What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

his original jp voice actor passed away before they made p5

He's dead.

His previous Velvet Room was a smoking room

he's the last boss in persona 5

Can you faggots keep this shit in one thread

No one seemed to complain when Zelda BoTW was vogue.

>P3 Velvet room was an elevator
>P4 was an comfy limousine with a hot assistant
>P5 is a prison with dick assistants
Being Potter kun is suffering, bet that if he was an girl he'd get raped by kamoshida instead

Are you high? People complained everywhere.

and they were dismissed as sonybros.

Nearly every big release blows up like this
If you aren't used to it then you clearly have to lurk more

Just beat the game today
Lost my shit when real Igor showed up and the voice was much closer to old Igor VA

It's okay when Sony does it!

>dick assistants
That doesn't sound so bad.

>Female Potter-kun goes out without pantsu

nah. what was good for them is also fine for us. You had your fun, now it's our turn. ;)

Yeah, that blew my mind. I wasn't expecting any of the switcheroos post-pancakes.

Yusuke best boy.

Did they not bring old Igor back for the dub? In the 11 audio they just reused and stitched together the old VAs lines because he was dead.

>dick assistants
If only.

Definintely a different guy, but he tried to emulate the old style.

Who voiced the original Igor in the american dub? The same one from P3 an P4?

>Yearning for oblivion is strong enough to distill into nyx
>Nyx tries to spread oblivion
>Yearning for easy relationship without having to pen your heart is strong enough to distill into discoball
>Discoball spreads fog
>desire to be controlled is strong enough to distill into y'all da baoth
>y'all assumes direct control

Keep your avatars to yourself, collective unconsciousness.

Excellent Smithers XD

He's a fucking kike.

Weren't they just recycled lines from P3/P4?

In Japanese.
English got another new Igor who doesn't quite sound like P3/P4 Igor, but isn't as shit as Arena Igor.

Nice to know, thanks.