How did we go from this...
How did we go from this
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To this
to this? this?
Technical advancement?
or is it technological advancement?
Man, I hated how they threw Grimsdottir's character under the bus in Conviction. I don't mind the change in model but her banter with Sam was a lot of fun in the first three games and then they had to make everything so over the top dreary and depressing in all the subsequent games.
Not to mention, who thought it was a good idea to have the canon end of Double Agent be Sam killing Lambert. Literally fucking no one chose that ending. Can't believe how mishandled the series was after the PS2 era.
Because everything is serious and gritty nowadays. Especially anything involving espionage and counter-terrorism.
How did we go from this:
To this:
to THIS?
I can't believe Sam didn't motorboat her once.
How fucking old is Sam? He was supposed to be "too old for this shit" in his first game which came pit when i was like 12.
I think he used to be in his late forties, early fifties, in the new games he looks like late twenties.
Splinter Cell's change with Conviction came about with the likes of Jason Bourne and Jack Bauer.
In Conviction he's probably in his early 50s. In Blacklist they're not mentioning his age anymore since it's a soft reboot.
They so desperetly wanted Sam to out-old man the oldest if men... Im glad he is still here, but he never outsneaked the serpent
Double Agent was already a mis-step I think. Honestly they could have just made level packs for Chaos Theory until the end of time and I would have been happy. Instead they fucking torpedoed the series by removing all traces of levity and destroying any semblance of depth the stealth mechanics had.
>late twenties
Late thirties minimum, he has too much grey hair.
>since it's a soft reboot
what ?
It's not the direct sequel of Convinction ?
They even make some reference to him, and even to Double Agent
to this
I actually liked 7th gen Double Agent. It wasn't perfect but it still had the key things. Slow paced stealth and witty "I can't be arsed with this shit" Sam Ironside
Emphasis on "soft". It doesn't discard the story so far, but changes enough things to freshen up the universe.
to this?
>that suit
For what purpose?
Is soft reboot a new meme or something?
They should have just changed the character instead of trying to pretend it was still Sam after Ironside left. There's no reason Splinter Cell NEEDS to be about Sam Fisher specifically. People would have been a lot more open minded towards Blacklist if it hadn't been so transparently trying to ride the coat tails of its predecessors.
It's definitely a better game than the complete dogshit Conviction, but it's even less fondly remembered than that game simply because it was so terrified of taking any risks.
I remember the biggest shit fit when Blacklist was announced and they showed it off at E3. Like how they basically ignored all of the criticisms of Conviction and just went "look how action packed our game is!"
Glad they did a 180 after their game got shit on and added actual stealth.
10/10 have cranked it
Still Blacklist wasn't as comfy as Chaos Theory/Double Agent (PS2/XBOX).
Sam Fisher is kinda their James Bond though.
I just watched it. Fucking in game missiles you can launch on demand. I hope whoever decided to market it this way got fired.
Nu Grim > old Grim desu
Sam Fisher is a brand himself. If they created another protagonist, most people would complain that he's no Sam. Unless it was a woman, but then everyone would just throw a fit over SJWs.
I'd prefer for Sam to take place of Lambert (voice in the headphone) and for new guy to be new splinter cell operative. Watching Sam to degrade from Michael Ironside to actor from Smallville was painful.
>actor from Smallville
Hey now, Johnson did alright. His voice acting and body language was on point. It's just that the writers made Sam humorless, and when an iconic voice actor leaves you really can't replace him to please everyone.
why did they think it was a good idea to split double agent in two games, one of which is good
they actually use the pics from that version on the steam store too, it's literally false advertising
I never particularly liked Ironside. His voice was too distinctive, every time he spoke I felt an actor in a studio recording for a character, instead of a character speaking. Kinda like when Kiefer Sutherland voiced Big Boss.
IIRC he didn't leave, they just wanted one actor to do the mo-cap and say the lines. Which makes it all the sillier that they didn't put Sam in another role.
People just go
>dude replace Sam lmao
when it's not that easy. He's the face of the franchise and passing the torch is too risky. That's why they tried so hard in Blacklist to have it both ways, bring in a new actor while keeping Sam as the protagonist. Not to mention replacing him now would be too anti-climatic, seeing as Blacklist ended pretty much on a cliffhanger.
They recently replaced Jack Bauer with a new character in 24 and now nobody watches it and everyone thinks the show is a piece of shit.
To be reasonable, the new 24 is also really bad.
Well thats not fair, Chaos Theory came out when Ubisoft was on a fucking role.
Chaos Theory, Prince of Persia 3, Far Cry, and Brothers in Arms all basically came out back to back to back of one another. Nowadays they basically either try to play it safe or butcher their games with so much corporate meddling it's a wonder that they get anything out at all.
They're just so fucking lazy. 80% of their games over the past 5 years have been following the same formula. Not to mention all that downgrade drama.
>Brothers in Arms
Damn, I miss that shit.
I'm still waiting on the Hell's Highway sequel.
>who thought it was a good idea to have the canon end of Double Agent be Sam killing Lambert. Literally fucking no one chose that ending
Dufraisne had a nuclear bomb in NYC. Sam and Lambert were there for a job, and Sam understood what he would have to do to ensure that he has the upper hand for as long as possible to stop Dufraisne. When you shoot whatshisface instead, you're instantly caught by the surveillance camera. There's no way Sam would endanger millions of lives for the sake of one person even if it's a friend. Losing the ability to prove that he was in deep cover probably didn't matter t him because he thought his daughter was dead.
And it made sense to kill Lambert. After his death, Sam should have become the chief of the 3rd Echelon, with another splinter cell taking his place in the field. You know, what they actually ended up doing with NotSam in Blacklist.
I think Ironside was becoming tired of the character. I remember reading that he basically stopped giving a damn post-CT.
Kiefer Sutherland voiced Big Boss?
Well what can you do. I keep hearing Garrett every time I play a game with Stephen Russell.
*blocks path*
That female one is pretty good, did this app thing just do that on the fly?
Where the fuck were you hiding THOSE?
Good, I was about to walk into a woman's studies class, now I am not.
>implying Snake could ever challenge Sam
Not with MGS controls, friend.
Way better than her Conviction design.
Sadly you can't slap her around in Blacklist.
He did in GZ even if he didn't in TPP.
I seriously doubt that most of the dumbass mainstream consumers really care about the character of Sam Fisher, if you have another character wearing the iconic goggles, a few people might whine, but I guarantee you it would be more well received than what they tried to do with Blacklist.
haha XD i love this meme app is so funny instant classic llmao im so glad normalfag phoneposters are flooding this board haha
felt the same way. I actually played blacklist first because reasons and when I went to conviction I'm like "wtf is this"
Conviction is trash, play Chaos Theory.
It's on my to do list. But yea, conviction was total garbage.
Was there a big backlash about replacing Ironside from the mainstream audience though? I remember mostly people whining about that E3 demo.
his voice never seemed to fit the character.... I couldn't stop thinking "DO IT RICO!!"
Pretty sure Blacklist was completely rejected by both the mainstream and the enthusiast crowd. Enthusiasts were put off by the fact it looked like just more of Conviction's garbage except without the one voice actor that made it seem kinda related to the previous games. Mainstream crowd meanwhile had no interest in any game that wasn't a multiplayer-centric FPS at that time.
There's a reason there hasn't been one since, Blacklist was a big flop and Ubi decided they'd be better off focusing solely on asscreed and Far Cry.
>it adjusts features to suit image quality.
damn this thing is good.
>dude is walking around right next to the enemies
And you guys told be Blacklist was for casuals.
>the third one
wew lad
>posting racemixers