What went wrong? Is it even worth playing now?

What went wrong? Is it even worth playing now?

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It was never good, user.

Any game with a cash shop that does anything other than aesthetics is doomed to be p2w bullshit, as any non-p2w build/strategy will be patched to placate p2winners.

its all grind now. take it from someone who almost got to endgame

Is the 3ds version any good?

Introduction of potential system completely destroyed the game.

The gacha machine and wedding update KILLED IT. Nuff said.

Early development's exp curve was too much, which was great for getting the early community to join and dick around in PQ's.

Then the potential system hit, those who could afford it became far beyond the traditional balance, this along with a lower exp curve gave people the mentality of only building damage and since the grind was not as bad, they would be able to to it solo.

Game stared as a wonderful yet slow mess, and boiled over to a bloated power driven single player MMO.

Whats that?

There was a 3DS version?

It's like a early java game.

it was a mixture of the exp curve, mobs and areas being real dangerous, and the exp penalty for dying being fucking ridiculous.

This made working together in parties a huge thing.

Combine that with being forced together with others when travelling and a community was made.

>Whats that?

Potential is basically divided into several tiers. You buy cubes to upgrade your weapons/equipment to the highest potential tier and watch the numbers that fly up get larger and larger.

Potential is a system where a piece of equipment can gain bonus stats. To an absurd degree. To give an example, you can have a hat that gives you more than 30% of your main stat as a bonus. And that's just one piece of equipment out of... around 15 or so.

It used to be that you needed to party up with others to take down bosses. After the potential system was introduced, players were able to inflate their damage to absurd levels. To "deal" with it, new content is pumped out with bosses being insane damage sponges. From lvl 150-200, you essentially need to multiply your range by 10 to stand a decent chance at midgame. From there, you need to fuck around with RNG cubes to reroll your potential so you can increase your damage by say another 10x to stand any chance against endgame.

>tfw the 2007 nostalgia always pulls me back in every year or so
I never fucking learn.

Exploring dangerous as fuck areas with bros was amazing.
>tfw it's been a decade since you last played
Holy shit

I'd say the game is questionably fun up to about level 150, then it becomes a terrible, terrible power hungry mess with RNG.

Fuck Cubes

Everyone is waiting for 2 to come to the west

It was fantastic.

I still remember me and 2 other guys exploring the dungeon in victoria island when we were all 40-50.
It was terrifying and amazing.
We all died to the balrog.

It's dead as fuck. Reboot server was a nice idea but implemented in the most incorrect way.
>no trade
>still bullshit like cubes and 12*scrolls
What people wanted was to get rid of the bullshit cubes and 100 times rng scroll bullshit. The trading part of Maplestory was great but they took it out in the reboot server. It's became boring as fuck.

You will never have the old pre-ludi experience of exploring dungeons that were far too dangerous with friends ever again.

I remember channel hopping for balrog and the fuck huge tauros demon dudes. Dungeon was goat

Goddamn this game is the reason I didn't lose my virginity for a while
Fucking nostalgia hits everytime
all these feels
hold me bros

Is there any MMO thats still alive? Most of the time it feels like there's loads of people idle, makes it feel lonely.

I started playing right around when ludi came out. I remember going all the way down the 100 floor tower just to find nothing.

Also party quest and parties in general should be the main way to level up and progress again. I know parties in the early Maplestory were never a good way to level up but PQ was. It gave the players a reason to interact with each other. Nowadays people just solo the boss 3x a day doing the so called daily quest, cancer that is killing video games, and then just stop playing for the rest of the day. There is no reason to interact with anyone anymore, it's boring as fuck and the same applies to most modern MMO.

I HAVE AC @@@@


never played it, I feel like I missed out

/whisper XxXD3xlezzS1nXxX QUICK cc to ch5!


Honestly they need to fix that limitation bullshit. I have no idea how they programmed their server but to have a limited amount of PQ available was pretty bullshit.

this. I always played the game F2P and seeing people lower level than me doing literally 100 times my damage made me drop that shit instantly
literally, LITERALLY unplayable unless you drop $1000+ on the game

Nah, man.
The age of MMOs is over.

