Are there any non-pornographic video games that allow the girl to kiss me after a hard day's work?

Are there any non-pornographic video games that allow the girl to kiss me after a hard day's work?

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Die you degenerate Barneyfag

You mean besides Mario?

Literally fucking kill yourself degenerate

Grand theft auto


hang yourself

No Barney character is ever good, they all a shit

Literally fucking hang yourself

literally die



hmmmm time to reroute this discussion to VIDEO GAMES

Harvest Moon (at least, for the N64) will. After you procure a wife, she kisses you after+before every ingame day.

You can also do lewd things to her with the "milker"

hang yourself

Zelda 2.

Murder these dipshits

Fire Emblem Fates.

I hate their guts

I really do

Why won't they die

I really do hate them

Fuck their shit

I want them dead

Off yourself faggot, nobody gives a shit about your crusade.

racist mario

Mangle these faggots

Murder them

WtF I love mlp now

hang them all

Just ignore him, It's funny to see him yell into a empty room.

I really do fucking hate them

I fucking love when barneyfag shits up an entire thread


Fucking die

Why do you make these threads, barneyfag?

But I don't

>someone is autistic enough to save all those anti-Barney shit

hang them all

I hate them

I really do

murder yourself

>You can also do lewd things to her with the "milker"
W-what happens if you do?

behold, the man who makes his own containment threads

hang these fags
