You can only pick one

Chaos, Neutral or Law?


Left or middle.

>law has better girls, demons, and music
>chaos is still better
This is quite the conundrum


Chaos. Corrupting a cute Gaean with your neutrality is the best.

Law,Only the very best for me

Law is the only correct choice. Neutral is for cowards and chaos is for try hards.

Toki a best. I killed them all tho

Toki is my new mother goddess in mine and dagda's new universe.

None because I don't play weebshit.
If this PC keeps restarting automatically every 15 minutes to install the same update I'm going to bisect it.

Dagdabros ww@?

Kill all of them

God, the Divine Powers are great.

Hopefully they will be in the switch game.

>mfw no divine powers route.

Hoy or Boyo


I really wish more of the games punished me for the nuetral ending because that's where I usually fit because I am to pathetic to actually pick a side and instead stick to the middle.

SMT4 would be perfect for you

Best ending, hardest to get though too.

>want to try the evil/chaos route for a change
>too much of a goody-two-shoes to do this

I'm playing through SMT4 at the moment actually, I wish more were like 1 or maybe it was 2 though where you end up dying in a cave and it's all for nothing


The only real choice.

There's nothing wrong with that statement.


Chaos = freedom. How is that evil?

>Persona 5 uses Odin's old design instead of the Apocalypse version

I like Kaneko's designs, but Naked Purple Man is garbage compared to the new look.

How the fuck did they manage to make Nozomi so bad to the point she's even worse than fucking pascal?

At least the SMT 5 teaser had the new design

>SMT 5 Teaser

Hadn't heard of this.

Wasn't it confirmed as an SMT1 HD/remake?

He's taking some liberties when calling it smtv, smt switch is more like it

Right looks like the type of chick that has flings with what ever guy looks like she can make a sugar daddy.

Middle looks like the type of girl that has one night stands with random "hot" guys while dating a guy in a "committed relationship"

Left looks like the type of girl that would stab you in the dick for looking at another girl. But would be loyal as fuck.

Where? I've only seen it as an "HD project" but never said it was smt1

There is an ending like that in 4 aswell

It's easy to get to, too, they make their intentions pretty clear.

You talkin about the white?


Where's the Law option? I see one Chaos and two Neutrals.

Stop being a chaosfag

Go to hell *record scratch*

Not even a chaosfag. Your law is shit YHVH.

Eeeeh, i'd put that ending with Honda's ending in DeSu, pretty much just to wqtch the cutscene and then loading the save back and going for a real ending

All of them are neutral.

Honda had an ending!? I forgot he even existed till now what was his thing again, his son needs a doctor or something?

If i remember correctly, you help him escape the blockade

YVHV responds by killing all of humanity.

Do you have that pic where Hoy is on homer's body, flying in a skateboard and claoming that is the best day of his life?

Yeah, at 6th day you can escape with him and it gets a unique game over scene or something like that


what do you get from the data transfer of SMT4 >SMT4A?

some items, I think some app points, maybe a few weapons.

Nothing to start a file of SMT4 to get.

>Deep Neutral
>Destruction Neutral

They are all shit

Fuck you *record scratch*