somebody has to do it
Risk of thread
The karma system makes the game unfun.
>wander into the chimney
>go through like 50 screens of bullshit
>make 3 insane jumps in a row
>1 minute left before the rain falls and murders me
>behind a karma door. tier 4 or 5 or some bullshit
I just stood there, staring at the screen for that final minute waiting for the rain to fall and end it all.
haven't touched the game since.
Uhh user, this is RISK of Rain, not Rain World.
>ever going into Chimney Canopy
I'm pretty sure I made Risk of Rain thread, not Rain World thread.
steam or vita?
Are you going to host? PC
Nah, I'm thinking of buying it.
which one of u did this
Steam if you're going to play with Sup Forums.
host never
stop lying
torrent it and give it a try first. It's really cheap when there's a sale, maybe around 2$
Literally the post bellow that DeSu.
You did mention you were on chimney canopy last time you mentioned rainworld
Tai a shit
Tae, fuck
Risk of Rain 2 when?
I left Chimney like a week ago Dess, I'm somewhere even worse.
Also Tae is best.
If someone plans to host, please wait at least 20 minutes from EXACTLY now, I need to take a shower.
host now
if you're going to estimate the amount of time you're going to wait, what's the point in stressing the EXACT moment you'll begin the wait? Wouldn't it be better, and more time efficient to just say something in the lines of: "I'll be here for around 20 minutes."
And I'm back, I also see no hosts, and no one willing to host. Prediction: HOST NEVER, go home folks.
good joke senpai
Is this game fun to play by yourself or is it only fun with friends [spoilers]or Sup Forums
Open, get in here
I've seen people who like firing up RoR every now and then to kill time, and doing challenge runs can be pretty entertaining sometimes.
But multi will probbaly be were the majority of your time is spent
Does this actually work or am I being rused is localhost, so your own pc.
he's either a retard or trolling.
>inb4 he posts his local ip address next