What other games are coming out for the Switch that make it worth getting?

What other games are coming out for the Switch that make it worth getting?

Zelda is out but I already have it for Wii U and there's hardly a difference in performance.

The only other two games that look good are Super Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade Chronicles 2, which don't even have a set release date.

Is the Switch even worth getting? I really don't wanna buy another Nintendo console and let it sit in the corner collecting dust.

Don't buy a console or handheld in its first year.

I know what you mean. Right now that PS4 is making a killing with tons of great exclusives. The Switch doesn't have jack shit aside from Zelda right now.

Shitposting in a nutshell you mean
What the fuck is preventing people from owning both?


Poorfags dont buy a switch on release. Almost anyone that did already had a PS4

Why should I buy redundant hardware?
The real question is what is preventing Nintendo from becoming a 3rd party developer and focusing on their strong suit? The real answer is faggots like you who keep supporting them.

Oh you are one of those retards, nice, you are always amusing.

>What the fuck is preventing people from owning both?
If you haven't noticed, console war shitposters are either NEETs or underaged who can't afford to buy their own toys.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is a good pickup if you skipped the Wii U like most of us did.

There is a future where we will look back and laugh that Nintendo once made hardware

Sure man whatever you say. Im not even going to try to educate you because all the info is out there.

Info about what?

>The real answer is faggots like you who keep supporting them.
The real answer is because when they have a system that is a hit, they make so much money that it can fund the development of a half dozen poor-selling systems while still turning a profit.

Keep in mind you're saying the exact same thing that people said during the Gamecube era, before Nintendo had their unfathomably successful Wii.
Betting against Nintendo has proven to be a fool's game in the long run.

I feel like the whole portable feature for the Switch is overlooked.

I was on the fence about buying a switch and said fuck it and got one last weekend with Zelda. It's honestly fucking nice to play on my tv in the living room, then when I'm done just pick it up and play it in bed before I go to sleep.

The controls aren't nearly as good as the pro controller, and the battery only lasting 2 hours is kind of shitty, but I only play for about an hour in bed and you can just charge it with a wall charger while you play anyways as long as you have a longer cord then the one that comes with it.

All the poorfags and haters can cry all they want, but the Switch is probably the comfiest console I own, and I own all 3 and PC.

>Betting against Nintendo has proven to be a fool's game in the long run.
Except that "in the long run" has proven to be a downward trend with 1 outlier in each of their markets.

You also fail to understand why the DS and Wii were as popular as they were, and that's because they appealed to casuals before smart phones were a thing. Now that iPhone and Android have monopolized that market, they're not coming back. Not for a portable Wii U. Nintendo would need another fad like motion controls and the Switch has none of that.

I would never bet against Nintendo as a whole. I think they can do phenomenally, even better than their DS and Wii era, if they become a 3rd party developer, and especially start publishing games on smart phones. Pokemon games would be right at home because it's not like you need complex input buttons to play them anyway

Yeah, they have to pay licensing fees and yeah they don't make whatever small profit margin on their hardware, but they will more than make up with it with highly increased sales volume of their games.

Less than 80 million people bought a Wii U or 3DS. Why well games to less than 80 million when you can sell to hundreds of millions? It just doesn't make sense in the end.

Betting for Nintendo to stay in the hardware game is a losing proposition in the long run. They will absolutely exit eventually, it's not an "if" but a "when".

Because Nintendo relies on dominating their own ecosystem to make boatloads of money. This is what allows them to make and sell stuff like Yoshi's Woolly World. That shit sold half of what Horizon did and it was made on a tenth the budget.

When more players enter the market it's going to shrink the market share for each individual company. Nintendo runs a business that's inherently hostile to third parties, there were always vulnerable to some generic multiplat box taking over. What they managed to do was remain profitable in spite of that, they're doing absolutely fine. They even made a profit on the WiiU.

>redundant hardware?

Makin up buzzwords isn't an argument, fag

>They even made a profit on the WiiU.
You realize if you add up all their gains and losses over the last five years, they've lost money, right?

As its own product the WiiU was profitable. It just wasn't profitable enough to cover all the R&D, production, storage, and software development for the Switch.

>As its own product the WiiU was profitable
"We're selling it for a profit" =/= It was a profitable business venture

When you calculate long term brand damage, the Wii U was utterly cataclysmic.

>le Nintendo going 3rd party seems obvious maymay




>That linear regression
>and from numbers this old

Your entire post is very easily dismissed on basis of posting that image alone.

>GBA before N64
>Almost 20 million units missing from the 3DS figure

Why even.


>When you calculate long term brand damage

Hahaha, no.

People hardly knew the Wii U existed. It hardly harmed the brand at all to anyone but business people. Nintendo's handling of the launch may have hurt their relations with certain retailers, but signs are pointing to those wounds healing up somewhat nicely.

I own a PS4 as well as a Switch and i totally feel you, Zelda in bed is maximum fucking comfy and in a week and a bit MK8 deluxe will be out and I'll be having a blast with that and Persona 5
2017 is the best year for JPN gaming in over a decade, thank you based Nihon

>signs are pointing to those wounds healing up somewhat nicely.
Yes, like Nintendo having a small little corner now in the video games section when Sony and MS each get their own isle. Though I guess that's what happens when you consolidate your handheld and home console markets into a single last ditch effort

Not to mention the dominance nintendo have had for decades of the handheld market. I don't see how people can think they will go software only when they have all that money.


Switch is brand new, why would it be more than a corner of the store? Last I checked the 3DS was quite large.

Stardew Valley handheld comfy mode.

maybe some RPGs, that would prob seal my purchase sometime in the future, i will never pay for online in any capacity, so anything with online features is a no go, Animal Crossing for the 3DS is the last AC game i will ever play.

>Last I checked the 3DS was quite large.
Go check again

My local Walmart has all 3DS, Wii U, Switch, and even Wii and DS shit crammed into a single shelving segmet

When other narratives become stale console warriors come up with new ones

I've seen the same silly argument in a thread yesterday, a guy posted a random pic of a PSVita section in a Japanese store while saying that on the other hand you can't find Nintendo stuff the same way because they're dead or whatever

Literally no. And I say this as someone who was REALLY looking forward to it. The only fucking thing it has is BoTW, and that doesn't look likely to change at all any time soon, the recent direct showed this very clearly. Splatoon is only looked forward to by pedoshits, just like the first game. And arms is just some blatant esports bait garbage that will be dead within a month of release. It's a real fucking shame but there really isn't a reason to buy one. If all you want is BoTW you're far better served getting a WiiU because then you can at least hack it for VC stuff.