Any good?

Any good?
Don't spoil it please and if you do use spoiler tags.

Not a game/10

Reminder Ashley did nothing wrong. Butthurt Chris fags please go.

Best interactive movie at least

Worth $10-15. Might be better with friends since the beginning is very slow and boring.

>Might be better with friends
Yeah, how fun for them, sitting there and watching you play. May as well just put in a fucking movie.


Yea it's pretty good worth $20-30

Basically an interactive movie, I watched a playthrough of it with a friend

its just a prank bro

We passed the controller when characters switched. Are you that unimaginative?

Thats pretty much exactly what he said

Get it on sale. It's a fun interactive movie when you're with a bunch of people. Had fun going through this and letting my friends and family bicker on what to do.

why would you play this instead of watching a good movie?

No, I don't want to sit there and play a game for 20% of the time, put in something that's not a single-player cinematic experience if you want to have friends over to play a game. Let's just watch a real fucking movie if that's what you want to do.

A very cheap american teenager horror movie.

For me the first part with the psychopath was much better, the typical hurr durr run from the monster part was boring shit.

>when you're with a bunch of people
They'll be fucking bored and wonder why they're sitting there watching you play a single-player game.

It excels in every single area where telltale has completely failed, grab it if it's

Game is basically jumpscare-fest.

- Great winter atmosphere
- Pretty good graphics
- Several likable characters
- Mr. Robot and Peter Stormare in the cast
- Story is more complex than you think at first
- You can make every main character make it through the game

- Uncanny valley
- Gameplay = Telltale Games with fleshlight
- It's not scary

Yes. Kept me intrested till the end. Couldnt bring myself to replay it to get all the collectables though. Was worth the 17 dollars i payed for it imo.

>getting mad at people for having friends

This might be why you don't have any, user


post butt

Yeah, it's pretty good.

Much better than any Telltale or David Cage shit with decent amounts of changes based on your decisions. Also best slasher flick in years.


You divvy up the characters between friends, so the controller gets passed around and everyone can contribute to how the game turns out. It's a surprisingly good time especially if there's girls around.


It's literally not a video game

>Having friends over and making them watch you play a single-player game
Nah, we'll play something else at Greg's house. His consoles support more than one local player, you know.

Right, everyone gets to play for 15% of the time and sit there and watch the rest. Not entertaining, just put an actual movie in and let's watch that for two hours instead.

Or, you know, we could all play a real game together, because there is such a thing as local MP on consoles that aren't PS4.

It's better than any of David Cage's shit at least.

Don't know what you're complaining about. If you and your friends don't like this type of game then don't play it. My friends that don't really play games had a good time with me.

It is perfectly playable by yourself as well.

Its not a game, that's the point. Its a movie that takes way too long to watch.

>My friends that don't really play games had a good time with me.
Right, they just wanted to watch a fucking movie. Its not offering the same experience, so anyone that expects a game (most people who would come over if invited on the premise that you're going to play some games) is going to be bored out of their minds.

This is true.

>Its not a game
I can interact with it. It's a game.