>Heavensward made my favorite spell almost useless
>Stormblood will remove it

What's your favorite spell?

one ilm punch

Thunder 3

You have to consider that
>The game has too many redundant or useless abilities already
>They're going to add new abilities in Stormblood
Pruning is a good thing in this case. I seriously doubt it'll be a WoD/Legion scenario where suddenly every class has 4 buttons.

Is there a list of whats going to be pruned?

I hope they prune doom spike/ring of thorns

>go to spell for thunder when you get a proc
>almost useless
are you retarded

Doom Spike can stay, Ring of Thorns needs to go.
They can also take Feint, Keen Flurry and Piercing Talon. All completely useless.


Shitter blm detected, stop making my job look bad. What's this about SB removing it?

>final fantasy mmo only has 4-5 gear sets that look like they came out of a classic ff game

why is this? many of them look like shit too. im looking at you ct1 tank gear, firion set, and whm af2

Nah there's little solid information on stormblood yet

Monk AF1 set is great but the boots are kinda dumb.
Are there any good alternatives?

Because it wouldn't be its own game if all they did was rehash old appearances. It's nice that there are the throwback sets to scratch the nostalgia itch, but I actually like most of the new stuff too.

Ring of Thorns had better stay just because I like pole dancing.

no your fucked all the gear looks like shitty ass

>tryhard faggot
Thunder was completely useless when HW launched. But you were playing WoW back then right?

Anyone here done their light farming? How long does this shit take? I guess everyone farms fist savage for this stage? is that even hard? I've only done the first handful of alex raids savage and that was a while ago, what should I expect?

If you only farm A1S during bonus windows with a decent group you can get the whole stage done in 5-6 hours.

A1S is a glorified training dummy now, with the occasional aoes.

What party should do to make you angry enough to leave dungeon?

>BLM rp's as "Ice Mage"

acting like a cunt in a learning party that was advertised as a learning party.

>Tank doesnt use aoe abilities
>Tank has almost as much hp as a DPS
>blackmage that doesnt use AOE abilities
>blackmage that uses freeze and never uses flare
>healers that emote inbetween heals instead of dpsing
>DPS that do single target attacks in large aoe groups
>in general if it takes 10min just to pass first boss


>tfw play Paladin
>both thrilled and absolutely terrified of what new abilities and changes my class will get in Stormblood

On one hand, they can give Paladin some real aoe damage and offense mechanics to manage, and on the other hand they can double down on their "defense tank" meme despite the game revolving around pushing as much damage as possible and have the class be shit for another entire expansion

If you leave after just one of this things, you are cunt


>PLD used to compete with WAR for single target damage
>they give WAR a DPS stance
>balancing is too hard guys we can't add things such as specs or set bonuses


i give them all a chance until after the first boss

As excited as I am for the PLD rework, I can't help but feel that their gonna go down the "defense tank" meme. They mentioned not wanting to change the gameplay style so beginners have access to an easier and simpler tank.

If this is true, then I'm sticking to DRK.

Can we all agree

This... is my favorite screenshot of Alphinaud.

Please, say something nice about him!

Fuck off.
E is a shit tier letter. It looks like shit and is all angular.
J on the other hand looks real nice and curvy.

Everyone wants to fuck your boyfriend.

I'm actually a frog :^)

>mention something about /xivg/'s pastebin
>gets ignored
I should have expected it.

Wait. We have a small patch toomorrow?!

Alphinaud is cute. I can't wait to explore the SB lands with him.

bug fixes + dun scaith weekly lockout removed + scripture weapon upgrades buyable

I like Alphinaud. In fact I hated him during 2.0 - 2.5, then really enjoyed his presence in 3.0, but I really would like to have a new party to travel with in 4.0

Alphinaud was bad in 2.X because there was no one around to knock him down a peg.

We know a few things from Famitsu previews.

>PLD will be "easy" to understand and play but more effective in groups, with more healing abilities
>WAR stances are likely to be removed and damage toned down, but still strong. Some abilities pruned to simplify Eye and Path rotations.
>MNK is seeing some of the biggest changes with an overhaul to it's playstyle. One Ilm Punch is gone, but so will other abilities.
>BRD is most likely losing Wanderer's Minute due to poor reception towards it. Songs will be a toggle with no MP drain (this might not be 100% true but Yoshi did say they want songs used more and that people don't use them due to concerns about MP.)
>DRG rotation RNG getting removed, going back to a solid rotation like in 2.5
>Doing damage as healers will be largely removed and harder to do. Possible stances for each healer but with long cooldowns between them to deter swapping in fights

I wish they would wait until a month before launch to talk about Job changes. Bits and pieces in the Famitsu stuff makes a lot of it sound bad and there is a stigma right now that they're oversimplifying the game, when it could just be a few useless abilities thrown out per Job and some condensed. But, at the same time, the 4Gamer April interview that just came out pretty much says "players will now have less actions to worry about but more interaction."

Honestly the constant bants between Alphinaud, Estinien, and Ysayle was the best damned thing about 3.0. Sitting round the campfire whilst the three of em argue was the most FF feeling this series has had in years.

It also helped that 3.0 Alphinaud's voice is better.

