Are you hyped?

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It's probably not releasing in summer, so no need to get fully hyped just yet.

>this summer

Yes. I love that they're making it both 3d model based and sprite based.

Here's hoping they sell the double pack in america and that I can snag one.

>here's your controller, bro

I would be but apparantly there's no assurance at all the i'll even get to play it?

Thanks, I know the perfect spot on my shelf for this.

>turn based combat again

11 fucking games why dont you try to innovate even a little bit

sure Will be nice to get a solid RPG after the dogshit known as FFXV reared itself and was forgotten 1 month later

Son, I've missed turn based combat. Dont ever open your dirty mouth again

what do you mean, most jrpgs that have come out recently with the exception of ffxv have still had it

every dragon quest has had it

Retard the side series for this franchise are developed for this exact fucking reason.

DQ action games already exist, holy shit

Like clockwork

Man, is this the most underwhelming main character of all jrpg? Not saying he is bad, but he looks like a literal background npc. One that it isn't even a vendor or anything like that

I just want to wait a see just a bit more about the version differences other than graphics and the gimmick mode.

Pretty amazing to see a sony and nintendo product in the same package.

will this game have things in the overworld other than random chests and monsters and barren landscapes?

That blond girl is also pretty generic. I'd rather the blue hair boy.

Anyone know if it will be on Vita?

>turn based RPGs are dated!
>proceeds to play Bethesda """RPGs""" that combat revolves around standing in one place and mashing an aimbot or a single attack button
>proceeds to play FF games who haven't gotten turn-based right since V and had an identity-crisis leading to gutter trash ARPGs

Oh fuck, they made one of those for the PS4?

Does it get sticky as shit when dirt gets on it like the PS2 controller did?

I am hyped.
There will not be a Vita version of the game. Use Remote Play I guess.

I'm not really digging this cast from designs alone. Game looks great though.

*on my anus

Dragon Quest is beloved because it doesn't change. You know exactly what you're getting when you buy a Dragon Quest game.

Considering the designs of protagonists from 5, 7, and 8 I don't see anything really bad about this one.

Besides this protagonist is a nice departure from the spikey-haired Goku-faced protagonists we've had with most of the other games.


Yeah and now we got Trunks. Toriyama is a lazy fuck.


Wasn't this coming for PC? I think I remember hearing something about it.


Protagonist's face shares more in common with Android 17's but okay.
And even then you still can't deny that it's still different from the previous protagonists.

>Toriyama is a lazy fuck
When you consider that there's more to character design than just what their faces look like, and that he's still responsible most, if not all of the monster designs this series has then lazy is probably not the word you'd want to use to describe him.

People need to stop taking one aspect of Toriyama's style and blowing it out of proportion, especially when compared to many other popular series out of Japan that have the same fucking problems in their design if not worse, not to mention that their artstyles are 9/10 nowhere as distinguishable as Toriyama's to begin with.

That's a shame. With these kind of games its always nice to have it be portable(DQIX or Persona 4 golden).
Also remote play is not great

People don't even care when you bring up his art style has changed pretty drastically over the years

It's to be expected of mid-level anime snobs who just know toonami is gateway and started watching more "mature series for a more refined weeb such as themselves".

Tori don't even design characters for dragon quest anymore, it is someone else who copied his art. He just oversee the project and nods his head


That doesn't tell me anything about whether it will get sticky like the PS2 controller.

I use my PS2 Slime controller as a display piece since cleaning the gunk off of it would be a fucking nightmare.

Name 5 released this year that aren't Persona 5. You can't.

>musou shit