The inFAMOUS series is basically dead now, right?

The inFAMOUS series is basically dead now, right?

Why is he crying

Why would it be ?

Of course not. We still need the remasters.

thinkgen of brother

of course it is, because infamous 2 discarded the ability to set up a good sequel in favor of having 2 endings

Maybe, maybe not

We're getting Spiderman though

The series can still bounce back. It feels like inFAMOUS: Second Son should've been two games.

One timeline were Cole scarifies himself to save humanity. Another one where Cole becomes the beast and Delsin or someone else has to defeat him.

why? it looked like cole was alive at the end of infamous 2 so they could easily bring him back, couldn't they?

shit, they could easily make another infamous game where the main ending is the protag becoming a villain and cole as well as delsin teaming up to kick his or her ass

I can see them ditching inFamous atleast for a while and making a new IP instead, like the Killzone devs did for Horizon.

I would say so. From what I've heard SP productions are working on a new IP.

>muh continuity
fuck Cole. his story is done. no need to shoehorn him in or make endless sequels. telling the story of a different conduit in a different setting each game is a much more interesting idea, even if they didn't do so hot with Delsin for the first new attempt.

What? I remember Cole dying in the good ending.

I actually really enjoyed Second Son, but I think I'm biased because I like playing as injuns


Sucker Punch has to announce something at E3


He's barely Native American. They actually made up his tribe because muh cultural insensitivity. Delsin is the whitest Indian in gaming,

haven't played it in a while but I remember him dying and his friend leaving the city with him on a boat. in the end there's a lightning bolt hitting the spot where the boat is. if that's not a cliffhanger, I don't know what is

Best injun.

I'd rather they pull a DMC4, than a "Original protag becomes the villain" plot.

that's not pic related

I'd rather they not do Prototype 2 again