Can anyone tell me whats the point in investing in a PC when pic related exists?
Because ive had a pc for like 2 years and this thing is STILL way weaker. Pc is more long term.
Can anyone tell me whats the point in investing in a Scorpio when PC exists?
>still way weaker
>equiv of a 1070 GPU
>8 core fully custom CPU running at 2.4ghz
>will run every xbox one game at 4k 30/60
>can run forza 6 on full ultra settings at 4k 60fps while only using 66% of the GPU power
>still weaker
i thought you PC elitists were supposed to be all knowing about specs and shit but you seem to know absolutely nothing about console architecture and the differences it has between a PC
But I've got a 1080 and a i5 3670k
>ive got a PC that will cost 2-3 times the cost of a scorpio
you basically just invalidated your fucking point then...
PC has more games, you don't even need to invest in a powerful PC unless you like shitty AAA games, my fucking 650 Ti is enough to play everything I want to play.
We weren't talking about cost user we were talking about power. Stop goal post moving.
>he doesn't know the scorpio's price
>will do x
>will do y
So it does nothing right now. Are you dumb enough to trust marketing in the year of our lord? Then you deserve what you're getting.
OP was asking whats the point in investing in a PC when a console exists that will play games at 4k 30/60 for a 1/2 the price of an equivalent PC
of course price comes into the mix...
hell yeah bro!! *high fives you*
i trust digital foundry
their sole purpose is to evaluate this kind of shit
>buying into console marketing memes
You aren't very smart, are you?
you can upgrade a PC a bit at a time
Granted if you want to buy a gaming one right this second, it'll cost you, but if you had a gaming PC for years you could have upgraded it as needed
Is it out? Is it a comercial mass produced machine you can purchase from retail? Nothing matters until it's a product.
Cheaper (if you either pay for online or buy a shit tier computer every 5 years, almost everyone does both)
Useful to have a good pc for generl use
>Scorpio is $600
>Matches a $600 PC now
>PC prices will drop faster than Console prices
>PC upgrades will be available
There is still no reason to buy consoles as far as hardware quality and longevity go. All they have are exclusives which is literally a huge company paying developers to not release on PC. Good system.
>8 core Jaguar CPU running at 2.3GHz*
>Microsoft never claimed all games will be 4K, many Xbox One games are only 720p so jumping to 4K would be a 9x resolution increase
As to Forza, nothing impressive about a racing game that already runs at 1080/60 on a launch Xbone. Let's see how it handles games that the regular Xbox One struggled to run like Quantum Break.
>Can anyone tell me whats the point in investing in a PC
"Investing" in any kind of consumer electronics is beyond retarded, they always lose value, without exception. You buy it because you use it at the moment. That's all.
As for the question your retard brain probably tried to ask, it's because PCs are better in every way.
>Can anyone tell me whats the point in investing in pic related when PCs exist?
I know you're meming but building a PC is better in so many ways
>no PC exclusives
>can't play with kb+m
>closed system so can't customize stuff myself
>can't do other stuff that I do with my PC
>I imagine it can't be upgraded so I'd be stuck with it for however long until they release a new one
>if I can update it it would probably require proprietary garbage that's more expensive
>people still buying into microsoft's console marketing bullshit
damn, imagine the Scorpio's 6 TFLOPs on top of the Cloud.... sounds like a real next-gen experience!
>Xbox running QB at native 4k
How soon before reports of Scorpios burning down homes?
I remember When PS2 was originally released it was also hyped up to being a hundred times more powerful than any PC of the time