ITT Games that literally changed your life

ITT Games that literally changed your life.



That key are was always very poignant to me, because she never actually got to ride the Highwind despite wanting to.

literally every game i have played, and all those i have not, fit into that category

I replayed this a few months ago and damn I always thought there was more to do after the highwind. Its really short once you get to disc 2

fuck this render. she never saw highwind in the game

Yes she did, but it was optional.

RapeLay my bro, best eroge simulator.

I played Persona 3 at just the right point in my adolescence where everything is super impressionable on you and it left a really big impact on me.

I am honestly afraid to play Persona 5 because I don't know if it will be half as enjoyable since I haven't been in high school in years.


The whole series, from Metal Gear to The Phantom Pain.

Kinda stole my childhood desu. Being exposed to such raw subjects so young made me grow up at an incontrollable speed, faster than I should have.

Nah you just grew so quickly due to accelerated aging. You're gonna die soon.

Pushed me to learn how to play real guitar.

BioShock, unironically.

>play BioShock as teenager
>Ryan was an interesting villain, wanted to know more about the ideas behind Rapture and his ideology
>find out that story is based off of Atlas Shrugged, want to know more
>read Atlas Shrugged in college, love it
>read Rand’s other 3 novels, love them
>notice Rand recommends going back and reading Aristotle and Aquinas
>take ancient and medieval great text courses in college
>read parts of Aristotle, Aquinas, Homer, Plato, Boethius, Maimonides, Averroes, Calvin, Luther, and Augustine.
>come to love Aristotle especially
>leads back into modernity with C.S. Lewis, who is now my favorite author.

Tl;dr - BioShock was basically a gateway drug to an interest philosophy as a whole, and lead me to my current favorite author

She asks Cloud to take her on a ride on it someday in the cargo ship. Of course she never gets to, which makes this art so much better.

Game that really got me into PC gaming and into multi-player games

Lol that's the way thing should work, but you had what a lot of people lack,Curiosity. Good job user, keep trucking.

It taught me english, which both helped immensely with my education and affected almost all aspects of my life up until this point.

Same with me but with Persona 4, sadly I feel that way about Persona 5. It's in all rights a good game but I just can't enjoy these characters for some reason I can't place

Final Fantasy X got me into classical music, especially after discovering the piano collections.

A very good IRL friend did the same.

Probably not in a good way.

So, did it leave you convinced that the only thing humankind desires is the sweet release of death and everything about modern life is miserable and painful? Because that's more or less the angle that the game tries to push.




World of Warcraft.
Met my best friend because of it, and had the best sex in my 29 years on this Earth with the guild's resto druid.
After WOTLK, the game declined, but in vanilla and TBC, it was the shit.

For a 16 year old getting in a huge video game like this and playing with actual real people was mind-blowing.

FFVII made me search out and join internet communities based around Final Fantasy which made me a ton of new friends whom I've seen many times irl.
Whether or not that was a net positive or not is still up in the air as nearly every one of them was a gigantic nerd like me and just reinforced my bad habits / life choices.

I've always played video games, but mostly arcade-y type games and I never really thought of myself as someone who plays video games.
Played pic related back in summer 2011 and it made me appreciate games in a new way. I went from being a loser who plays music to being a loser who plays video games.

The friends I made.
The adventures I had.
The thousands of hours spent playing.

I am so thankful for what this game has brought into my life.

Let me guess, the original came out before you were born

All this, but for Dark Souls.

I think the only game that has had some real impact on my life is Dark Souls. I played it while I was definitely changing and I don't credit it for everything but it helped me and made me better.
It showed me the perseverance I had in myself, Solaire showed me his beautiful determination and Artorias showed me that it's okay to care for others and I shouldn't suppress my feelings so much.
It's a beautiful game and made me feel like I wasn't alone in my self isolation.

Sounds like you had a good literary journey. Funny how you went from reading a super fedora tipper to having a Christian lit author as your favourite writer.

Persona 3 Portable made me realise I was a trap. To a lesser extent, 2 helped as well.

Final Fantasy XI

It ruined my life

All of them.
Every game I ever played has made me who I am today, turned me into the adult man that stands here.

It's not a single game that defines me. I am the result of all these games together.

Arty really let himself go, waht a fat fuck

where are the rest of your fat legged cosplays?
fat fucker

>Sounds like you had a good literary journey.
It was! Came out of it with a better perspective of things. Thanks for saying so.

>Funny how you went from reading a super fedora tipper to having a Christian lit author as your favourite writer.
Meh, Rand is certainly prominently atheistic, but it’s overplayed in the popular depiction of her. She’s not very fedora, considering she loved Aquinas and recommended everyone read his works like Summa Theologica along with hers and Aristotle’s.

