Brain thread

patrician taste edition

Demon's Souls is actually better than Dark Souls, I'm gonna replay it now




My nigga.



Lords of the Fallen was objectively mediocre. The only actual reason to say how much you loved it is to be a hipster contrarian

Is lords of the fallen actually good or is this the usual Sup Forums contrarian bullshit?

Found this, but needs to be reversed

That piece of shit game was to easy.
I don't understand why it was trying to call itself a western Dark Souls.

you don't understand the point of the meme do you

>holding hands this low
what the fuck

Its ok, its not better than any Souls games but if you like those games its the off brand version and probably worth playing just to see how these kinds of games could be done badly, and how Souls games did it right.

Pretty sure it's a troll image, Lords of the Fallen sucked, and I say that as someone who loves the Souls games and Nioh. Ya'll bein trolled.

do i need to buy photoshop to make these


Does anyone have a template? Preferably the long versions.

>patrician taste edition

nvm I found one