>>MNK is seeing some of the biggest changes with an overhaul to it's playstyle. One Ilm Punch is gone, but so will other abilities.
>>>Doing damage as healers will be largely removed and harder to do. Possible stances for each healer but with long cooldowns between them to deter swapping in fights

Why god

>>Doing damage as healers will be largely removed and harder to do. Possible stances for each healer but with long cooldowns between them to deter swapping in fights
gonna need some source for this bullshit

I don't want to believe anything of this.
I will put my despair/panic on ice until we get some concrete info next month.

>>WAR stances are likely to be removed

how can a tank tank with no tank stance?

I'm going to miss Estinien.

there's no source for any of this crap, anything gameplay related about stormblood will be revealed in may like yoshi said before multiple times.

>mfw they will probably fuck monk up hard

I don't like playing any other classes you fucks, don't you dare ruin it.
At least one ilm punch is getting removed

More healing skills for PLD is fucking great but the rest of the list does not bode well.


I'd like to believe this but then you said they were going to make DRG's rotation not a clusterfuck, so I don't believe you.

>people don't use them due to concerns about MP

What? There's nothing else for Bard to use MP on, why save it? It's the damage reduction I don't like, I use Foe Requiem almost all the time because it's the one that doesn't have it.

Almost everything you said was never mentioned in any interview, stop lying and/or using hyperbole.

>Aurum Vale
>Mob that both the NIN and BLM are fighting dies slower than the one I'm attacking
>They both get killed by 100-Tonze Swing

I very rarely abandon a roulette, but we actually wouldn't have been able to kill the final boss

>>Mob that both the NIN and BLM are fighting dies slower than the one I'm attacking
as long as they're doing ANYTHING that shouldn't be happening, what were they just standing their only using autoattacks?

Aurum Vale is so fucking easy, I did it with two randoms and without a tank because he left after he fucked up the first few pulls.

>not sticking to AF1 gear forever

Except SCH, PLD, BRD, BLM, AST are all shit awful looking. Replace them asap.

Pure bullshit.

Call me when the game has an actual combat system that doesn't run like molasses and give me actual class customization.

>MNK overhauled

Jesus fucking Christ why
It's the only fucking melee DD that isn't AIDS to play
How about they uncuck NIN before they start ruining fun classes

Thunder has never been useless. It's always been part of the opener and you have always needed to weave it in during ice to keep your dps up.


you all got tricked

Thank god. I'll renew my sub now that the lockout is gone.

DRK rework when?

Well the BLM was casting random spells as far as I could tell, and the NIN was flailing autistically but not in the way that NIN are supposed to

>scripture weapon upgrades buyable

what do you mean by this my nigga

>NPC looking up to talk to you
This is weird as fuck

When they nerf WAR first

i will find you and i will kill you


>with more healing abilities
Nice. Give us a battle Raise and Esuna, and make Clemency good.

buyable with don scorleone shillings

Estinien isn't dead though.

No, but he's left the story. We might see him again for the Dragoon 60-70 questline, yeah, but otherwise he's gone.


SCH has great AF1 except for the retarded shoes.

Delete paladin. Fixed.

That stuck up cunt shouldn't ever appear in the MSQ again

gobdip to upgrade shire weapons

mmos aren't for you then. mmos are MUDs with graphics, not action rpgs.

>>DRG rotation RNG getting removed, going back to a solid rotation like in 2.5

I don't believe you.

Welcome to FFXIV's alt thread.

This is what happens when there's a content drought.

No there isn't. Deal with the sexy foot wear.

Nothing about this sounds good.

>finish light farming
>can't get a party together for the primals
3 manned all the ARR primals, got to Ravana and wiped 3 times before clear because 5 people in the part were retard returners, tried Bismarck with 3 different parties and couldnt clear because of returners again doing stupid shit like the mch that wouldnt jump on Bismarcks back and the tank that decided he needed to tank blue and green together
Free weekends were a mistake

Estinien was the firm hand that Alphinaud needed in his life. Some one that knew to slap him and tell him to wake the fuck up that was wasn't his sister.

>mmos arent action rpgs

>dc online
>city of heroes
>guild wars
>tree of savior
>ragnarok online

Looks like ff 14 is your first mmo.


>another no healer near the rest of the group episode in shatter
Really sick of this shit.

the only action rpg on that list is vindictus, it's not a mmo as it has no persistent zones or game worlds.
the rest are literally mmos based on muds. they have a combat log, event log, and gameplay is entirely based on gear/numbers.

>dun scaith weekly lockout removed
Maybe now I can get that fucking scouting top

>guild wars
>ragnarok online
>Action rpg
Is it bait

So during the "bloody banquet" or whatever you wanna call it.

Why could the god slaying warrior of the light not dispatch some level 35 brass blades?

Also how come they all didn't just teleport to another city-state?

I'm still not sure if I even want to buy Stormblood

Doesn't sound as interesting as HW

I just want SAM to have the most autistically complex rotation possible

Those are action rpgs, faggots. Stop trying to redefine it. FF 14 is an action rpg, too, just a very slow one with built in latency.

You lose literally nothing. It was RNG for the sake of RNG. Yell it was barely RNG, it was one or the other with no differences between them.