>fake sick
>mom leaves the house for the whole day
>get comfy
>boot up maplestory
>kerning empty because everybody is at school
>kpq with bros
>level to 30 in one day from 21

Yeah, an action sidescroller, Maple Story and the Girl of Destiny.

so what happened here?


looks like it was vaporware all along

In the last year that I played (European Maplestory) there were several gamebreaking dupe hacks made public.
I made a few 100 bucks, it was awesome. Ther was a big economy for this game, both legit and illegit.

Thats depressing since people still seem to make a big deal out of games like FF14, and it feels no different from playing something like Xenoblade Chronicles X with few people it feels like are on.

I still say MapleStory was a legitimately fantastic game, goggles off.
Obviously the invasiveness of the cash shop was toxic, but a gradual shift in the online community as a whole is what killed it, I say. Nobody today would want to play Omok while on a ferry to Orbis for example, and so the magic and charm is gone.

I made some great friends on this game (I still have a few on facebook). It was great to go on adventures with them.

they made a new server where all cash shop shit can be bought through mesos and you can't trade so it's all solo self found mode so no RMT either.

>tfw tried to play it the other day
>tfw was ready to grind mindlessly for hours
>tfw the highest resolution they had was like 13XX x 780 or something
>tfw 1440p master race

literally unplayable. Also my old characters from like 8 years ago had their names botched and are now just a bunch of random numbers reee.

I heard maplestory 2 is a flop. I'd go back if they make maplestory HD or real reborn MS2.

does this game have anything to do with pancakes?

>tfw had an european account and a global account
>got banned on both
fuck me :( I had some anniversary hats too.

Why is it so hard for Nexon to go with a simpler, co-ordinated approach where people were dependent on each other and it encouraged making friends? As for MS2 being a flop, that would explain why it still hasnt come over 2 years after its release in korea.

I remember when they had the NX shop and I made around 200-300NX per Red Whip. Was able to afford my 2x and Pets that way.

I thought that was their way of allowing players to have alternative ways to access the cash shop but then they got rid of it.

It all went downhill from there.

omok on the boat was my shit.

The wave has hit and passed, it seems. Not much else to say about it.
It seems like mobas have really soaked up a lot of the audience.

See, this is common reasoning when someone's talking about their old favorite MMO. The community, the weird passion to diddle around with the world, the friends and adventures emergent from whatever the base game might be. It's that sort of stuff that's really passed on, it seems.

Because they made a lot of money. A lot.

I thought they got rid of it because of the dupers desu. Now they just use paypal though.

>Because they made a lot of money. A lot.

I wonder that's the reason they just gave up on it and stopped.
I can vaguely remember Nexon adding a function to the cashshop where you can sell in-game items for NX? some weapons were selling for 1k+ dollars. This was already happening on certain hacking websites (w8baby etc.) so they just wanted some extra cash because they knew people were willing to pay.

>still no maplestory 2

the dream is dead

isn't it out in korea?
but if you mean overseas, yeah gl

MS2 is trash and it'll be trash when we get the shitty port. Please stop this "Maplestory 2 will save Maplestory" meme.

but they nailed the look of 3d maplestory.

what happened?

I miss the sprites but it does look close to the artwork.

brb fappin

they really focused on the tits and ass in ms2

This kills the game.

Won't complain about that.

Every class became some homogenized mess of flash jump+screen engulfing columns of 20-digit numbers. The potential system in its very first iteration (3-lines) was ok, but it got WAAAAAY out of hand really fast.

I saw a recent paid promotion video for it from a youtuber. They gave him a huge leveled and geared dude, of course. It pretty much looked like you described. He couldn't say anything bad about it obviously but I could tell he was not really thrilled by any of it.

Same thing that happened to RO

And Gunbound for that matter.

Koreans can never seem to get it right... at least not for more than a certain amount of time.