There isn’t even any real criticism of religion or the church in Atlas Shrugged until Galt’s speech, like 700 pages in.

When she was on offense, it was much more against collectivism, altruism, and irrationalism. Attacks on religion were secondary to those.

I was more struck by the similarities between Lewis and Rand when I started reading him. His opening paragraphs of “The Weight of Glory” are practically right out of Rand, where he rejects “unselfishness” as a supreme moral ideal.

>implying the rotten chicken leg armor is superior

Warcraft 2, 3 and WoW. At this point I don't know if it actually saved my life or just made it worse, but all I know is that growing up in a broken home, living with neglect, abuse, mentally ill relatives, I feel like being able to scrub it up in an online world was the only thing that kept me relatively sane. Although I'm a directionless NEET now. I dunno what to do anymore. But thanks, Warcraft. I guess.

got friends 4ever

First game I ever played, I have no idea what the fuck I was doing and from then on all I've done with my life is play video games.

It was on a road trip to Iowa or something and my parents said I couldn't have been older than 3 at the time, but I remember it pretty well.


Nope. I was born in 1996.
I mostly grew up with the Genesis and Dreamcast. That's where my love of arcade games comes from.

It made me realize that I shouldn't ask for sequels to games I love.

second this one

Ocarina and Mario 64 were probably the games I played most as a kid but no game in particular changed me.

The movie Aliens changed me because that was the day I became obsessed with movies in general.

this good girl knows what is good in life.

I really don't understand why people choose to wear Arty armor. The proportions look wrong since you're not the 8'4'' body-building "every day is leg day" Abysswalker

>babby's first RPG.

In chronological order:
Planescape torment
Monster hunter freedom unite
LoL/DotA for the worse.

Persona 4.

It taught me to not be a social recluse and that I should put in a better effort with my friends.

Perfect for someone who otherwise would have became a neet.

Spyro the Dragon.
Back when the original trilogy first came out, that got me deep into games. Every year, I play through at least one of the three entirely.
It still sucks my brother stole my PS1 and Gameboy Color when I was a kid, but I reacquired everything I loved and lost.

>my face when it actually was my first RPG
>My face when it's still a good game and I like it a lot

Yeah, disc 3 is literally just the final dungeon/post game


Another Rand fan here.

Gotta say i disagree man.

The number 1 thing she advocated was a belief in reason above all else. Science, fact, reason, logic.

Everything religion is not. She fought mysticism in all it's forms from religion to collectivism of the soviet union.

if your somehow trying to rationalize a belief in magic sky man, while still claiming to be a reason based individual your failing somewhere

I still use the handle Neon online after 22 plus years. its the secret car in this game.

also still listen to the soundtrack regularly after 20 plus years as well

All of them because I played games 24/7 and now I am a fat sperg with poor social skills.

Super Mario Bros (1985), was my first video game ever, and I enjoy good video games ever since.


It made me pick up an instrument for the first time in my entire life. Classic acoustic guitar.

And here’s where the thread will devolve into a religious/philosophical debate. I don’t want to get into it on the vidya board, frankly. All I’ll say is this:

>The number 1 thing she advocated was a belief in reason above all else.
Completely agree. Reason was her prime axiom; it’s why I love her and her work so much.

>Everything religion is not.
Completely disagree. Hence my point that she loved Aquinas for bringing Aristotle and cold logic back into the Christian mainstream.
Religion can be rational or irrational. Much like art, science, politics, literature, etc. Good ones are rational, bad ones are irrational.

You and Rand believe that the evidence for a deity/deities is insufficient to constitute belief in it/him/they.
I and Aquinas believe that the evidence is sufficient, self-evident, and overwhelming.

We both accept reason as our standard, but have come to different conclusions based on the data presented to us.
I propose we drop it there, or the mods will prune the thread. I’ve seen it happen. Heck, I’ve probably caused it…

while I venomously disagree

i respect how well you present your argument, and understand what you are trying to say

I will leave it at that for reasons you stated.

But hey left me know if your up for a religious/philosophical debate off board.

always love finding a "rational" christian to argue with. rare breed

I used to be a shut-in and avoided socializing with people, being extremely insecure about myself and all that. This game inspired me to go out and socialize more, make the best of my environment, lead a more active social life in college. All the networking I did in college is now paying off.

Do it, you'll be flooded with nostalgia and the tone is much closer to 3.
Not to mention it's just an extremely improved game in mechanics and designs.

