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Who would win in this situation?

the farmer, he can just stay at a distance and lob fireballs at the pig until said pig becomes bacon

Farmer. Ranged attacks are always superior to direct attacks.

Pig wins
Speed's the same
Pig has more physical attack compared to the farmer's physical defense than the farmer has magic attack compared to the pig'd magic defense


roast pigs using fireball

Farmer. At equal speed, ranged attacker always wins. Also int usually scales magic attacks.

The Pig.

The farmers magic is driven from his crops. The pig will eat his crops and gain strength while weakening the farmer.

This is the correct answer.
The farmer even has the intelligence to deduce this solution. Since they both have the same speed, he can keep his distance for as long as he doesn't run into anything.



Considering their speed is equal and the farmer is a ranged character the farmer would win every time if played correctly.

biggie cheese hands down

Biggie Cheese, full stop

Alvin may be fast as fuck but he's not breaking through those defenses anytime soon even with Cheese's poorer MDef

>Doubting the power of 「Mr. Boombastic」

The rat. Low attack and defense never wins against high attack.

but what you didn't know....

Biggie cheese, alvin doesn't have enough attack power to get a high enough DPS out of his high speed stat.



But only for 6 seconds with a 120 sec cooldown





Still possible if alvin gets to button mashing really quickly.

Farmer, just frost bolt until he gets up close and frost nova, then blink and keep casting frost bolt.


GUN > Dumb fairy


why are we assuming the farmer is ranged? what if his magic is very limited in its range?

The one with the gun, not just because she has a higher int, but she has a gun.

Cirno because I love her

Can anyone defeat Jimbles?

How is this even a question? Alvin doesn't have shit, his only hope is having a meatshield.


Cirno because she can respawn

Ice baka will out-speed the gun.


Cirno since she has a slight speed advantage, allowing her to whittle down her opponent faster


With or without his cheese ray?

Oh it's the shit-post guild again, this time bringing their Sup Forums content over to Sup Forums.

Report the thread you guys, they're all ready on ban evasion status.

further proof it's them. These are the same shows/characters they use on Sup Forums as well. They also use Lazy Town, particularly using that "it's all mine" guy.


oh please, Sup Forums is "shitposting: the board". No one honestly cares anymore


What are you getting at?

CIA is playing the long game. He will outlive Bane in the meme realm.

But where is bane's plane?

Bane should have lots of sp.def.
He was born in darkness.


>dat space jin cirno
she's gonna break your balls user

This is laughable, CIA guy is pretty much a hard counter to bane.
CIA guys speed and magic combined with bane's weakness to magic and his slowness, it isn't even fair.

You've got stats wrong. Here is the correct version.

Can he be defeated?

Place your bets.




who would win in this situation

I want to root for L.A.M.A.L, but I think ERIOIOIRE had the advantage here.


Yes, you need FAST

I'll have the sauce on the left


>He thinks fast matters
even if you can get off that many attacks, they'll be pathetic in the face of a well-specced monster

You just have higher BST

It's weird, half the threads said 11, half said 13.
Now I want another anonymonster thread


How will it play out?

Fixed that for you.

wow, I have bunch of wrestling pics with these two! Anyone wanna see?

its [r9k] you f*gs

Please tell me more about this shitposting guild. Do they have ranks? Do they get payed for their work? Who's at the top?

none of these fucking fags watched the show

the answer is pig. not because of stats, but because of type matchup. so long as the pig doesnt have to speak, he can fight unhindered. the farmer is vegan type though, and has extreme difficulty letting animals come to harm.

fake and gay

He was molded by it