit. The bigger ones are already set for life unless they are blowing all their money on stupid shit.

Once you know how to run a stream without any technical issues and you're not longer living with parents or annoying roommates that walk in on you it becomes a chore putting on a PC persona that never burps, farts, or picks their nose. You realize the guys giving you money are doing it for some ulterior motive. They're so eager to have their funny message show up on the on-screen notification. They think giving you money means you'll give them special privilege or fall in love with them. No matter how much you're trying to focus on a female audience your audience will always be dominantly men and you have to put up with all the creepy and uncomfortable messages. Then there's your online friends/real life friends causing drama in chat because they are abusing mod powers. Or maybe your ex-boyfriend decides to raid your stream. It just feels fake saying 'thank you' with a smile after every Follow and Donation .

i love how people come on Sup Forums just to shit on other people. fuck off man, you're not cool because you act with malicious intent on an anonymous website and you're definitely not helping the guy. so wtf is your beef? fuck you

This is what it's like to be a popular streamer

A lot of them put all their money in savings.

I know Tyler1 for example puts everything into savings, doesn't spend shit. Mang0 is the same too. A bunch of people are.

Can someone explain to me what on earth is going on in that schizophrenic picture

>That isn't $200,000 a month
Yeah, I know. The $20,000+ a month estimate was from anyone who has 8,000+ subscribers.

>his $208k is probably spread over 5-6 years. Still not bad at all though.
Maybe. I saved the pic from a previous thread where anons were claiming his donation tracker was reset at some point and this $208k was only from like a 6 month period. I'm not completely sure how true that is, but it wouldn't really surprise me if it was the case. I've seen Summit's stream before and he averages around $500 an hour from donations. It's crazy

I'm assuming you're a female streamer from that.

Do you see the "creepyness" ever becoming too much in the future to continue? Or is it something you've learned to deal with?

Really depends what you mean by "work." If by "work" you mean any old wageslave job because that's what society tells you to do, then no, don't do that, you'll end up poor and would probably be happier being a NEET.

If by "work" instead you mean every day making the effort to mentally, physical and spiritually stimulate yourself, put yourself into new situations, earn money in any way that you deem reasonable and non-destructive, have the courage to reinvent yourself when life calls you to do so, then yeah, sure, that's good advice.

To piggyback on this, tons of people will also think by supporting your stream and being a viewer that you owe them something. Lots of them will overstep personal boundaries or just assume you know them at a personal level. It gets uncomfortable. I personally have one guy that donates relatively high amounts of money in order to get me to play games that aren't really "in-line" with the stuff I normally stream. I tried to politely decline a couple times and he just stopped showing up.

There are some perks though. Every streamer I know has had an experience where they'll have a regular viewer for a couple months that donates hundreds if not thousands of dollars for seemingly no reason, then disappears out of nowhere.

All that said, streaming helped me meet some awesome people. Was hard before to find anyone with my sense of humor, but 90% of my subs are cool as shit and really make the stream something cool. You take the good with the bad.

Angry fatass living in his mommy's basement is mad now, is he? Cute, try not to pop a blood vessel.


hey bby you looking for a new boyfriend?

get back to mcdonalds jamal, mr. steinberg lunchbreak is only 10 minutes!

You're just mad because you're a massive failure and can't accept the reality of it. About time someone gave you criticism, looks like it's ten years overdo and if you still don't like it then get the fuck off this board. Fucking pussy.

What the heck man? This is legitimate advice. If it sounds trite and cliche that's because it works. It's not my fault if most people don't have the stomach to actually do this though.

no, just no. if you take your game serious you have to drop. studying on the side will make your gameplay go shit and it wont be good for your grades either. you shouldnt have a girlfriend either.

>just b urself brah just do it brah just live your g-d damned life and take it by the balls brah
>no my parents being rich has nothing to do with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what are you even saying

should've put the video games and oriental cartoons down fatty. now you're worthless forever.

the jews are controlling him

Most of the popular streamers are tryhards up their own asses, so the fact that they make money doing this is probably only a benefit. I get the sense most of their lives won't change once the money dries up.

Wonder where Jerma will be in 10 years

>kids in 10 years will watch 30-45 year old weak diseased men who havent left the house in over a decade play final fantasy 20

>can't even link to a board
You have to go back

Having a solid financial backing can be a help, but even that alone isn't enough. If you are born into a poor environment and are smart enough to realise what a prison your in, then truly your only choices are to struggle out of it or give in and be miserable basically.

can you assume what my life is like too

Most of their income comes in the form of donations these days. The big ones can survive a migration to another platform easily, most have also diversified their content towards youtube primarily.
Many would not make it due to being inflexible or uncreative with monetizing their fanbase.
Such things have already happened in the past. Notably animators on youtube got hit in the past.

I have a channel which is no face cam no commentary just gameplay of things I'm either good at or new games. It's not very popular but a few people pop in every now and then.

Streaming is so lame, who wants to watch people play games?
Maybe I'm too much of a normie

If you are motivated enough, there are ways to improve yourself and your life, even if you don't succeed in getting your dream job. Libraries are free, the internet is full of free material, there's scholarship money and loans. Don't be a fatalist.

>That image

Skeletons driving?

quite the opposite
watching streamers is The normie thing now

So glad I discovered the internet and video games in my early 30's. Otherwise I probably would've turned out to be a worthless piece of shit like most of you. It's a terrible addiction to have and there is no rehab

>just be urself dude
>uhh of course my mommy paid for my education and my car and my apartment, but you need to just work hard go-.. brah

Watching streams is pretty normie home slice

>be Twitch streamer
>have a Patreon
>someone actually pledged $50 to my Patreon
>now I have to spend 30 minutes with them on Skype
>they're super awkward as fuck and it's obvious they aren't used to talking through a computer mic (he kept testing his mic to hear how he sounds)

My youtube channel is for Beauty/Cosplay/Anime vlogs. I don't get female donators for some weird reason. If I do, they mostly just get $1 or $5. It's men that are giving $20 or more. Why are they even on my channel?

Only to the Gen Z

There are times I'm working on shit so I can't devote the mental resources to playing, but I can casually watch someone play a game I enjoy while I'm working.

I'm not stupid enough to give them actual money, though.

I'm not assuming that they're arrogant tryhards. I watch the streams. They ARE arrogant tryhards. I still learn good tactics from them, and some of them can be funny.

yeah and in 10-20 years they will be the active generation

/r9k/ memes

how much for a skype date? do you do custom videos?

In 10 years we might have FF16

Good Lord. I haven't been on the /r9k/ cycle for quite a while now, so I'm assuming this is some sort of female version of tendies?

Jesus Christ, this website is fucked.

I don't even want to think about it, but the thought has already crept in

>i wonder why a bunch of betas watch me dress up and talk about anime