Thanks buddy. I understand your reasons for disagreement, and I don’t blame you for having them. You’re being consistent in your rationality.

I really do love Rand, btw. Got a hardcopy version of Atlas Shrugged on my “favorite books” section of my shelf, marked with a fresh dollar bill. I totally get it.

What’d you think of the movie adaptations of AS? I only watched part 1…

>But hey left me know if your up for a religious/philosophical debate off board.
Sure. If you want to talk, drop me an email at [email protected]

>always love finding a "rational" christian to argue with. rare breed
Exactly how Rand delivered compliments, btw. With an insult mixed in.

>tfw her first words to William F. Buckley Jr. were "You are far too smart to believe in God."

i downloaded it a while ago but it always crashed on startup

it was a blockbuster rental first week of release. got my first memory card for it too.

my nintendo 64 collected dust when i discovered squaresoft.

did you also buy five copies of Final Fantasy: Spirits Within(tm)?

Rude user.


This was my first FF, which is probably why it's my personal favorite.

Of course, my second favorite is V and my third is Crystal Chronicles, so maybe I just have shit taste?

Sadly this.
Made me realise that i was in denial about the >nogf thing and how alone i was

I learned geography and it sparked my interest in history more than anything

were you able to fix that afterwards?

who says games can't better you

A lot of games had a pretty good impact on me, games that remind me why I love video games.

Mount and Blade
Gears of War (met a lot of my best friends)
The Wonderful 101
Dark Cloud 2
Brave Fencer Musashi
Viewtiful Joe
Devil May Cry
Dragon's Dogma

I can't pick just one. All these games impacted my life in such a positive way.

I'm getting my first date tommorow.
I have a job and friends now.

good for you man.

good luck

When your religious family members debate you, are they also debating all the atheist authors whose literature you've consumed?

This series. I joined the military and even though I'm not a pilot I love the people I work with. I still have dreams of being a pilot one day and am working on trying to get into a flight school after my contract is over.

>Tubby KHV all the way through high school
>Got sick of being friendzoned by every girl I tried to date
>Knew they rebuffed my advances because of my weight (some even told me that was why)
>Wanted to lose weight and turn my life around
>Friend introduced me to DDR series my junior year of HS
>Had a blast playing it
>Realized it was good exercise too
>Bought a copy of this, and a home mat
>Started playing every day
>Got good enough to beat all songs on heavy
>Started to make exercise playlists, and monitoring my calorie loss every day
>Lost over 60 lbs in 6 months
>Tons more energy and confidence
>Got fit by the end of senior year
>Freshman year of college, tons of girls wanted me
>Went on so many dates with so many girls
>Finally started having regular sex
>Stayed fit for years from it, and eventually met my wife who thought I was sexy as fuck
>Been with her for 8 years, and never been happier
>Health conscious and slim even in my 30s
>All my HS friends have let themselves go, but DDR has helped me maintain my weight
>It all started with this game

Thank you DDR. You saved me from years of loneliness and self hatred. I'll never appreciate any game more for how positively it impacted my real life.

The game also shows that you can be better than that and aim to enjoy life to its fullest.

Me too!

Helped me lose weight in high school too. Afterwards I just started doing speed to maintain a slim weight lmao

>tfw a game's preachy message about believing in yourself actually got through to you
It didn't help that I was an impressionable 15 year old with no friends and abusive parents. This game has inspired me a lot in tough times, too bad no one else played it.

>Tfw I have played over 500 games and none of them have changed my life

The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild. For so many years I thought Skyrim was the greatest game of all time, but boy was I wrong.

I'm happy for you user. Persona is truly an amazing series

Made me want to be a father some day.

you have to be 18 or older to post here

Pokemon Sun/Moon completely killed my interest in Pokemon despite being a huge fan of the series since I was at least 5, and ultimately lead to me giving up hope in Nintendo as a whole.

The fact that anyone on this website actually likes it is utterly baffling to me.

Met my bestfriends in this game

We are all still friends. One of them even met his wife on this game

Fuck you BeachCami


Holy fuck is that dark ages?


>be 23
>had a mononucleosis
>played this game on my laptop in bed
>liked it
>made me want to learn gamemaker
>realization that I enjoy programming
>wanted to learn java, c, c++ etc
>Went and finished prerequisite math courses on the span of 4 months to get accepted into computer programming in college
>be 24
>passed all the exams and start my courses in college
>good grades left and right since september
>Loving my life right now
>all because of a fucking indie gamemaker rpg that I am now sick tired of hearing about

this is also the most reddit post I have ever made on this taiwanese floortile appreciation forum
